Race and ethnicity across the nation

Bom relatório com mapa de pontos

By John Keefe, Daniel Wolfe and Sergio Hernandez, CNNPublished Aug. 12, 2021

The United States is more diverse and has more people than ever before, with much of the growth occurring in and around metropolitan areas, according to the 2020 census. By plotting the population onto a map of the country according to density and group, it’s possible to get a bird’s-eye view of where we live and how we identify.

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aRtsy: Generative Art with R and ggplot2

Um pacote para o R para criar arte generativa

“If you laugh at a joke, what difference does it make if subsequently you are told that the joke was created by an algorithm?” – Marcus du Sautoy, The Creative Code

aRtsy is an attempt at making generative art available for the masses in a simple and standardized format. The package provides various algorithms for creating artworks in ggplot2 that incorporate some form of randomness (depending on the set seed). Each type of artwork is implemented in a separate function.

Good luck hunting for some good seed’s! Feel free to post a comment with your best artworks and the corresponding seed in the GitHub discussions.

Contributions to aRtsy are very much appreciated! If you want to add your own type of artwork to the package so that others can also create them, feel free to make a pull request to the GitHub repository. Don’t forget to adjust generate-artwork.R if you also want the artwork to show up in the ‘Artwork of the day’ category and the twitter feed.

Daily Routine, 2020

Bom exemplo de relatório com gráficos de áreas.

By Nathan Yau

After looking at how much time we spent on daily activities in 2020, let’s look at when we spent our time. Based on data from the American Time Use Survey, the chart below shows the percentage of people doing activities on a non-holiday weekday.

European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet)

Uma boa fonte de dados sobre o oceano


Data on bathymetry (water depth), coastlines, and geographical location of underwater features: wrecks.


Data on temporal and spatial distribution of species abundance and biomass from several taxa.


Data on the concentration of nutrients, organic matter, pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides and antifoulants in water, sediment and biota.


Data on seabed substrate, sea-floor geology, coastal behaviour, geological events, and minerals.

Human activities

Data on the intensity and spatial extent of human activities at sea.


Data on salinity, temperature, waves, currents, sea-level, light attenuation, and FerryBoxes.

Seabed habitats

Data, maps and models on the spatial distribution and extent of seabed habitats and communities.

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What The New Census Data Shows About Race Depends On How You Look At It

Bom exemplo de relatório com gráficos unitários

Over the past decade, the United States continued to grow more racially and ethnically diverse, according to the results of last year’s national head count that the U.S. Census Bureau released this week.

There are many ways to slice the data and change how the demographic snapshot looks.

Since the 2000 count, participants have been able to check off more than one box when answering the race question on census forms. But breakdowns of the country’s racial and ethnic makeup often don’t reflect a multiracial population that has increased by 276% since the 2010 census. They focus instead on racial groups that are made up of people who marked only one box, with multiracial people sometimes lumped together in a catchall group.

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A new way to visualize the surge in Covid-19 cases in the U.S.

Bom relatório com muitos exemplos de gráficos de linhas

The month of July has seen Covid-19 cases in the United States increase at the fastest pace since last winter, marking the start of the latest wave of infections to afflict the nation. A new STAT analysis of Covid-19 case data reveals this new wave is already outpacing the spring and summer waves of 2020.

There are many metrics that governments, scientists, and media outlets have used to try and reckon with the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the most popular ways of visualizing Covid data has been to track the weekly average of new cases. This is pictured below.

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How Much the Everyday Changes When You Are in a Pandemic

Um gráfico inovador para mostrar a evolução entre dois pontos no tempo

A comparison of American time use in 2020 versus 2019By Nathan Yau

Our everyday routines changed over the past year, and with the recent data release from the 2020 American Time Use Survey, we can see by how much.

The survey, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, asks participants what they did over a 24-hour period. Usually, the survey is ongoing with results published each year, but in 2020, it was suspended from mid-March to mid-May.

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How Europe, After a Fumbling Start, Overtook the U.S. in Vaccination

bom relatório com muita animação e grande variedade de gráficos

Just a few months ago, European Union efforts were a mess, but its problems were temporary. The United States turned out to have the more lasting challenge.

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Counting Happiness and Where it Comes From

Um excelente exemplo de gráfico de bolhas ligadas

Researchers asked 10,000 participants to list ten things that recently made them happy. The result was HappyDB, a collection of 100,000 happy moments. For each moment, I parsed out the subject, verb, and object to better see what makes people happy overall.

For example, someone might have said “I watched a good movie yesterday.” The subject was “I”, the verb was “watched”, and the object was “movie”.

Then I counted and connected the dots.

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Noah Kalina’s averaged face over 7,777 days

clique na imagem para seguir o link

um vídeo obtido de 7 777 fotos em dias seguidos, com sobreposição usando machine learning (não é o gif da imagem)

Noah Kalina has been taking a picture of himself every day since January 11, 2000. He posted time-lapse videos in 2007, 2012, and 2020. Last year was the 20th of the project.

Usually Kalina’s videos are a straight up time-lapse using every photo. But in this collaboration with Michael Notter, 7,777 Days shows a smoother passage of time. Notter used machine learning to align the face pictures, and then each frame shows a 60-day average, which focuses on an aging face instead of everything else in the background. Tags:average, face, machine learning, Michael Notter, Noah Kalina