Race and ethnicity across the nation

Bom relatório com mapa de pontos

By John Keefe, Daniel Wolfe and Sergio Hernandez, CNNPublished Aug. 12, 2021

The United States is more diverse and has more people than ever before, with much of the growth occurring in and around metropolitan areas, according to the 2020 census. By plotting the population onto a map of the country according to density and group, it’s possible to get a bird’s-eye view of where we live and how we identify.

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How Severe Is the Western Drought?

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bom relatório sobre as secas nos EUA

An intense drought is gripping the American West. Extreme conditions are more widespread than at any point in at least 20 years, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, the government’s official drought-tracking service.

And the hottest months of summer are still to come.

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Templates para mapas, muito bem conseguidos, especialimente as aguarelas

For over a decade, Stamen has been exploring cartography with our clients and in research. These maps are presented here for your enjoyment and use wherever you display OpenStreetMap data.


These high-contrast B+W (black and white) maps are featured in our Dotspotting project. They are perfect for data mashups and exploring river meanders and coastal zones. Available in six flavors: standard tonerhybridlabelslinesbackground, and lite.

Available worldwide.


Orient yourself with our terrain maps, featuring hill shading and natural vegetation colors. These maps showcase advanced labeling and linework generalization of dual-carriageway roads. Terrain was developed in collaboration with Gem Spear and Nelson Minar. Available in four flavors: standard terrainlabelslines, and background.

Available worldwide.


Reminiscent of hand drawn maps, our watercolor maps apply raster effect area washes and organic edges over a paper texture to add warm pop to any map. Watercolor was inspired by the Bicycle Portraits project. Thanks to Cassidy Curtis for his early advice.

Available worldwide.

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The Beautiful Hidden Logic of Cities

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Padrões identificados em mapas de cidades.

After finishing my map of the most common road suffixes by length, I realized I could also map each individual road, colored by its suffix. This has led to the loveliest maps I’ve made.

Driving around your city, you’re probably somewhat aware of Avenues and Boulevards and Streets and Roads and so on. Here in Portland, at least, I know that Avenues run north-south and Streets run east-west. However, it’s hard to get an overall view of how all these road designations knit together. By coloring them, we can suddenly see a new, stunning view of what we normally take for granted.

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Map of Best Breweries in America

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Um mapa com as melhores produtoras de cerveja artesanal nos EUA e uma rota otimizada com algoritmos genéticos

RateBeer puts out a list every year for top 100 breweries in the world. The rankings are based on reviews, range across styles, and historical performance (and maybe a bit of subjectivity). RateBeer just published the list for 2018. Here’s a map of the 73 U.S.-based breweries.

Brewery Road Trip, Optimized With Genetic Algorithm

Now that we know where they are, let’s find out how to visit all of them in one go.

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norsecorp cyber attack info

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Um site dinâmico q mapeia informação sobre ciberataques em tempo real

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Statistical Atlas

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Um projeto em curso que pretende criar mapas temáticos de todos os dados existentes nos EUA, ambicioso, não?

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The beautiful R charts in London: The Information Capital

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Um bom exemplo de utilização de gráficos do R em ilustração.

If you’ve lived in or simply love London, a wonderful new book for your coffee-table is London: The Information Capital. In 100 beautifully-rendered charts, the book explores the data that underlies the city and its residents. To create most of these charts, geographer James Cheshire and designer Oliver Uberti relied on programs written in R. Using the R programming language not only created beautiful results, it saved time: “a couple of lines of code in R saved a day of manually drawing lines”.

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Poverty and Race in America

Uma boa representação gráfica interactiva

Uma boa representação gráfica interactiva

Strategies to tackle poverty, inequality, and neighborhood distress must be informed by local data. The history, geography, and politics of individual metro regions all matter profoundly, and any serious policy strategy must be tailored to local realities.
To help take the policy conversation from the general to the specific, we offer a new mapping tool. It lets you explore changes from 1980 to 2010 in where poor people of different races and ethnicities lived, for every metropolitan region nationwide.
Understanding how the geography of poverty has changed can provide essential context for answering questions like: Are some poor neighborhoods isolated from the region’s job opportunities? What would it take to connect them? Where should family support services be targeted? Which neighborhoods should be prioritized for improvements in essential amenities and opportunities? How can poor people across the metro landscape be better connected to the services and opportunities they seek?
For metro regions to systematically reduce poverty and expand opportunity, local civic and political leaders, advocates, and practitioners should start by sitting down together to understand the evolving realities of poverty, race, and place in their communities. We hope our maps help catalyze these conversations.

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Vector maps on the web with Mapbox GL

Novas funcionalidades da biblioteca Java para desenhar mapas vetoriais

Novas funcionalidades da biblioteca Java Script para desenhar mapas vetoriais

Online mapping just got an upgrade:

Announcing Mapbox GL JS — a fast and powerful new system for web maps. Mapbox GL JS is a client-side renderer, so it uses JavaScript and WebGL to dynamically draw data with the speed and smoothness of a video game. Instead of fixing styles and zoom levels at the server level, Mapbox GL puts power in JavaScript, allowing for dynamic styling and freeform interactivity.

For the non-developers: Online maps are typically stored pre-made on a server, in the form of a bunch of image files that are stitched together when you zoom in and out of a map. So developers have to periodically update the image files if they want their base maps to change. It’s a hassle, which is why base maps often look similar. With Mapbox GL, making changes is easier because the development pipeline is shorter.

More details on the JavaScript library here.

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