IFORS Developing Countries OR Resources Website
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, materiais ensino, SAD - DSS
Artigos e software relacionado com Investigação Operacional
Click below on required topic headings to access papers or click here to access International Abstracts in OR
- Agriculture
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- Free OR Software
Tags: software de otimização
IFORS Simulation
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, Investigação Operacional, materiais ensino
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.
Tags: otimização, software de otimização
IFORS Queueing_Theory
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, materiais ensino
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.
Tags: otimização, software de otimização
IFORS Network_Flow_Problems
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, materiais ensino, planeamento
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.
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Tags: grafos, otimização, software de otimização
IFORS Linear_Programming
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, materiais ensino
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.
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Tags: otimização, software de otimização
IFORS Education Resources Project
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, Investigação Operacional, SAD - DSS, software
Welcome to the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) Education Resources Project
- Main Page (19:13, 3 December 2013)
- Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithms: A Tutorial (21:57, 2 December 2013)
- The Discrete Event System Specification Formalism (19:59, 2 December 2013)
- Urban Operations Research (01:36, 2 December 2013)
- Stochastic Models for Design and Planning (01:34, 2 December 2013)
- Queueing Theory Books Online (01:31, 2 December 2013)
- Practical Queueing Theory in Java (01:31, 2 December 2013)
- Explore Queueing Theory for Scheduling, Resource Allocation and Traffic Flow Applications (01:28, 2 December 2013)
- Stochastic Processes Course Notes (01:26, 2 December 2013)
- Test Problems for Non-Linear Programming (01:23, 2 December 2013)
- OR Notes: Separable Programming (01:21, 2 December 2013)
- OR Notes: Non-Linear Programming (01:20, 2 December 2013)
Tags: decisao em grupo, decisão médica, otimização, previsão, problemas, programação em folha de cálculo, software de otimização, software estatístico
Mathematical Programming in MathProg
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, SAD - DSS, software
GNU MathProg (part of the open source GNU GLPK project) is a modeling language for describing linear and discrete optimization problems. Use this page to create and solve MathProg models using the glpk.js solver. You can either open a model from your computer, select an example from the menu bar, or create your own from scratch. To use —
- Create a MathProg model in the Model Editor.
- Click ‘Solve’ to generate the solution.
- Click ‘Save As…’ to save the model locally to your computer.
Tags: otimização, software de otimização