SPSS On-Line Training Workshop

Muitos e bons videos de utilização das versões mais recentes do SPSS

Muitos e bons videos de utilização das versões mais recentes do SPSS

Tutorials and Clips
camera.gif (1225 bytes) Overview of SPSS
camera.gif (1225 bytes) Getting Started
camera.gif (1225 bytes) Options in the Edit Menu
camera.gif (1225 bytes) Open Files in SPSS
camera.gif (1225 bytes) Define/Modify Variables
camera.gif (1225 bytes) File Manipulation: sort, merge, Transpose
camera.gif (1225 bytes) File Manipulation: select, split
camera.gif (1225 bytes) Programmability Extension-Using R inside SPSS
, …

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Raynald’s SPSS tools

Páginas pessoais com muita info. sobre SPSS

Páginas pessoais com muita info. sobre SPSS

Desde Dezembro de 1998 que tenho participado no grupo de discussão SPSSX-L e no newsgroup comp.soft-sys.stat.spss. Estas participações aumentaram o meu grau de conhecimento acerca SPSS em cerca de 25. Tenho aprendido muito com muitos utilizadores do SPSS, tais como:

John Hendrickx, Hector E. Maletta, Rolf Kjoeller, David Marso e Neila Nessa.

Pelo meu lado, respondi a cerca de 2100 questões colocadas nestes dois grupos de discussão. É mais divertido aprender o SPSS através da resposta a questões reais, do que a ler livros e a “inventar problemas” para  resolver. Acho que a diversidade de problemas e situações com que nos deparamos nestes grupos fascinantes. (E isto, provavelmente, diz muita coisa acerca da minha personalidade happyFace2.gif (633 bytes)).

Para uma visão geral da minha página, queiram consultar o mapa do site.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Newbie’s Corner
Sample SPSS Syntax
Learning SPSS Syntax
Debugging Syntax
Sample Macros

Macro Tutorials
Debugging Macros
Sample Scripts
Learning Scripts

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SPSS Programming and Data Management book

Manual grátis do IBM-SPSS

Manual grátis do IBM-SPSS

SPSS Programming and Data Management:
A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users

The first edition of the book was released by SPSS on January 7th, 2004. Here is the description found on SPSS’s site:

SPSS is pleased to announce the availability of “SPSS Programming and Data Management: A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users” written by SPSSX list member, Raynald Levesque, already well known for his practical solutions to complex SPSS programming problems.

The book reveals the wealth of functionality beneath the SPSS graphical user interface, with detailed examples of command syntax, the macro facility, scripting, and the new Output Management System. Until now, no other book has focused on these features, and many users have been unaware of the data management power and flexibility available in SPSS. The book also contains a chapter for users familiar with SAS, demonstrating how many common data management tasks are performed in both SAS and SPSS.

Although the first 5 editions (for SPSS 12 to SPSS 16) were available in hard copy, this is no longer the case. Only pdf versions are available for SPSS 17 and newer.

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IBM SPSS product portfolio

Página da IBM dedicada ao SPSS e co.

Página da IBM dedicada ao SPSS e co.

Why SPSS software?

With SPSS predictive analytics software, you can predict with confidence what will happen next so that you can make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes.

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How long will we live — and how well?

Gráfico animado de dispersão entre a esperança média de vida e a % de anos com saude

Gráfico animado de dispersão entre a esperança média de vida e a % de anos com saude

Circule entre os dois anos com informação para ver a animação.

For every year increase in life expectancy worldwide, healthy life expectancy increased about 9-1/2 months.

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OrgOrgChart: The Evolution of an Organization

As empresas são organismos vivos: animação do organigrama de uma grande empresa

As empresas são organismos vivos: animação do organigrama de uma grande empresa

The OrgOrgChart (Organic Organization Chart) project looks at the evolution of a company’s structure over time. A snapshot of the Autodesk organizational hierarchy was taken each day between May 2007 and June 2011, a span of 1498 days.

Each day the entire hierarchy of the company is constructed as a tree with each employee represented by a circle, and a line connecting each employee with his or her manager. Larger circles represent managers with more employees working under them. The tree is then laid out using a force-directed layout algorithm.

Each second in the animation is about one week of activity, and acquisitions are most obvious when big clumps of people join the company. The long-term changes are a little harder to see, because the branches in the network fade into the background. Recomputing the layout each week might be good for the next round.


Atlas of Science

Um atlas com mapas muito belos e informativos

Um atlas com mapas muito belos e informativos


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Introduction to Diagrams

Uma bela introdução aos grafos

Uma bela introdução aos grafos

Diagrams are everywhere — from the established conventions of highway signs to the newly emerging visualizations appearing on social networking websites.  Most people have a personal experience of diagrams whether drawing directions or figuring out how to operate a new computer. Yet very few people are familiar with how we read or construct diagrams.

This short film introduces the language of diagrams and their role in visual thinking and communication. As only a film can do, it reveals the vocabulary “in the wild” and in the context of making and using diagrams.

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UK Economic and Social Data Service

Bom site com muitos dados oficiais do Reino Unido

Bom site com muitos dados oficiais do Reino Unido


Guide to Maps and Mapping

Coleção de links sobre mapas

Colecção de links sobre mapas

Cartography is the study of creating maps. Cartographers are both artists and scientists who create those maps. Most maps relate spatial information two-dimensionally in order to communicate location, other geographic themes or information. Physical maps can be either flat, spherical like a globe, or digital.

There are two basic kinds of locational maps: topographic and topological. Topographic maps are produced to a standard scale, while topological maps are not. Maps have always been used to aid travelers regarding location. As information science and the need for a new way to disseminate information grew, mapping began to include themes. Dot maps for instance depict storm damage in a certain location, or how much soybean is produced in a certain state. The main purpose is to make the map meaningful to its user by keeping to a standardsymbology or legend, so that the map regardless of type, conveys the information necessary to the user who deems it valuable.

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