why predicting a mass shooting is impossible

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Excelente exemplo na previsão de acontecimentos raros

This cartoon explains why predicting a mass shooting is impossible

It’s simple math.

Updated by and on June 15, 2016, 10:30 a.m. ET

In the wake of mass shootings, many people wonder how they could have been prevented. Were there warning signs that should have been heeded? Was the person mentally ill? Did he or she hold extremist views?

The sad truth is that the only personal factors that reliably correlate with mass shooters are being young and male. There are a lot of young, angsty men in this country. That makes prediction hard.


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Deconstructing Recommender Systems

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uma boa descrição dos sistemas de recomendação usados em sites web

Deconstructing Recommender Systems

How Amazon and Netflix predict your preferences and prod you to purchase

By Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl

sub map

Photo-illustration: Christina Beard

One morning in April, we each directed our browsers to Amazon.com’s website. Not only did the site greet us by name, the home page opened with a host of suggested purchases. It directed Joe to Barry Greenstein’s Ace on the River: An Advanced Poker Guide, Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine: How Creativity Works, and Michael Lewis’s Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World. For John it selected Dave Barry’s Only Travel Guide You’ll Ever Need, the spy novel Mission to Paris, by Alan Furst, and the banking exposé The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, also by Michael Lewis.



Portal de dados abertos da União Europeia

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Boa fonte de dados para trabalhos

O que é o Portal de Dados?

Gostaria de aceder facilmente aos dados da UE? Pretende reutilizar os dados para, por exemplo, realizar um trabalho de investigação, redigir um artigo ou desenvolver uma aplicação ?

Então está no sítio certo. O Portal de Dados Abertos da UE serve de ponto de acesso único a um número crescente de dados produzidos pelas instituições e outros organismos da União Europeia.

Pode utilizar e reutilizar os dados, criar ligações para os mesmos ou redistribuí los para fins comerciais e não comerciais.

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Big Data to Fight Cancer

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Exemplo de aplicação de técnicas de análise de dados a problemas de medicina

MD Anderson is sitting on 23 petabytes of data, including more than 2 billion diagnostic radiology images, generated by its massive IT infrastructure. But Chris Belmont, vice president and CIO, isn’t intimidated by the amount of data—he’s just scared of staring at it too long.

“Our biggest fear when we decided to move into Big Data was that, like many healthcare organizations, we’d have a two-year data ‘ingestion’ process where we’d keep thinking about that massive set of data, and connect all our systems big and small together, go get even more data from external sources, and then eventually offer our users an add-on tool and tell them to go at it,” Belmont says. “By the time we’d be done ingesting all that data, the time to change the game in terms of costs or population health would have already passed.”

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A Growth Hacker’s Journey

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Uma história de vida muito interessante de um cientista dos dados \ hacker
Dr. Kirk Borne
Principal Data Scientist, Booz Allen Hamilton

Dr. Kirk Borne is a Principal Data Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton. Previously he was a Professor of Astrophysics and Computational Science in the George Mason University School of Physics, Astronomy, and Computational Sciences. He was at Mason from 2003 to 2015, where he taught and advised students in the graduate and undergraduate Computational Science, Informatics, and Data Science programs. Before Mason, he spent nearly 20 years in positions supporting NASA projects, including an assignment as NASA’s Data Archive Project Scientist for the Hubble Space Telescope, and as Project Manager in NASA’s Space Science Data Operations Office. He has extensive experience in big data and data science, including expertise in scientific data mining and data systems. He has published over 200 articles (research papers, conference papers, and book chapters), and given over 200 invited talks at conferences and universities worldwide. In these roles, he focuses on achieving big discoveries from big data through data science, and he promotes the use of information and data-centric experiences with big data in the STEM education pipeline at all levels. He believes in data literacy for all! Learn more about him at http://kirkborne.net/. You can follow him on and on Twitter at @KirkDBorne, where he has been identified as one of the social network’s top big data influencers.

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UK Data Service

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Bom site com muitos data sets de grande dimensão. Assuntos relacionados com censos e inquéritos.

Explore the UK’s largest collection of social, economic and population data resources.

See more

Video tutorials

See our growing range of training videos

Data types

See more

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Best Data Science Learning podcasts


Muito bons podcasts tem temas introdutórios

We present the top 12 Data Science & Machine Learning related Podcasts by popularity on iTunes. Check out latest episodes to stay up-to-date & become a part of the data conversations!

By Bhavya Geethika Peddibhotla.

Learn Data science the new way by listening to these compelling story tellers, interviewers, educators and experts in the field. Data suggests that podcasting about Data Science is only growing!

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national numeracy


Um site sobre literacia numérica no reino unido

What is
the issue?

Low levels of numeracy are a long-term problem for the UK.

1. Numeracy skills have got worse, not better

Proportion of working age adults in England with skills levels equivalent to GCSE “C” grade or above

2. High numeracy is connected to better…

3. The UK risks becoming less competitive internationally

Raynald’s SPSS Tools

Reynald SPSS

Bons recursos sobre SPSS e ligação com R e Pyton

Raynald’s SPSS Tools

The collection of syntaxes, macros, scripts and hints for better solutions of data management and data analysis problems in IBM SPSS Statistics

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Infographics Social Media Tips

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Montes de Infographics com dicas sobre as redes sociais

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