In flight: see the planes in the sky right now

Espantosa vidualização de todos os aviões no ar, neste momento

Espantosa visualização de todos os aviões no ar, neste momento

To mark 100 years of passenger air travel, our stunning interactive uses live data to show every one of the thousands of commercial planes currently in the air, charts the history of aviation since 1914, and asks what comes next for the industry.

Kiln and the Guardian explored the 100-year history of passenger air travel, and to kick off the interactive is an interactive map that uses live flight data from FlightStats. The map shows all current flights in the air right now. Nice.

Be sure to click through all the tabs. They’re worth the watch and listen, with a combination of narration, interactive charts, and old photos.

And of course, if you like this, you’ll also enjoy Aaron Koblin’s classic Flight Patterns.

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