Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science, visualização
Uma boa estória com excelentes gráficos
By Giorgia Lupi
Ms. Lupi is an information designer who has been experiencing symptoms of long Covid for over three years.
Dec. 14, 2023
Every morning, I wake up in my Brooklyn apartment, and for two seconds, I can remember the old me. The me without pain, the me with energy, the me who could do whatever she wanted.
Then I’m shoved back into my new reality. As I fully come into consciousness, I feel dizzy, faint and nauseated. Pain pulses throughout my body, and my limbs feel simultaneously as heavy as concrete and weak as jelly. It feels as if a machine were squeezing my skull, and extreme exhaustion overtakes me.
These sensations have been a daily occurrence, with few exceptions, for the past three years and nine months. In the morning my boyfriend will be the one making coffee for us. He will run all of our errands. He will cook and clean. He now does all the things I used to do, the things I can’t do anymore.
Tags: COVID, covid longa, covid-19, dados
One million of us
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under infogramas \ dashboards, relatórios, visualização
Uma história das mortes por COVID nos estados unidos ilustrada com gráficos unitários e de linhas acumuladas.
By Sergio Peçanha and Yan Wu Updated May 18 at 3:00 p.m.Originally published May 12, 2022651
The pandemic’s death toll in the United States has surpassed 1 million people. Conveying the meaning or the magnitude of this number is impossible. But 1 million deaths is the benchmark of an unprecedented American tragedy.
Consider this comparison: The population of D.C. is about 670,000 people. Try to imagine life without every person, in every building, on every street, in the nation’s capital. And then imagine another 330,000 people are gone.
To attempt to put the 1 million deaths in context, we plotted its damage over more than two years and compared the continuing death toll with the tolls from previous catastrophes in our history.
A catalog of all the Covid visualizations
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science, visualização
Muitas visualizações, em geral, muito boas e algumas muito originais
The COVID-19 Online Visualization Collection is a project to catalog Covid-related graphics across countries, sources, and styles. They call it COVIC for short, which seems like a stretch for an acronym and a confusing way to introduce a project to people. But, it does categorize over 10,000 figures, which could be useful as a reference and historical context.
A new way to visualize the surge in Covid-19 cases in the U.S.
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science, relatórios, visualização
Bom relatório com muitos exemplos de gráficos de linhas
The month of July has seen Covid-19 cases in the United States increase at the fastest pace since last winter, marking the start of the latest wave of infections to afflict the nation. A new STAT analysis of Covid-19 case data reveals this new wave is already outpacing the spring and summer waves of 2020.
There are many metrics that governments, scientists, and media outlets have used to try and reckon with the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the most popular ways of visualizing Covid data has been to track the weekly average of new cases. This is pictured below.
Tags: COVID, gráficos de linhas, graphs
How Much the Everyday Changes When You Are in a Pandemic
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science, estatística, relatórios, visualização
Um gráfico inovador para mostrar a evolução entre dois pontos no tempo
A comparison of American time use in 2020 versus 2019By Nathan Yau
Our everyday routines changed over the past year, and with the recent data release from the 2020 American Time Use Survey, we can see by how much.
The survey, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, asks participants what they did over a 24-hour period. Usually, the survey is ongoing with results published each year, but in 2020, it was suspended from mid-March to mid-May.
Tags: alteração do modo de vida, COVID, tempo
How Europe, After a Fumbling Start, Overtook the U.S. in Vaccination
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science
bom relatório com muita animação e grande variedade de gráficos
Just a few months ago, European Union efforts were a mess, but its problems were temporary. The United States turned out to have the more lasting challenge.
Tags: animação, bar chart, belo, COVID
Vaccination burnout?
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science, relatórios, visualização

Muito bom relatório com gráficos originais e alguns interativos sobre a evolução da vacinação COVID-19
The pace of COVID-19 vaccinations is increasing in a handful of spots around the globe as the more contagious Delta variant spreads and governments expand their efforts to try to reach more people.
In Israel the vaccination rate had plateaued in April as new COVID infections were on a months-long steady decline. But when the arrival of Delta brought a spike of cases in June, the government jumped in quickly with a new campaign urging teenagers to get the shot and parents to vaccinate their children aged 12 to 15.
Tags: COVID, difference charts, gráficos