Lostalgic – visualização

Forma inovadora de visualizar uma série

Forma inovadora de visualizar uma série

This project is based on the entire ABC’s LOST TV show scripts, 115 episodes in 7 seasons, that I managed to parse from Lostpedia. I also parsed this page with additional information about hidden characters relations.

My aim for this project is not (only) to visualize some properties and patterns out of the script but actually to allow to read and enjoy the series in a different way.

I plan to add new views (will inform through twitter), more aimed to reveal global patterns in the script, and I will include cliffhangers and writing teams information.

Find more information about Lostalgic in this great article and interview by Greg J. Smith in Creative Applications.

This project is dedicated to the Lost writers, to the open culture and, in particular, to the community that built Lostpedia.

Modelos de dados

video sobre data modeling de apenas 60 segundos

60 Seconds Smarter: Data Modeling

Tackling tough tech in a minute or less. This episode explores Data Modeling with Steve Hoberman, Data Modeling expert, author and educator.

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Esri Maps for Office

software da ESRI para adicionar mapas a Excel e PowerPoint

Map-Enable Your Data

Making a map of your Excel data is as easy as creating a graph or chart. Learn more.

Impact Your Audience

Add interactive maps to your PowerPoint presentations. Learn more.

Share Maps in One Click

Quickly share your maps on the web and with mobile apps. Learn more.

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Project Management Body of Knowledge

Metodologia de gestão de projetos e norma ISO 21500

Metodologia de gestão de projetos e norma ISO 21500

O Project Management Body of Knowledge, também conhecido como PMBOK é um conjunto de práticas em gestão de projectos publicado pelo Project Management Institute e constitui a base do conhecimento em gerenciamento de projetos do PMI. Estas práticas são compiladas na forma de um guia, chamado de o Guia PMBOK.

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TileMill – SIGs para webdesign

Excelente software para criar mapas interativos (com dados)

Excelente software para criar mapas interativos (com dados)

Make beautiful interactive maps

Whether you’re a journalist, web designer, researcher, or seasoned cartographer, TileMill is the design studio you need to create stunning interactive maps.


Rede Hidrometeorológica dos Açores

Excelente site com dados hidrometereológicos

Excelente site com dados hidrometereológicos

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SNA Phone-hacking scandal

Aplicação de redes sociais para descrever um caso de corrupção

The web of connections on the right shows the key people involved in the phone-hacking story and how their professional and social lives are linked.

Read how the story developed by clicking on the arrows above. As each person’s professional and personal connections are revealed, the web builds up into a complex network of relationships.

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Better Life Index

Excelente aplicação Multicritério

RSA videos – Manuel Lima

Bom vídeo de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais (SNA)

Bom vídeo de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais (SNA)


RSA Animate – The Power of Networks

Excelente video de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais

Excelente video de divulgação sobre análise de redes sociais
