Internet aumenta em Portugal

Dados sobre a utilização de internet em Portugal

Dados sobre a utilização de internet em Portugal

Os dados do Bareme Internet 2012 mostram como a penetração de Internet em Portugal é hoje dez vezes maior do que há 16 anos.


Five years of traffic fatalities

Exwemplo de mapa tipo "tapete" para dados cronológicos e geográficos

Exemplo de mapa tipo "tapete" para dados cronológicos e geográficos

. John Nelson extended on that, pulling five years of data and subsetting by some factors: alcohol, weather, and if a pedestrian was involved. And he aggregated by time of day and day of week instead of calendar dates.

For example, the above is the breakdown of accidents that involved alcohol. As you might expect, there’s a higher count of traffic fatalities during the weekend and late night hours since people don’t have to work the next day. Or you can see when weather is a factor:

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Global temperature rises over past century

Boa visualização do aumento de temperaturas médias mundial

Boa visualização do aumento de temperaturas médias mundial

New Scientist mapped global temperature change based on a NASA GISTEMP analysis.

The graphs and maps all show changes relative to average temperatures for the three decades from 1951 to 1980, the earliest period for which there was sufficiently good coverage for comparison. This gives a consistent view of climate change across the globe. To put these numbers in context, the NASA team estimates that the global average temperature for the 1951-1980 baseline period was about 14 °C.

The more red an area the greater the increase was estimated to be, relative to estimates for 1951 to 1980 (especially noticeable in the Northern Hemisphere).

The most interesting part is when you compare all the way back to to the 19th century when it was much cooler. You can also click on locations for a time series of five-year averages.

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Novel Views: Les Miserables

Visualizações de dados inovadoras baseadas em text mining

Visualizações de dados inovadoras baseadas em text mining

Jeff Clark took a detailed look at Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables via character mentions, word connections, and word usage. The above is character mentions with color showing sentiment. Red means negative, and blue positive.

Characters are listed from top to bottom in their order of appearance. The horizontal space is segmented into the 5 volumes of the novel. Each volume is subdivided further with a faint line indicating the various books and, finally, small rectangles indicate the chapters within the books. In the 5 volumes there are a total of 48 books and 365 chapters. The height of the small rectangles indicate how frequently that character is mentioned in that particular chapter.

There’s a good amount of blue towards the end, when everyone decides everyone else isn’t so bad.

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Women as Academic Authors, 1665-2010

Exemplo de representação gráfica interativa com bolhas num eixo

Exemplo de representação gráfica interativa com bolhas num eixo

The Chronicle of Higher Education has a look at the percentage of academic papers published by women, over the past five centuries.

The articles and authors described in this data were drawn from the corpus of JSTOR, a digital archive of scholarly papers, by researchers at the Eigenfactor Project at the University of Washington. About two million articles, representing 1765 fields and sub-fields, were examined, spanning a period from 1665 to 2011. The data are presented here for three time periods, the latest one ending in 2010, and a view that combines all periods.

Percentage of female authors is on the horizontal, and each bubble is a subfield sized by total number of authors. The graphic starts with publishing for all years, but be sure to click on the tabs for each time span to see changes.

The data is based on the archive of about two million articles from JSTOR, and a hierarchical map equation method is used to determine subfields.

The gender classification they used for names seems like it could be nifty for some applications. Gender is inferred by comparing names against the ones kept by the U.S. Social Security Administration, which includes gender. If a name was used for female at least 95 percent of the time, it was classified as a female name, and the same was done with male. Anything ambiguous was not included in the study

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Introductory Statistics

Muito boas aulas e slides sobre testes não paramétricos e SPSS

Muito boas aulas e slides sobre testes não paramétricos e SPSS

Welcome to Limbo, where the lustful, gluttonous and wrathful wander in endless torment. Here you can uncover the searing agony of SPSS, the stomach churning fear of central tendency and the rancid bile of z-scores. Good luck, you’ll need it.

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PANDA – Practical Analysis of Nutritional Data

Bom livro sobre análise de dados e testes estatísticos

Bom livro sobre análise de dados e testes estatísticos

Chapter 1 –
Chapter 2 –

Chapter 3 –

Chapter 4 –

Chapter 5 –

Chapter 6 –

Chapter 8

Building and presenting a situation analysis
Child Feeding Practices

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Pitfalls of Data Analysis

Como evitar erros e viéses na análise de dados

Como evitar erros e viéses na análise de dados

There seems to be a pervasive notion that “you can prove anything with statistics.” This is only true if you use them improperly. In this workshop we’ll discuss things that people often overlook in their data analysis, and ways people sometimes “bend the rules” of statistics to support their viewpoint. We will also discuss ways you can make sure your own statistics are clear and accurate. I will include examples from medicine, education, and industry.

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SPSS Starter Kit

Lições sobre utilização introdutória ao SPSS

Lições sobre utilização introdutória ao SPSS

    SPSS Annotated Output
    SPSS Class Notes
    SPSS Learning Modules
    SPSS Frequently Asked Questions

    SPSS Library
    SPSS Code Fragments

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      IBM SPSS product portfolio

      Página da IBM dedicada ao SPSS e co.

      Página da IBM dedicada ao SPSS e co.

      Why SPSS software?

      With SPSS predictive analytics software, you can predict with confidence what will happen next so that you can make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes.

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