A Simple Introduction to Complex Stochastic Processes
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, matemática
Stochastic processes have many applications, including in finance and physics. It is an interesting model to represent many phenomena. Unfortunately the theory behind it is very difficult, making it accessible to a few ‘elite’ data scientists, and not popular in business contexts.
1. Construction of Time-Continuous Stochastic Processes: Brownian Motion
2. General Properties
Tags: análise de sistemas
European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes Speeches
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under materiais para profissionais

Os discursos da Neelie seguem as tendências do mercado, pelo q se fala muito em analytics, big data, etc.
Politicians’ speeches are important for shaping the policy debate, but they are too often designed as one-way messages.
We want to open up conversations around them, by making speeches commentable phrase by phrase.
Where best to start than from the European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes?
So just select a speech below and click on the phrases that you want to comment.
Tags: análise de sistemas, modelos empresariais
A fábrica de Lego e o Lean Six Sigma
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under materiais ensino, planeamento, videos
Neste vídeo, uma fábrica de Lego cuja situação era de caos e desastre torna-se um exemplo de gestão, após a aplicação dos conceitos de Lean Six Sigma.
Tags: análise de sistemas, definição, gestão de projetos, modelos empresariais
Como otimizar um processo de negócio
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, software
Neste artigo apresentarei uma técnica prática e eficaz para o aprimoramento dos processos corporativos, o mapeamento de processos. Esta técnica é apenas a ponta do iceberg de um tema muito mais abrangente denominado Business Process Management (BPM), ou Gestão por Processos de Negócio. Explicarei brevemente a metodologia de BPM, seus benefícios e ferramentas, mas o foco de nossa conversa é o primeiro passo desta metodologia o MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS.
Tags: análise de sistemas, definição, modelos empresariais, qualidade
xTuple ERP
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under materiais para profissionais, software
The Community Hub for xTuple ERP
Welcome to the community site for the open source PostBooks edition and the commercial editions of xTuple ERP.
Please look around to find instructional docs, forums, the issue tracker and more.
Tags: análise de sistemas, desnvolvimento de software, qualidade
Academic Earth
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under materiais ensino, videos
- Art & Architecture
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Education
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering (Except Electrical)
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- History
- International Relations
- Law
- Literature
- Mathematics
- Media Studies
- Medicine & Healthcare
- Online Bachelor’s Degrees
- Online Courses for Credit
- Online Master’s Degrees
- Online Professional Certificates
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Test Preparation
- Writing
Tags: análise de sistemas, b-learning, bioinformatica
The Science of Better
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional
what is O.R.?
In a nutshell, operational research (O.R.) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.
Tags: análise de sistemas, intro IO, otimização, problemas