Life Expectancy of Pets

Bons gráficos de linhas e de intervalos

By Nathan Yau

When getting a pet, you probably don’t want to accidentally sign up for a twenty-year commitment with an impulse adoption. That’s a bad deal for you and the animal. Consider how long potential companions will be around.

Like people, individual life spans can vary based on environment and health, but you can at least get an idea.

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The World Chess Championship In 5 Charts

Uma descrição de um campeonato de xadrez com gráficos de diferença, histogramas, mapas de calor e gráficos de radar.

How Magnus Carlsen cemented his GOAT status over 11 games.

By Simran Parwani and Oliver Roeder

Published Dec. 14, 2021

This article is part of our 2021 World Chess Championship series.

The 2021 World Chess Championship ended last week with Magnus Carlen of Norway, the world No. 1, defending his title against challenger Ian Nepomniachtchi of Russia. It was Carlsen’s fifth victory in the world championship, a title he has held since 2013, and the match went a long way toward cementing his status as the greatest chess player of all time.

The contest featured some of the best chess ever played by humans, nearly flawless even when examined by modern, superhuman machines. It also featured a few inexplicable blunders, and just three bad moves saw Nepomniachtchi’s chances slip quickly and irretrievably away. The match also generated a lot of data! We’ve charted some of it below.

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