Engineer solves Big Data Conjecture

Um problema de combinatória em contexto de big-data

Um problema de combinatória em contexto de big-data

IBM Distinguished Engineer solves Big Data Conjecture

A mathematical problem related to big data was solved by Jean-Francois Puget, engineer in the Solutions Analytics and Optimization group at IBM France. The problem was first mentioned on Data Science Central, and an award was offered to the first data scientist to solve it.

Bryan Gorman, Principal Physicist, Chief Scientist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, made a significant breakthrough in July, and won $500. Jean-Francois Puget completely solved the problem, independently from Bryan, and won a $1,000 award.

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4 Faces of Big Data

Bom texto sobre os vários aspetos a considerar no Big-Data

Bom texto sobre os vários aspetos a considerar no Big-Data

The 4 Faces of Big Data Challenges You just Can’t Ignore

Date: October 20, 2013 Author: Varoon Rajani
Business Decision makers everywhere yearn for the right information that would help them make informed decisions.

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