Introduction to social network methods

Um bom livro online sobre SNA

Um bom livro online sobre SNA

Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle

Introduction to social network methods

Table of contents

About this book

This on-line textbook introduces many of the basics of formal approaches to the analysis of social networks.  The text relies heavily on the work of Freeman, Borgatti, and Everett (the authors of the UCINET software package). The materials here, and their organization, were also very strongly influenced by the text of Wasserman and Faust, and by a graduate seminar conducted by Professor Phillip Bonacich at UCLA.  Many other users have also made very helpful comments and suggestions based on the first version.   Errors and omissions, of course, are the responsibility of the authors.

You are invited to use and redistribute this text freely — but please acknowledge the source.

Hanneman, Robert A. and Mark Riddle.  2005.  Introduction to social network methods. Riverside, CA:  University of California, Riverside ( published in digital form at )

Table of contents:

1.    Social network data
2.    Why formal methods?
3.    Using graphs to represent social relations
4.    Working with Netdraw to visualize graphs
5.    Using matrices to represent social relations
6.    Working with network data
7.    Connection
8.    Embedding
9.    Ego networks
10.  Centrality and power
11.  Cliques and sub-groups
12.  Positions and roles: The idea of equivalence
13.  Measures of similarity and structural equivalence
14.  Automorphic equivalence
15.  Regular equivalence
16.  Multiplex networks
17. Two-mode networks
18.  Some statistical tools
After word


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Century of rock history

Para quem gosta de música esta visualização é extraordinária

Para quem gosta de música esta visualização é extraordinária

Jessica Edmondson visualized the history of rock music, from foundations in the pre-1900s to a boom in the 1960s and finally to what we have now. Nodes represent music styles, and edges represent musical connections. There are a lot of them and as a whole it’s a screen of spaghetti, but it’s animated, which is key. It starts at the beginning and develops over time, so you know where to go and what to look at. Music samples for each genre is also a nice touch. [Thanks, Jessica]

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Using Metadata to Find Paul Revere

Um exemplo de um estudo de redes sociais

Um exemplo de um estudo de redes sociais

It’s just metadata. What can you do with that? Kieran Healy, a sociology professor at Duke University, shows what you can do, with just some basic social network analysis. Using metadata from Paul Revere’s Ride on the groups that people belonged to, Healy sniffs out Paul Revere as a main target. Bonus points for writing the summary from the point of a view of an 18th century analyst.

What a nice picture! The analytical engine has arranged everyone neatly, picking out clusters of individuals and also showing both peripheral individuals and—more intriguingly—people who seem to bridge various groups in ways that might perhaps be relevant to national security. Look at that person right in the middle there. Zoom in if you wish. He seems to bridge several groups in an unusual (though perhaps not unique) way. His name is Paul Revere.

You can grab the R code and dataset on github, too, if you want to follow along.

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Introduction to Diagrams

Uma bela introdução aos grafos

Uma bela introdução aos grafos

Diagrams are everywhere — from the established conventions of highway signs to the newly emerging visualizations appearing on social networking websites.  Most people have a personal experience of diagrams whether drawing directions or figuring out how to operate a new computer. Yet very few people are familiar with how we read or construct diagrams.

This short film introduces the language of diagrams and their role in visual thinking and communication. As only a film can do, it reveals the vocabulary “in the wild” and in the context of making and using diagrams.

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RSA videos – Manuel Lima

Bom vídeo de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais (SNA)

Bom vídeo de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais (SNA)


RSA Animate – The Power of Networks

Excelente video de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais

Excelente video de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais


MindTouch – Wikis and Mashups

interface wiki para mashups

interface wiki para mashups

Introducing the Social Help System: revolutionary new software that creates product experts and happy customers.

Create loyal user advocates, more profitable customers and lower support costs. MindTouch TCS is a web based authoring and publishing environment that includes a knowledge base, help center, ticketing integration and help button. Your users deserve this.

See MindTouch.

Get a free trial or personalized tour.

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The Siena webpage

Siena SNA software Web Page

SIENA is a program for the statistical analysis of network data, with the focus on social networks.
Networks here are understood as entire (complete) networks, not as personal (egocentered) networks: it is assumed that a set of nodes (social actors) is given, and all ties (links) between these nodes are known – except perhaps for a moderate amount of missing data.
SIENA is designed for analyzing various types of data as dependent variables:

Longitudinal network data:
This refers to repeated measures of networks on a given node set (although it is allowed that there are some changes in the node set). Models can be specified with actor-oriented as well as tie-oriented dynamics.
Longitudinal data of networks and behavior:
This is like longitudinal network data, but in addition there are one or more changing nodal variables that are also treated as dependent variables, and referred to as behavior. The network will influence the dynamics of the behavior, and the behavior will influence the dynamics of the network. In other words, this is about the co-evolution of networks and behavior.
Cross-sectional network data.
‘Cross-sectional’ means that only one observation is available. This method uses exponential random graph models (‘ERGMs’), also called p* models.
The ERG model is implemented in SIENA version 3, but not any more in version 4 (RSiena).

The name SIENA stands for Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis.

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Ruth Ripley’s SNA Page

Ruth Ripley's page with slides and good links

I teach two courses on programming in R. Slides etc for the (shared) lectures are here and extra resources for the M.Sc course are here.

My 1998 D.Phil. thesis, Neural Network Models for Breast Cancer Prognosis, is available for downloading in PDF (2.7mb) or 2-up PostScript (680kb).

S-PLUS survival analysis software (similar to that used in the thesis) is available for Unix and Windows. (Previous versions of the software are available for S-PLUS 3.4 and S-PLUS 2000.)

Slides from a seminar entitled  Neural network based non-linear survival methods with applications to breast cancer prognosis are available for download as 4-up Postscript (zipped) (75kb)

Software for analysis of western medieval chant melodies, created in collaboration with the Oxchant Group in the Faculty of Music, is available here. A paper describing the work is available here.

A complete list of publications is available here.

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Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection

Bom site com dados para ARS

Bom site com dados para ARS

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