The floor is lava

Um excelente infograma sobre a dissipação do calor no solo humanizado ou natural

How concrete, asphalt and urban heat islands add to the misery of heat waves

By Mariano Zafra

PUBLISHED JULY 31, 2023  15:40 AZOST

It only takes just a fraction of a second to suffer a pretty serious burn. Asphalt and concrete in direct sunlight can often reach surface temperatures as high as 82 Celsius (180 Fahrenheit) on the hottest days, said Dr. Kevin Foster, who directs the Arizona Burn Center in Phoenix.

Forecasters predict another heat wave in Phoenix this week after the U.S. National Weather Service declared the city had sweltered under high temperatures above 43°C (115°F) for 30 consecutive days in July. Across Europe, high temperature records have tumbled this summer and major heat waves in much of the world are expected to persist through August.

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Zenodo – open data

Um bom repositório de open data. É necessário registo, mas não tem custos para utilizar os dados.


  • Scope: All fields of research. All types of research artifacts. Content must not violate privacy or copyright, or breach confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements for data collected from human subjects.
  • Status of research data: Any status is accepted, from any stage of the research lifecycle.
  • Eligible depositors: Anyone may register as user of Zenodo. All users are allowed to deposit content for which they possess the appropriate rights.
  • Ownership: By uploading content, no change of ownership is implied and no property rights are transferred to CERN. All uploaded content remains the property of the parties prior to submission.
  • Data file formats: All formats are allowed – even preservation unfriendly. We are working on guidelines and features that will help people deposit in preservation friendly formats.
  • Volume and size limitations: Total files size limit per record is 50GB. Higher quotas can be requested and granted on a case-by-case basis.
  • Data quality: All information is provided “as-is”, and the user shall hold Zenodo and information providers supplying data to Zenodo free and harmless in connection with the use of such information.
  • Metadata types and sources: All metadata is stored internally in JSON-format according to a defined JSON schema. Metadata is exported in several standard formats such as MARCXML, Dublin Core, and DataCite Metadata Schema (according to the OpenAIRE Guidelines).
  • Language: For textual items, English is preferred but all languages are accepted.
  • Licenses: Users must specify a license for all publicly available files. Licenses for closed access files may be specified in the description field.

figshare – a home for research outputs

Uma excelente fonte de dados e estudos

the repository built to showcase all of your institution’s research outputs in one place

Get in touch

Our data repository

Our IR platform

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zenodo – open science

Um excelente site com montes de dados de todos os tipos

Passionate about Open Science!

Built and developed by researchers, to ensure that everyone can join in Open Science.

The OpenAIRE project, in the vanguard of the open access and open data movements in Europe was commissioned by the EC to support their nascent Open Data policy by providing a catch-all repository for EC funded research. CERN, an OpenAIRE partner and pioneer in open source, open access and open data, provided this capability and Zenodo was launched in May 2013.

In support of its research programme CERN has developed tools for Big Data management and extended Digital Library capabilities for Open Data. Through Zenodo these Big Science tools could be effectively shared with the long­-tail of research.

Open Science knows no borders!

The need for a catch-all is not restricted to one funder, or one nation, so the concept caught on, and Zenodo rapidly started welcoming research from all over the world, and from every discipline.

The digital revolution has necessitated a re­tooling of the scholarly processes to handle data and software, but this is proceeding at varying speeds across different communities, disciplines, and nations. To ensure no one is left behind through lack of access to the necessary tools and resources, Zenodo makes the sharing, curation and publication of data and software a reality for all researchers.

Geographic misconceptions about the location of continents

Uma estória sobre a geografia com boas animações

Misconceptions often seem to have a life of their own.

If learned early on, a foundationally incorrect view of the world can perpetuate, as students naturally build knowledge in light of a past, incorrect, understanding. Something as basic as our assumptions about the relative locations of Earth’s continents is an interesting, and actually sort of fun, example of how we can get things wrong right off the bat. Ultimately, everything is learned, but some curious geographic errors tend to persist more than others.

So what are some tantalizing locational mistakes that seemingly come pre-installed in American students’ minds that geography teachers wrestle to overcome?

So glad you asked! Here is a cherry-picked handful of examples that we’ll dive into…

  • The northiness of Africa
  • The northiness of Europe
  • The eastiness of South America

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The housing market is cooling. What’s it like in your area?

Um bom exemplo de um gráfico em espiral

By Kevin Schaul and 

Hamza Shaban

Sept. 20 at 11:35 a.m.

After spiraling to new heights during the pandemic, the housing market is finally starting to cool. Data on how fast homes have sold over the past decade shows how the market took off in the summer of 2020 and began to wind back down this spring.

Percent of homes that sold within two weeks, starting in Jan. 2012

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WHO Data Design Language

Uma linguagem para desenho de dados

Rich data experiences for public health data

Developed for the — the new home for WHO’s public health data — the WHO Data Design Language defines building blocks and techniques for creating rich, informative, accessible and equitable information experiences.

For Kore, with 9elements.

Team: Alice Thudt, Christian Laesser, Moritz Stefaner with Philippe Rivière, Sarah Fossheim, Maarten Lambrechts, with Mathias Schäfer, Leif Rothbrust, Philipp Doll and Matt Hollidge, Fred Wheeler, Yaseed Chaumoo.

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the pudding

Um bom exemplo de uma história bem contada, neste caso, sonora.

Hola y bienvenido.

This is an audio/visual story exploring the sounds of Mexico City’s streets.

To begin, please connect headphones and choose a language.

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the pudding

Where is there more livestock than people?

Continuing my investigation of the USDA Quickstats site I first used here

Notes on inspiration

I was first inspired to do this piece when I saw these analogous maps for France:

I figured that the USDA data I’d already been digging into had to have the data for the USA, and in fact, it did!

The data has holes in it–a county may appear one year but not the next. I got around this by using the most recent post-2010 data available for each county+animal type. When comparing these values to the human population, I made sure to use the ACS data for that same year.

The aesthetics came together very quickly. I considered doing the thing as Jules Grandin and keeping the maps ultra simple, but ultimately couldn’t resist showing the animal:human ratios instead of just which counties had more animals.

The first map ended up scratching that “ultra simple” itch, but with a bit of a twist. I chose not to show ratios in that one because it already has so much going on–I think adding in gradients of color just would have made it hard to read. I’m also quite proud of my venn diagram legend there!

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