IFORS Education Resources Project

portal com materal sobre Investigação Operacional, otimização e SADs

portal com materal sobre Investigação Operacional, otimização e SADs

Welcome to the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS) Education Resources Project

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Data Intelligence and Analytics Resources

Excelentes textos sobre ciencia dos dados e big data

Excelentes textos sobre ciencia dos dados e big data

3. Big Data

4. Visualization

5. Best and Worst of Data Science

6. New Analytics Start-up Ideas

7. Rants about Healthcare, Education, etc.

8. Career Stuff, Training, Salary Surveys

9. Miscellaneous

10. DSC Webinar Series – with video access

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Little Book of R for Time Series!

Um excelente tutorial sobre modelos de previsão simples no R

Um excelente tutorial sobre modelos de previsão simples no R

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How many statisticians does it take to split a bill?


Bom blogue, bem disposto aborda diferenças entre estatística e ML

Bom blogue, bem disposto aborda diferenças entre estatística e ML

Some thoughts on the Fall term, now that Spring is well under way [edit: added a few more points]:

  • RMarkdown and knitr are amazing. When I next teach a course using R, my students will be turning in homeworks using these tools: The output immediately shows whether the code runs and what its results are. This is much better than students copying and pasting possibly-broken code and unconnected output into a text file or (gasp) Word document.
  • I’m glad my cohort socializes outside the office, taking each other out for birthday lunches or going to see a Pirates game. Some of the older PhD students are so focused on their thesis work that they don’t take time for a social break, and I’d like to avoid getting stuck in that rut.
    However! Our lunches always lead us back to the age old question: How many statisticians does it take to split a bill? Answer: too long. I threw together a Shiny app, DinneR, to help us answer this question.

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Using Dates and Times in R

Excelente sobre a utilização de tempos e datas no R

Excelente sobre a utilização de tempos e datas no R

Using Dates and Times in R

by Bonnie Dixon, 10 February 2014

Today at the Davis R Users’ GroupBonnie Dixon gave a tutorial on the various ways to handle dates and times in R. Bonnie provided this great script which walks through essential classes, functions, and packages. Here it is piped throughknitr::spin. The original R script can be found as a gist here.

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Interactive maps with R

Bibliotecas para construir mapas com alguma interação no R

Bibliotecas para construir mapas com alguma interação no R

You can make static maps in R relatively well, if you know what packages to use and what to look for, but there isn’t much direct interaction with your graphics. rMaps is a package that helps you create maps that you can mouse over and zoom in to.

Don’t get too excited though. A scan of the docs shows that it’s basically a wrapper around JavaScript libraries Leaflet, DataMaps and Crosslet, so you could learn those directly instead, and you’d be better for it in the long run if you plan to make more maps. But if you’re just working on a one-off or must stay in R because your life depends on, rMaps might be an option.

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Learn R interactively with the swirl package

Um pacote R para construir lições interativas

Um pacote R para construir lições interativas

swirl is a software package for the R statistical programming language. Its purpose is to teach users statistics and R simultaneously and interactively.

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How R came to be

Uma entrevista sobre como surgiu o R

Uma entrevista sobre como surgiu o R

How R came to be

Statistician John Chambers, the creator of S and a core member of R, talks about how R came to be in the short video below. Warning: Super nerdy waters ahead.

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Como otimizar um processo de negócio

Business Process Management (BPM) explicado por um consultor

Business Process Management (BPM) explicado por um consultor

Neste artigo apresentarei uma técnica prática e eficaz para o aprimoramento dos processos corporativos, o mapeamento de processos. Esta técnica é apenas a ponta do iceberg de um tema muito mais abrangente denominado Business Process Management (BPM), ou Gestão por Processos de Negócio. Explicarei brevemente a metodologia de BPM, seus benefícios e ferramentas, mas o foco de nossa conversa é o primeiro passo desta metodologia o MAPEAMENTO DE PROCESSOS.

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Docear – The Academic Literature Suite

Excelente software de gestão documental para escrever teses \ artigos

Excelente software de gestão documental para escrever teses \ artigos

Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, i.e. it helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature. Among others, Docear offers:

  1. A single-section user-interface that allows the most comprehensive organization of your literature. With Docear, you can sort documents into categories; you can sort annotations (comments, bookmarks, and highlighted text from PDFs) into categories; you can sort annotations within PDFs; and you can view multiple annotations of multiple documents, in multiple categories – at once.
  2. A ‘literature suite concept‘ that combines several tools in a single application (pdf management, reference management, mind mapping, …). This allows you to draft your own papers, assignments, thesis, etc. directly in Docear and copy annotations and references from your collection directly into your draft.
  3. recommender system that helps you to discover new literature: Docear recommends papers which are free, in full-text, instantly to download, and tailored to your information needs.

And did we mention that Docear is free, open source, available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and not evil?

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