Data Visualisation: Principles in Action

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March 2020 (Organized with Toulouse-Dataviz)

  The third edition of our annual Data Visualization context has been a real success, despite the covid-19. We decided to maintain the contest, and 37 contributions were submitted. You’ll find here all the dataviz.  The event (as well as the jury) was online only and we celebrated the winner in a live Twitch broadcast gathering more than 100 viewers and recorded.

How to Lie with Graphics 
October 2019-Feb 2020 ( MIAT Toulouse;  ENS Lyon & SMART-LERECO, Rennes)

  A new (improved?) version on this really hot topic, still with 10+ rules for lying and a little bit more of structure in the presentation. I was really happy to learn even more on truncated and double axes for these seminars. Thank you all for the invitation and for the great audience. The slides of my MIAT presentation are available here,those for my ENS-Lyon seminar are there,and those for my seminar at SMART-LERECO (INRAE, Rennes) are there

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OpenML Data

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Bom site com muitos dados para Aprendizagem

Only showing active (verified) datasets.

3239 results

credit-g (1) This dataset classifies people described by a set of attributes as good or bad credit risks. This dataset comes with a cost matrix: “` Good Bad (predicted) Good 0 1 (actual) Bad 5 0 “` It is worse… 505934 runs19 likes239 downloads258 reach28 impact
1000 instances – 21 features – 2 classes – 0 missing values

blood-transfusion-service-center (1) Data taken from the Blood Transfusion Service Center in Hsin-Chu City in Taiwan — this is a classification problem. To demonstrate the RFMTC marketing model (a modified version of RFM), this study… 467766 runs5 likes86 downloads91 reach41 impact
748 instances – 5 features – 2 classes – 0 missing values

monks-problems-2 (1) Once upon a time, in July 1991, the monks of Corsendonk Priory were faced with a school held in their priory, namely the 2nd European Summer School on Machine Learning. After listening more than one… 394293 runs2 likes27 downloads29 reach37 impact
601 instances – 7 features – 2 classes – 0 missing val

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Dados estatísticos e informação jurídica nas áreas do trabalho, emprego e proteção social.

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DS Beginners Guide

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Muitos links com informação relevante para Data Science

Quick Start Concepts


Introductory Concepts


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API Integration in Python

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able of Contents

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Axes of evil: How to lie with graphs

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Um blog com exemplos e links para outros sites.

As Mark Twain once said, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” Here are a few techniques to hide those pesky numbers and tell the story you feel, not the one you can prove.

Don your handlebar mustache and practice your evil laugh — we’re going in.

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Она Облачена в Свадебное Платье с Элегантным Лифом и Великолепной Юбкой

Торжество – незабываемое событие в жизни каждой девушки, и выбор платья играет центральную роль.

Конечно, свадебное платье с открытым лифом и пышной юбкой стало знаком женственности для многих невест.

Эволюция Пышных Свадебных Платьев

Начало популярности к пышным свадебным платьям закреплено в эпоху Викторианской Англии.

Дамы того времени любили пышные наряды, подчеркивающие их благородство.

  • Многие исторические личности носили свадебные платья с пышными юбками.
  • Такой стиль подчеркивал изящество фигуры.
  • Открытый лиф добавлял нотку смелости.

Со временем крой платья претерпевал несколько изменений, но характерная форма осталась неизменной.

Значение Открытого Лифа

Для многих невест, открытый лиф воплощает смелость, позволяя выразить свою индивидуальность.

Он добавляет грацию и женственность, делая образ невесты неповторимым.

Тем не менее, такой стиль требует тщательного выбора аксессуаров и подходящего белья.

Пышная Юбка: Воплощение Романтики

Пышная юбка воплощает дух свадебного платья, внося особый шарм в образ невесты.

Department for Transport publishes official statistics relating to the transport system in Great Britain

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Bons conjuntos de dados para utilizar em projetos.

Department for Transport publishes official statistics relating to the transport system in Great Britain.


  1. Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
  2. Latest transport statistics
  3. Statistical collections
  4. Forthcoming publications
  5. Corporate information
  6. Contact us

Conjuntos de dados da Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform
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Os data sets disponíveis nos serviços cloud da google.

About COVID-19 Public DatasetsBigQuery Public Datasets ProgramGetting started with COVID-19 Public Datasets

American Community Survey (ACS)United States Census BureauDetailed US demographic data at various geographic resolutions

Argentina Real Estate ListingsProperatiMonthly property listing data for Argentina since 2016

Austin Crime DataCity of AustinCity of Austin crime data for 2014 and 2015

Births Data SummaryCenters for Disease ControlNatality Data from CDC Births

Bitcoin Cash Cryptocurrency DatasetBitcoin CashThe Bitcoin Cash blockchain loaded to BigQuery and updated daily

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Journal of Physics: Conference Series

longa lista de artigos resultantes de conferências de Matemática e Física

The open access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service. 
