Switching Jobs

Bons gráficos, bastante originais…

When people move to different jobs, here’s where they go.

By Nathan Yau

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Young Money

Bons gráficos de áreas

The jobs of young people with higher incomes and what they studied

By Nathan Yau

Income tends to increase with age, because more work experience and education tends to lead to higher paying jobs. However, young people can also earn higher incomes. Using data from the most recent 2022 American Community Survey, let’s see what those people studied and what they do for a living.

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Climate Disasters Drain US Emergency Fund, Adding to Government Shutdown Risk

bons gráficos de barras e de linhas acumulados e várias combinações deste tipo de gráficos

By Rachael Dottle and Leslie Kaufman Green + Politics
29 de setembro de 2023

Devastating fires in Maui and the fierce winds and rain of Hurricane Idalia are just two of the record 23 billion-dollar weather disasters the US has experienced so far this year, leaving little left in the primary government relief fund. Diminished resources combined with a potential shutdown of the federal government could hamper the response to any new disasters later this year.

Due in part to a warming climate, major disasters are increasing in frequency and cost, and federal spending on recovery has grown in step. The principal source of direct federal aid is the Disaster Relief Fund. This major source of individual and public aid managed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency is expected to be exhausted by the end of the fiscal year in September.

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Who We Spend Time with as We Get Older

Um gráfico de barras horizontais animando com variações ao longo do tempo

By Nathan Yau

In high school, we spend most of our days with friends and immediate family. Then we get older and get jobs, get married, and grow our own families to spend more time with co-workers, spouses, and kids. Here’s how things change, based on a decade of data from the American Time Use Survey, from age 15 to 80.

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Who Takes Care of the Kids, By Household Income

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Um exemplo de gráfico de barras com sub-barras

By Nathan Yau

Childcare is expensive in the United States. So as you would expect, higher-income households tend to use non-parental childcare more, whereas lower-income households tend more towards only parental care. Here are the percentages, based on 2019 estimates from the National Center for Education Statistics.

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How the Longest Running Shows Rated Over Episodes

Um bom gráfico de barras com muita informação

By Nathan Yau

Most television shows don’t get past the first season, but there are some that manage to stick around. These are the 175 longest running shows on IMDb that have ratings.

Episodes are colored by average rating. Some shows are consistently good, some shows people seem to love to hate, and then there are shows that are good at some point but eventually drop off.

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