Olympians are probably older — and younger — than you think

Um relatório com vários gráficos tipos histogramas unidimensionais (gráficos de pontos)

There were some outliers in the old days, but even in Tokyo, athletes range from boomers through Gen Z

By Bonnie Berkowitz andArtur Galocha July 31

As you would expect, two-thirds of the roughly 11,700 Olympians competing in Tokyo are in their 20s. Prime of life, blah blah blah.

But the rest of the athletes range from two preteens to four 60-somethings, and the older competitors nudged up the average age to 27 for the first time since 1948.

Since the first modern Olympics in 1896, the wide range of sports has allowed for a wide range of sportsmen — and sportswomen, beginning in 1900.

A 10-year-old boy competed in that first Games, and several septuagenarians have suited up. (A 98-year-old sort of competed in 1928, but whether he counts is debatable because he was entered in the art competition and also was dead.)

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