norsecorp cyber attack info

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Um site dinâmico q mapeia informação sobre ciberataques em tempo real

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Science Isn’t Broken

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Um bom blog com discussões interessantes e ilustrações muito boas

The Scientific Method 7:00 AM Aug 19, 2015

Science Isn’t Broken

It’s just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for.


Graphics by Ritchie King

If you follow the headlines, your confidence in science may have taken a hit lately.

Peer review? More like self-review. An investigation in November uncovered a scam in which researchers were rubber-stamping their own work, circumventing peer review at five high-profile publishers.

Hack Your Way To Scientific Glory

You’re a social scientist with a hunch: The U.S. economy is affected by whether Republicans or Democrats are in office. Try to show that a connection exists, using real data going back to 1948. For your results to be publishable in an academic journal, you’ll need to prove that they are “statistically significant” by achieving a low enough p-value.
“Science is great, but it’s low-yield. Most experiments fail. That doesn’t mean the challenge isn’t worth it, but we can’t expect every dollar to turn a positive result. Most of the things you try don’t work out — that’s just the nature of the process.”

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Statistical Atlas

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Um projeto em curso que pretende criar mapas temáticos de todos os dados existentes nos EUA, ambicioso, não?

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visualização do intervalo de confiança

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Boa forma de visualizar o conceito de Intervalo de Confiança Aleatório.

About the visualization

Some say that a shift from hypothesis testing to confidence intervals and estimation will lead to fewer statistical misinterpretations. Personally, I am not sure about that. But I agree with the sentiment that we should stop reducing statistical analysis to binary decision-making. The problem with CIs is that they are as unintuitive and as misunderstood p-values and null hypothesis significance testing. Moreover, CIs are often used to perform hypothesis tests and are therefore prone to the same misuses as p-values.

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Best Uses of Data Visualization

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Um curto mas bom vídeo sobre as várias facetas da visualização de dados.

Best Uses of Data Visualization
February 1, 2015

Data visualizations are everywhere these days, and why? Think of data visualization as information at a glance, a kind of language of statistics for the eyes.

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The beautiful R charts in London: The Information Capital

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Um bom exemplo de utilização de gráficos do R em ilustração.

If you’ve lived in or simply love London, a wonderful new book for your coffee-table is London: The Information Capital. In 100 beautifully-rendered charts, the book explores the data that underlies the city and its residents. To create most of these charts, geographer James Cheshire and designer Oliver Uberti relied on programs written in R. Using the R programming language not only created beautiful results, it saved time: “a couple of lines of code in R saved a day of manually drawing lines”.

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Data Visualization with JavaScript

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Um bom e-book sobre como construir visualizações com JavaScript

It’s getting hard to ignore the importance of data in our lives. Data is critical to the largest social organizations in human history. It can affect even the least consequential of our everyday decisions. And its collection has widespread geopolitical implications. Yet it also seems to be getting easier to ignore the data itself. One estimate suggests that 99.5% of the data our systems collect goes to waste. No one ever analyzes it effectively.

Data visualization is a tool that addresses this gap.

Effective visualizations clarify; they transform collections of abstract artifacts (otherwise known as numbers) into shapes and forms that viewers quickly grasp and understand. The best visualizations, in fact, impart this understanding subconsciously. Viewers comprehend the data immediately—without thinking. Such presentations free the viewer to more fully consider the implications of the data: the stories it tells, the insights it reveals, or even the warnings it offers. That, of course, defines the best kind of communication.

If you’re developing web sites or web applications today, there’s a good chance you have data to communicate, and that data may be begging for a good visualization. But how do you know what kind of visualization is appropriate? And, even more importantly, how do you actually create one? Answers to those very questions are the core of this book. In the chapters that follow, we explore dozens of different visualizations and visualization techniques and tool kits. Each example discusses the appropriateness of the visualization (and suggests possible alternatives) and provides step-by-step instructions for including the visualization in your own web pages.

To give you a better idea of what to expect from the book, here’s a quick description of what the book is, and what it is not.

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mais uma excelente animação, neste caso com tudo sobre os pilotos da F1 desde tempos imemoriais.

Hi, I’m Peter Cook and I love turning data into insightful, beautiful and interactive works.

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Moving Past Default Charts

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Um excelente tutorial para aprender a trabalhar com os parâmetros dos gráficos em R.

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By Nathan Yau
Customizing your charts doesn’t have to be a time-intensive process. With just a teeny bit more effort, you can get something that fits your needs.

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income rise hints at recovery

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Mais uma excelente representação gráfica interativa de um jornal on-line.

By Ted Mellnik and Lazaro Gamio, Published: Sept. 18, 2014

Although incomes are still lower than five years ago, most large metropolitan areas showed at least a tiny gain last year. The patterns suggest that while many regional economies may have turned a corner on the recession, incomes are making a slow advance toward 2009 levels. These charts show data for median household incomes released on Thursday by the Census Bureau in its American Community Survey. Related story.
