MapWindow GIS Open Source

mapWindow openSource software

mapWindow openSource software

MapWindow GIS desktop application is a free, open source, standards-based standalone software package that you can use to view and edit GIS data in many file formats.

Está longe de ter as funcionalidade do ArcGIS mas tem a grande vantagem de ser de código aberto.

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Problems with Gantt Charts

Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts), by Edward Tufte

Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts), by Edward Tufte

Computer screens are generally too small for an overview of big serious projects. Horizontal and vertical scrolling are necessary to see more than about 40 horizontal time lines for a reasonable period of time. Thus, for large projects, print out the sequence on a big roll of paper and put it up on a wall.


Criar gráficos de Gantt no Excel

Demonstra como criar um gráfico de Gantt no Excel

rrphillips | 14 de junho de 2007 | 688 pessoa(s) gosta(m), 18 pessoa(s) não gosta(m)

Using Excel 2007 to create a Gantt chart–a popular project management tool

Categoria: Guias e Estilo

Demonstra como criar um gráfico de Gantt no Excel

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As redes podem explodir

Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization discover how the size of networks can skyrocket

A single new connection can dramatically enhance the size of a network – no matter whether this connection represents an additional link in the Internet, a new acquaintance within a circle of friends or a connection between two nerve cells in the brain.

novas ligações fazem explodir a dimensão das redes

novas ligações fazem explodir a dimensão das redes


NodeXL: Suplemento do Excel openSource para SNA

Add-in do Excel para Análise de Redes Sociais (SNA)

Add-in do Excel para Análise de Redes Sociais (SNA)

Do you need to display and analyze a network graph but you don’t want to deal with difficult applications, arcane file formats, or advanced programming languages? NodeXL may be what you’re looking for.

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Poder da visualização: Iluminação nocturna

imagens de satélite

imagens de satélite

Explore Earth images at night. Use our online satellite images to zoom in on your hometown or view places far away. Compare satellite images from 1993, 1997 and 2003 to infer changes in population, energy consumption, energy efficiency and economic activity. Read more about energy issues at Energy Resources from the National Academies. What patterns of human activity can you find?

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Representação do faceBook em grafo

imagem do faceBook em grafo

imagem do faceBook em grafo

Um exemplo do tipo de visualização possíveis com grafos.

Esta representação mostra a relação de “amizade” entre indivíduos com páginas no faceBook em resultado de respostas a um inquérito.

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