KNIME Image Processing (trusted extension)

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Apenas um exemplo das fantásticas possibilidades do KNIME

KNIME Image Processing (trusted extension)

Fri, 12/03/2010 – 13:09 — knime_admin


The KNIME Image Processing Plugin allows you to read in more than 120 different kinds of images (thanks to the Bio-Formats API) and to apply well known methods on images, like preprocessing. segmentation, feature extraction, tracking and classification in KNIME. In general these nodes operate on multi-dimensional image data (e.g. videos, 3D images, multi-channel images or even a combination of them), which is made possible by the internally used ImgLib2-API.

Several nodes are available to calculate image features (e.g. zernike-, texture- or histogram features) for segmented images (e.g. a single cell). These feature vectors can then be used to apply machine learning methods in order to train and apply a classifier.

Currently the Image Processing Plugin for KNIME provides ca. 100 nodes for (pre)-processing, filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, various views (2D, 3D), etc. and integrations for various other image processing tools are available (see used and integrated libraries)

Future directions include a full, bidirectional integration of ImageJ2. Such an integration allow the users to use directly use/update ImageJ2 Plugins inside KNIME as well as recording and running KNIME Workflows in ImageJ2. Please see ImageJ2 Integration (BETA) for more information.

For the first steps please consider the KNIME Image Processing User Manual (incomplete draft!).

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Real Chart Rules to Follow

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Excelente guia sobre construção de gráficos para representar dados.

There are a lot of “rules” for visualization. Some are actual rules, and some are suggestions to help you make choices. Many of the former can be broken, if that’s what the data dictates and you know what you’re doing.

But, there are rules—usually for specific chart types meant to be read in a specific way and with few exceptions—that you shouldn’t break. When they are, everyone loses. This is that small handful.

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Ternary Diagrams Using R

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Ensina a construir um diagrama ternário no R

Ternary Diagrams Using R: The ggtern Package

A tutorial by Douglas M. Wiig

There are a number of very useful and popular graphics packages available for R such as lattice, ggplot, ggplot2 and others. Some of these offer general purpose graphics capabilities and others are more specialized. A recently developed extension to the ggplot2 package is ggtern. This package is essentially a wrapper for a number of functions that can be used to create a variety of ternary diagrams. Ternary diagrams are useful when analyzing the relationship among three factors or elements. A ternary diagram essentially represents the proportions of three related factors in two-dimensional space.

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Comprehensive Guide to Data Visualization in R

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Bom resumo de alguns tipos de gráficos que podem ser obtidos no R, do mais simples a alguns mais complexos.

This visualization (originally created using Tableau) is a great example of how data visualization can help decision makers. Imagine telling this information to an investor through a table. How long do you think you will take to explain it to him?

With ever increasing volume of data in today’s world, it is impossible to tell stories without these visualizations. While there are dedicated tools like Tableau, QlikView and d3.js, nothing can replace a modeling / statistics tools with good visualization capability. It helps tremendously in doing any exploratory data analysis as well as feature engineering. This is where R offers incredible help.

R Programming offers a satisfactory set of inbuilt function and libraries (such as ggplot2, leaflet, lattice) to build visualizations and present data. In this article, I have covered the steps to create the common as well as advanced visualizations in R Programming.

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Uma imagem do tipo infografic com 19 aplicativos e serviços que podem fornecer informação estatística útil para profissionais de marketing digital ou quem pretende criar um website bem sucedido

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visualização do intervalo de confiança

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Boa forma de visualizar o conceito de Intervalo de Confiança Aleatório.

About the visualization

Some say that a shift from hypothesis testing to confidence intervals and estimation will lead to fewer statistical misinterpretations. Personally, I am not sure about that. But I agree with the sentiment that we should stop reducing statistical analysis to binary decision-making. The problem with CIs is that they are as unintuitive and as misunderstood p-values and null hypothesis significance testing. Moreover, CIs are often used to perform hypothesis tests and are therefore prone to the same misuses as p-values.

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R news and tutorials R bloggers

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Montes de blogs sobre R.

Here you will find daily news and tutorials about R, contributed by over 573 bloggers.

Top 3 Posts from the past 2 days

Top 9 articles of the week

  1. Installing R packages
  2. In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos
  3. New Version of RStudio (v0.99) Available Now
  4. Using apply, sapply, lapply in R
  5. Review of ‘Advanced R’ by Hadley Wickham
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S-PLUS & R Class Links

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montes de materiais para R e S-PLUS.

S-PLUS & R Class Links

Instructor: Richard Herrington

Why Do We Care To Use the “S” Language?  Does anyone care besides us? The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) cares


S-PLUS Student Edition Download (Free)

  • Student Edition 6.2 – This version of S-Plus has a 20,000 cell or 1,000 row limitation; is only for educational use; is good for only one year; and is a rather large download (100+ meg).

S-PLUS Free Experimental Libraries and User Contributed Libraries

  • Research Libraries – Includes: S+CorrelatedData (mixed effects generalized linear models), S+Best (B-Spline methods), S+Resample (bootstrap library), S+Bayes (bayesian analysis), S+FDA (functional data analysis).
  • User Contributed Libraries

Tinn-R Script Editor


Download Site for the Current Windows Install Binary and R Packages

Web Interfaces to R Web Servers and Example R Scripts

  • R Web Interfaces – Web/browser based interfaces to R script processing on a server
  • Example R Scripts – Some of these scripts run on a server and results are communicated thru a web browser
  • RSS Rweb Server – Link to http:/ R server

R, R(D)COM and Excel

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Rtips. Revival 2014!

Uma animação com todos os lugares referidos numa canção de johnny cash

Uma animação com todos os lugares referidos numa canção de johnny cash

Montes de exemplos de R numa única longa página.

Table of Contents
Section: Original Preface
Section 1: Data Input/Output
Section 2: Working with data frames: Recoding, selecting, aggregating
Section 3: Matrices and vector operations
Section 4: Applying functions, tapply, etc
Section 5: Graphing
Section 6: Common Statistical Chores
Section 7: Model Fitting (Regression-type things)
Section 8: Packages
Section 9: Misc. web resources
Section 10: R workspace
Section 11: Interface with the operating system
Section 12: Stupid R tricks: basics you can’t live without
Section 13: Misc R usages I find interesting

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