MapWindow GIS Open Source

mapWindow openSource software

mapWindow openSource software

MapWindow GIS desktop application is a free, open source, standards-based standalone software package that you can use to view and edit GIS data in many file formats.

Está longe de ter as funcionalidade do ArcGIS mas tem a grande vantagem de ser de código aberto.

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Poder da visualização: Iluminação nocturna

imagens de satélite

imagens de satélite

Explore Earth images at night. Use our online satellite images to zoom in on your hometown or view places far away. Compare satellite images from 1993, 1997 and 2003 to infer changes in population, energy consumption, energy efficiency and economic activity. Read more about energy issues at Energy Resources from the National Academies. What patterns of human activity can you find?

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Mapping Science

Browse Maps

Browse Maps

Mapas para todos os gostos.
Bom como gerador de ideias de visualização.

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