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Resultados do census de 2011

Resultados do censos de 2011

Resultados do censos de 2011

A maior fonte de informação nacional sobre a população, a família e a habitação.

Aceda aos Resultados Definitivos:

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Paddy – design a multi-stage survey

Jogo sério para desenho de inquéritos

Jogo sério para desenho de inquéritos

This game is a rice survey based on an actual survey carried out in Sri Lanka. In a small district there are 10 villages with a total of 160 farmers who each have one field in which to grow rice. A census of the area has been undertaken and the acreage cultivated by each farmer is known. There is now to be a crop cuttin survey whose main aim is to estimate the mean yield of rice per acre and hence the total production of rice in the district. The survey will also be used to investigate the use of fertilisers and the different varieties of rice used in the district.

The resources available allow for 30 plots to be sampled. The plots to be harvested are 1/80 acre but the yields are recorded in bushels per acre. Students use a multistage sampling scheme. For example:

  1. Select x villages
  2. From each village choose y fields
  3. Select z plots from each field

The game consists of 10 boxes each containing a number of envelopes, which themselves contain a number of slips of paper. The boxes represent a village so students select the boxes corresponding to their chosen villages. They open the boxes and select the envelopes labelled with their chosen field number. Information on the size of the field, the variety of rice used and the amount of fertiliser applied is also displayed on the envelope label. Finally, they select the slip of paper labelled with their chosen plot number and record the yield.

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where others talk like you do

Uso de algorimtos de visinho mais próximo para visualizar semelhanças

Uso de algorimtos de visinho mais próximo para visualizar semelhanças

North Carolina State statistics graduate student Joshua Katz already mapped dialect across the United States, and now there’s a fun addition in quiz form. Answer the 25-question survey (or the more detailed 140-question version if you dare), and you get a map of language similarity. More specifically, the result maps shows the probability that someone in that area understands what you’re saying.

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Survs: Ferramenta para inquéritos on-line

Boa ferramenta para construção de inquéritos on-line

Boa ferramenta para construção de inquéritos on-line

Create online surveys with your team easily and efficiently.

Survs is a web-based tool to create, distribute, and analyze online surveys. Its friendly interface and compelling features provide everything you need to get feedback.

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Introductory Statistics

Muito boas aulas e slides sobre testes não paramétricos e SPSS

Muito boas aulas e slides sobre testes não paramétricos e SPSS

Welcome to Limbo, where the lustful, gluttonous and wrathful wander in endless torment. Here you can uncover the searing agony of SPSS, the stomach churning fear of central tendency and the rancid bile of z-scores. Good luck, you’ll need it.

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Statistics on Likert Scale Surveys

Discute as análises de dados legítimas em escalas ordinais

Discute as análises de dados legítimas em escalas ordinais


What is a Likert Scale?

Reading in the survey from optical mark scanning sheet data

Producing a Table of the frequency results

Producing Means and Standard Deviations

Using T-Tests to compare groups

About the assumptions of the T-Test

An Alternative to T-Tests: the Chi Square Statistic

T-Tests on pairs of questions

Computing Subscales and what to do about reverse wording

Statistics on subscales

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Survey Design Tips

Conselho no desenho de questões de um questionário

Conselho no desenho de questões de um questionário

Survey Design Tips
Writing great questions is an art that like all arts requires a great amount of work, practice, and help from others. The following discussion is one that identifies some of the common pitfalls in survey design and helps in creating a great survey.

Avoid loaded or leading words or questions
Misplaced questions
Mutually non-exclusive response categories
Nonspecific questions
Confusing or unfamiliar words
Non-directed questions give respondents excessive latitude
Forcing answers
Non-exhaustive listings
Unbalanced listings
Double barreled questions
Dichotomous questions
Long questions
Questions on future intentions

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Survey Design

Bons conselhos para realização de inquéritos

Bons conselhos para realização de inquéritos

The Steps in a Survey Project

  1. Establish the goals of the project – What you want to learn
  2. Determine your sample – Whom you will interview
  3. Choose interviewing methodology – How you will interview
  4. Create your questionnaire – What you will ask
  5. Pre-test the questionnaire, if practical – Test the questions
  6. Conduct interviews and enter data – Ask the questions
  7. Analyze the data – Produce the reports

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SPSS Course Content

Elementos de um curso de SPSS básico de 2000

Elementos de um curso de SPSS básico de 2000

Descriptive Statistics
Frequencies Descriptives Explore: Statistics and Charts

Statistical Notes
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio 95% Confidence Intervals

Data Transformations

compute recode

File Transformations

Merge File - Add Cases

Crosstabulation and Measures of Association

Measures for Nominal Data Measures for Ordinal Data Interrater Agreement

Differences Between Two Groups

t test nonparametric tests

ANOVA: Between Subjects

—————————–General Linear Model (GLM)—————————

Design: A Design: A x B Design: A x B x C Simple Main Effects Studies with unequal ns

ANOVA: Repeated Measures

———General Linear Model (GLM)———

1 within-subjects factor 1 within-, 1 between-subjects factors 2 within-, 1 between-subjects factors

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