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Templates para mapas, muito bem conseguidos, especialimente as aguarelas

For over a decade, Stamen has been exploring cartography with our clients and in research. These maps are presented here for your enjoyment and use wherever you display OpenStreetMap data.


These high-contrast B+W (black and white) maps are featured in our Dotspotting project. They are perfect for data mashups and exploring river meanders and coastal zones. Available in six flavors: standard tonerhybridlabelslinesbackground, and lite.

Available worldwide.


Orient yourself with our terrain maps, featuring hill shading and natural vegetation colors. These maps showcase advanced labeling and linework generalization of dual-carriageway roads. Terrain was developed in collaboration with Gem Spear and Nelson Minar. Available in four flavors: standard terrainlabelslines, and background.

Available worldwide.


Reminiscent of hand drawn maps, our watercolor maps apply raster effect area washes and organic edges over a paper texture to add warm pop to any map. Watercolor was inspired by the Bicycle Portraits project. Thanks to Cassidy Curtis for his early advice.

Available worldwide.

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Why Am I Numb To The Numbers?

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Sobre a dormência causada pelos grandes números.

COMIC: For My Job, I Check Death Tolls From COVID. Why Am I Numb To The Numbers?

April 25, 20218:16 AM ET


Each week I check the latest deaths from COVID-19 for NPR. After a while, I didn’t feel any sorrow at the numbers. I just felt numb. I wanted to understand why — and how to overcome that numbness.

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aRty face

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arte ASCII a partir de uma imagem

Translates pixels into data visualisation

Built with Shiny & R by Duc-Quang Nguyen. Shamelessly based on Georgios Karamanis R code. Original idea by Elana Levin Schtulberg: check her datawrapper post and her web tool.  R code

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10 Guidelines for DataViz Accessibility

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10 regras para construir representações de dados mais inclusivas


In a world that surrounds us with information at all times, data visualization is increasingly more popular, as a tool to help us make sense of the information, and to grab the attention of users and readers. This has significant implications for the overall accessibility of data. In this article we are exploring the accessibility problems of data visualizations, and how to start solving them.

What is data visualization meant to do?

Before we dive into the accessibility implications of data visualizations, it is useful to consider the value they are meant to provide to the user. This will help us think about how to provide value to all users – including users with various disabilities.

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Plot for D3 Users

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Uma novo biblioteca javaScript para gráficos e comparação com D3

D3 is how I learned JavaScript, and it’s the only chart library I know well. I’m familiar with the idea of things like Vega-Lite, ggplot, and matplotlib, but I’ve never really used them; I’m a monoglot.

But D3 can be hard to learn, and a slow way to make a quick chart. I like to paraphrase Amanda Cox saying, “You should use D3 if you think it’s perfectly normal to have to write a hundred lines of code to get a bar chart.” Over the last ten years there have been many attempts to address this by building libraries on top of D3, but I’ve never gotten into any of them.

Plot, announced today, is the first thing that’s gotten through to me. Granted, if you wanna get all conspiratorial, I suppose they’re paying me to use it for work — but over the last couple months, when I start a personal project and want a chart, I’ve started reaching first for Plot.

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Noise in Creative Coding

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Interessante texto sobre a utilização de ruído para código criativo

Noise is an indispensable tool for creative coding. We use it to generate all kinds of organic effects like clouds, landscapes and contours. Or to move and distort objects with a more lifelike behaviour.

On the surface, noise appears to be simple to use but, there are so many layers to it. This post takes a deep dive into what noise is, its variants, how to use it on the web and its applications. And lot’s of examples. So many examples!

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Send postcards of plots made in R

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Muito engraçado este pacote do R

How many times have you made a plot in R and thought, “I wish I could send this as a postcard to my best friend.” Probably a million times, right? Wish no more. The ggirl package (that’s gg-in real life for short) by Jacqueline Nolis lets you send a plot over the internets to a postcard API, which sends a physical card to an address you specify.

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how you can use the JavaScript library React with D3.js

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Bom tutorial para o uso das tecnologias de visualização de dados.

React.js is a JavaScript library that helps with building complex user interfaces. This website is written using React!

I would recommend being familiar with React for this article. It might be worth running through the official tutorial or running through a book (I’ve heard good things about this one) to make sure you don’t stumble on anything in here!

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Data Visualisation: Principles in Action

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March 2020 (Organized with Toulouse-Dataviz)

  The third edition of our annual Data Visualization context has been a real success, despite the covid-19. We decided to maintain the contest, and 37 contributions were submitted. You’ll find here all the dataviz.  The event (as well as the jury) was online only and we celebrated the winner in a live Twitch broadcast gathering more than 100 viewers and recorded.

How to Lie with Graphics 
October 2019-Feb 2020 ( MIAT Toulouse;  ENS Lyon & SMART-LERECO, Rennes)

  A new (improved?) version on this really hot topic, still with 10+ rules for lying and a little bit more of structure in the presentation. I was really happy to learn even more on truncated and double axes for these seminars. Thank you all for the invitation and for the great audience. The slides of my MIAT presentation are available here,those for my ENS-Lyon seminar are there,and those for my seminar at SMART-LERECO (INRAE, Rennes) are there

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Axes of evil: How to lie with graphs

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Um blog com exemplos e links para outros sites.

As Mark Twain once said, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” Here are a few techniques to hide those pesky numbers and tell the story you feel, not the one you can prove.

Don your handlebar mustache and practice your evil laugh — we’re going in.

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