Plot for D3 Users
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Data Science, visualização

Uma novo biblioteca javaScript para gráficos e comparação com D3
D3 is how I learned JavaScript, and it’s the only chart library I know well. I’m familiar with the idea of things like Vega-Lite, ggplot, and matplotlib, but I’ve never really used them; I’m a monoglot.
But D3 can be hard to learn, and a slow way to make a quick chart. I like to paraphrase Amanda Cox saying, “You should use D3 if you think it’s perfectly normal to have to write a hundred lines of code to get a bar chart.” Over the last ten years there have been many attempts to address this by building libraries on top of D3, but I’ve never gotten into any of them.
Plot, announced today, is the first thing that’s gotten through to me. Granted, if you wanna get all conspiratorial, I suppose they’re paying me to use it for work — but over the last couple months, when I start a personal project and want a chart, I’ve started reaching first for Plot.
Tags: gráficos, java script
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