Atlas of Science

Um atlas com mapas muito belos e informativos

Um atlas com mapas muito belos e informativos


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Introduction to Diagrams

Uma bela introdução aos grafos

Uma bela introdução aos grafos

Diagrams are everywhere — from the established conventions of highway signs to the newly emerging visualizations appearing on social networking websites.  Most people have a personal experience of diagrams whether drawing directions or figuring out how to operate a new computer. Yet very few people are familiar with how we read or construct diagrams.

This short film introduces the language of diagrams and their role in visual thinking and communication. As only a film can do, it reveals the vocabulary “in the wild” and in the context of making and using diagrams.

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Guide to Maps and Mapping

Coleção de links sobre mapas

Colecção de links sobre mapas

Cartography is the study of creating maps. Cartographers are both artists and scientists who create those maps. Most maps relate spatial information two-dimensionally in order to communicate location, other geographic themes or information. Physical maps can be either flat, spherical like a globe, or digital.

There are two basic kinds of locational maps: topographic and topological. Topographic maps are produced to a standard scale, while topological maps are not. Maps have always been used to aid travelers regarding location. As information science and the need for a new way to disseminate information grew, mapping began to include themes. Dot maps for instance depict storm damage in a certain location, or how much soybean is produced in a certain state. The main purpose is to make the map meaningful to its user by keeping to a standardsymbology or legend, so that the map regardless of type, conveys the information necessary to the user who deems it valuable.

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Visualização de dados FIFA

visualizacao de BDs da FIFA sobre projetos de apoio ao futebol

visualizacao de BDs da FIFA sobre projetos de apoio ao futebol

Studio NAND and Moritz Stefaner, along with Jens Franke explore FIFA development programs around the world.

The FIFA Development Globe visu­al­ises FIFA’s world­wide involve­ment in supporting foot­ball through educa­tional and infra­struc­tural projects. Using a 3D globe in combin­a­tion with inter­con­nected inter­face and visu­al­iz­a­tion elements, the applic­a­tion provides multiple perspect­ives onto an enormous dataset of FIFA’s activ­ities, grouped by tech­nical support, perform­ance activ­ities, and devel­op­ment projects.

The globe itself is an icosahedron, or essentially a spherical shape made up of triangles. Triangles in each country represent programs and are colored by the three above categories, and you might recognize Moritz’ elastic lists in the sidebar to filter through programs, by country, organization, and type. There’s also a timeline view, which shows program development over the past five years.

Give it a go here. I should warn you though that it runs in Flash (a client requirement), and it could run sluggish depending on your machine. Sometimes I was disorientated by the interaction and animation, especially when I clicked and nothing happened until a few seconds later.


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Lostalgic – visualização

Forma inovadora de visualizar uma série

Forma inovadora de visualizar uma série

This project is based on the entire ABC’s LOST TV show scripts, 115 episodes in 7 seasons, that I managed to parse from Lostpedia. I also parsed this page with additional information about hidden characters relations.

My aim for this project is not (only) to visualize some properties and patterns out of the script but actually to allow to read and enjoy the series in a different way.

I plan to add new views (will inform through twitter), more aimed to reveal global patterns in the script, and I will include cliffhangers and writing teams information.

Find more information about Lostalgic in this great article and interview by Greg J. Smith in Creative Applications.

This project is dedicated to the Lost writers, to the open culture and, in particular, to the community that built Lostpedia.

Esri Maps for Office

software da ESRI para adicionar mapas a Excel e PowerPoint

Map-Enable Your Data

Making a map of your Excel data is as easy as creating a graph or chart. Learn more.

Impact Your Audience

Add interactive maps to your PowerPoint presentations. Learn more.

Share Maps in One Click

Quickly share your maps on the web and with mobile apps. Learn more.

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TileMill – SIGs para webdesign

Excelente software para criar mapas interativos (com dados)

Excelente software para criar mapas interativos (com dados)

Make beautiful interactive maps

Whether you’re a journalist, web designer, researcher, or seasoned cartographer, TileMill is the design studio you need to create stunning interactive maps.


Rede Hidrometeorológica dos Açores

Excelente site com dados hidrometereológicos

Excelente site com dados hidrometereológicos

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SNA Phone-hacking scandal

Aplicação de redes sociais para descrever um caso de corrupção

The web of connections on the right shows the key people involved in the phone-hacking story and how their professional and social lives are linked.

Read how the story developed by clicking on the arrows above. As each person’s professional and personal connections are revealed, the web builds up into a complex network of relationships.

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SubMap 2.0: Ebulition

Visualização de notícias como distorções do mapa da Hungria

Visualização de notícias como distorções do mapa da Hungria

Ebullition visualises and sonificates data pulled from one of the biggest news sites of Hungary, In the 30 fps animation, each frame represents a single day, each second covers a month, starting from December 1998 until October 2010.

Whenever a Hungarian city or village is mentioned in any domestic news on website, it is translated into a force that dynamically distorts the map of Hungary. The sound follows the visual outcome, creating a generative ever changing drone.
