Lotteries, Covid, and Communicating Risk

Uma boa tentativa de explicar o conceito de risco de forma simples

Wayne Oldford

May 1, 2022

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Two sides of the same coin?

A few years ago, I was the “go to guy” at the University of Waterloo, asked to speak to local media, whenever a lottery jackpot got stupendously large (and the news cycle got exceedingly slow). My purpose was to relate to their audience the size of the chance of winning in a way that was quick yet comprehensible, which I did with some success on local radio and television stations.

Inevitably, though, the next day I would hear back of listener disappointment – that some of the fun of purchasing a ticket had been removed. Joy came from anticipating winning the prize and my exposition killed that for many, by them having gained an appreciation of the chance of actually winning.

I felt a little bit bad about this. I wanted people to understand the probabilities but I didn’t want to be a kill joy.

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Midterm elections 2022: The issues that matter to Americans

Uma boa análise dos termos mais pesquisados por região nos EUA, com mapas.

As the 2022 midterms approach, see which issues people in your congressional district care about

All politics are local.

To identify the most decisive issues for this year’s midterm voters, Axios dug through Google Trends search data in each congressional district.

We are tracking two trends:

  1. Absolute interest, which ranks the topics people are Googling most in their districts.
  2. Relative interest, which compares the interest in a topic from one district to another.

For example, people in Montana’s 2nd Congressional District have been searching about “jobs” less frequently than people in most other districts. The topic has low relative interest there. But in the same district, people search “jobs” more than any other topic listed. So “jobs” still comes in as No. 1 for absolute interest.

You can learn more about how we measure absolute interest and relative interest below or scroll down to explore the results on your own.

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Drivers race for the 2021 World Championship

as provas de fórmula 1 analisadas em 3 tipos de gráficos


Drivers race for the 2021 World Championship

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Chroma.js Color Palette Helper

Uma ferramenta para usar a construir paletas para os seus gráficos

This chroma.js-powered tool is here to help us mastering multi-hued, multi-stops color scales.

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How Much Time We Spend Alone and With Others

uma simulação do tempo q passamos com outros durante o dia ilustrada com gráficos de pontos em movimento e gráficos de barras acumuladas.

By Nathan Yau

Oftentimes what we’re doing isn’t so important as who we’re spending our time with. The chart below, based on data from the American Time Use Survey, shows a simulated day for 100 people.


A simulation of a weekday. Each dot represents a person.

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One million of us

Uma história das mortes por COVID nos estados unidos ilustrada com gráficos unitários e de linhas acumuladas.

By Sergio Peçanha and Yan Wu Updated May 18 at 3:00 p.m.Originally published May 12, 2022651

The pandemic’s death toll in the United States has surpassed 1 million people. Conveying the meaning or the magnitude of this number is impossible. But 1 million deaths is the benchmark of an unprecedented American tragedy.

Consider this comparison: The population of D.C. is about 670,000 people. Try to imagine life without every person, in every building, on every street, in the nation’s capital. And then imagine another 330,000 people are gone.

To attempt to put the 1 million deaths in context, we plotted its damage over more than two years and compared the continuing death toll with the tolls from previous catastrophes in our history.

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Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

Uma boa cábula dos comandos Linux principais.

Hitesh J Last Updated : 12/13/2021

There are hundreds – possibly thousands –  commands available in Linux. Remembering every command is not possible and it can be quite daunting for a novice user. The good news is that you don’t need to remember each command. Only a very small subset of those commands are used on a day-to-day basis.

This cheat sheet offers a set of commands that you can use for quick reference. I have prepared this Linux Commands Cheat Sheet as quick reference for both experienced and basic users.

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Remembering the lives lost to COVID-19 in America

Na tentativa de mostrar a proporção dos números os autores apresentam uma estória gráfica baseada no tamanho de losângulos

As COVID-19 began to spread in the U.S. in March 2020, Trump administration officials estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Americans might die. A worst-case scenario, they said, meant between 1.6 million and 2.2 million might perish. The figures felt staggeringly high.

Two years later, the U.S. has reached 1 million deaths even as COVID has faded from the headlines.

At this grim milestone, we sought to refocus on the scale of loss suffered. Scroll below to see more.

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Who We Spend Time with as We Get Older

Um gráfico de barras horizontais animando com variações ao longo do tempo

By Nathan Yau

In high school, we spend most of our days with friends and immediate family. Then we get older and get jobs, get married, and grow our own families to spend more time with co-workers, spouses, and kids. Here’s how things change, based on a decade of data from the American Time Use Survey, from age 15 to 80.

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Um excelente relatório, muito dinâmico e com muitos mapas

Linking the devastating 2021 fires and floods in British Columbia

A Sparkgeo Story Map by Gordon Logie

2021 was a very damaging year for the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC), with the weather exacting a heavy toll. A record-breaking heat wave led into a severe wildfire season. Following these, an extreme winter rainfall event led to catastrophic flood damage which cascaded through the Canadian economy, disrupting major arteries for travel and trade.

Here at Sparkgeo, we are interested in the role that geospatial technology can play to help commercial organizations, municipalities, and the general public adapt to the challenges of a changing climate.

We believe that geospatial technologies can help not only to assess the damage from climate disasters, but also help reveal the underlying geographical factors which contribute to where and why damage occurs. This type of analysis may enable models to predict a particular location’s exposure to climate-related risk factors.

To explore this further, we present a research project examining linkages between the wildfires and subsequent flood damage in 2021

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