The Most Frequently Used Emoji of 2021

Um relatório sobre a utilização de emojis com gráficos de pontos e high-low.

By Jennifer Daniel, Unicode Emoji Subcommittee Chair

The size of each emoji illustrates its relative popularity. Can you guess this year’s number one ranked emoji? 😉

92% of the world’s online population use emoji — but which emoji are we using? Well, it appears that reports of Tears of Joy’s death are greatly exaggerated 😂. According to data collected by the Unicode Consortium, the not-for-profit organization responsible for digitizing the world’s languages, Tears of Joy accounts for over 5% of all emoji use (the only other character that comes close is ❤️ and there is a steeeeeep cliff after that). The top ten emoji used worldwide are 😂 ❤️ 🤣 👍 😭 🙏 😘 🥰 😍 😊.

This collection of mostly positive vibes may seem familiar — it is not terribly different from the last time this data was published in 2019. As infinitely creative and diverse as the world is, the top 100 emoji comprise ~82% of total emoji shares. And yet …. There are 3,663 emoji. So, why does the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee keep reviewing proposals and adding new ones? 😵‍💫

This existential question haunts the subcommittee 👻. So, they set out to understand popularity on a more granular level: What are the most frequently used emoji? What do they have in common? Do we have too much of one type but not enough of another? How do we interpret the 83-spot leap (from 97 to 14!) in the use of Pleading Face 🥺? Check out the changes using the interactive tools of the #UnicodeEmojiMirror Project and share your observations!

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