S-PLUS & R Class Links

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montes de materiais para R e S-PLUS.

S-PLUS & R Class Links

Instructor: Richard Herrington

Why Do We Care To Use the “S” Language?  Does anyone care besides us? The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) cares


S-PLUS Student Edition Download (Free)

  • Student Edition 6.2 – This version of S-Plus has a 20,000 cell or 1,000 row limitation; is only for educational use; is good for only one year; and is a rather large download (100+ meg).

S-PLUS Free Experimental Libraries and User Contributed Libraries

  • Research Libraries – Includes: S+CorrelatedData (mixed effects generalized linear models), S+Best (B-Spline methods), S+Resample (bootstrap library), S+Bayes (bayesian analysis), S+FDA (functional data analysis).
  • User Contributed Libraries

Tinn-R Script Editor


Download Site for the Current Windows Install Binary and R Packages

Web Interfaces to R Web Servers and Example R Scripts

  • R Web Interfaces – Web/browser based interfaces to R script processing on a server
  • Example R Scripts – Some of these scripts run on a server and results are communicated thru a web browser
  • RSS Rweb Server – Link to http:/rss.acs.unt.edu R server

R, R(D)COM and Excel

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Uma alternativa à weekepedia com suposta melhor qualidade.

Welcome to Scholarpedia

the peer-reviewed open-access encyclopedia,
where knowledge is curated by communities of experts

Established faculty and researchers

Disseminate: share your expertise with a global audience

Pioneer: write the first persistent online review in your area of specialization

Steward: supervise the development of articles in your field

Students and writers

Collaborate: work with expert scientists and scholars from around the world

Learn: gain experience with scholarly writing and editing

Publish: transform your writing into a peer-reviewed article


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Spreadsheet Addiction

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Um bom e muito completo relato dos defeitos do MS Excel para análise de dados.
Some people will think that the “addiction” in the title is over the top, or at least used metaphorically. It is used literally, and is not an exaggeration.

Addiction is the persistent use of a substance where that use is detrimental to the user. It is not the substance that is the problem — more limited use may be beneficial. It is the extent and circumstances of the use that determine if the behavior is addictive or not.

Spreadsheets are a wonderful invention. They are an excellent tool for what they are good at. The problem is that they are often stretched far beyond their home territory. Dangerous abuse of spreadsheets is only too common.

I know there are many spreadsheets in financial companies that take all night to compute. These are complicated and commonly fail. When such spreadsheets are replaced by code more suited to the task, it is not unusual for the computation time to be cut to a few minutes and the process much easier to understand.

A 2012 example of spreadsheet addiction.

The technology acceptance model holds that there are two main factors that determine the uptake of a technology: the perceived usefulness and the perceived ease-of-use. Perception need not correspond to reality.

The perception of the ease-of-use of spreadsheets is to some extent an illusion. It is dead easy to get an answer from a spreadsheet, however, it is not necessarily easy to get the right answer. Thus the distorted view.

The difficulty of using alternatives to spreadsheets is overestimated by many people. Safety features can give the appearance of difficulty when in fact these are an aid.

The hard way looks easy, the easy way looks hard.

The remainder of this page is divided into the sections:

Spreadsheet Computation
The Treatment Center (Alternatives)
If You Must Persist
Specific Problems with Excel
Additional Links

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income rise hints at recovery

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Mais uma excelente representação gráfica interativa de um jornal on-line.

By Ted Mellnik and Lazaro Gamio, Published: Sept. 18, 2014

Although incomes are still lower than five years ago, most large metropolitan areas showed at least a tiny gain last year. The patterns suggest that while many regional economies may have turned a corner on the recession, incomes are making a slow advance toward 2009 levels. These charts show data for median household incomes released on Thursday by the Census Bureau in its American Community Survey. Related story.


PlotDevice: Draw with Python

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Uma biblioteca de funções em Pyton para construir visualizações de dados.

You’ve been able to visualize data with Python for a while, but Mac application PlotDevice from Christian Swinehart couples code and graphics more tightly. Write code on the right. Watch graphics change on the right.

The application gives you everything you need to start writing programs that draw to a virtual canvas. It features a text editor with syntax highlighting and tab completion plus a zoomable graphics viewer and a variety of export options.

PlotDevice’s simple but com­pre­hen­sive set of graphics commands will be familiar to users of similar graphics tools like NodeBox or Processing. And if you’re new to programming, you’ll find there’s nothing better than being able to see the results of your code as you learn to think like a computer.

Looks promising. Although when I downloaded it and tried to run it, nothing happened. I’m guessing there’s still compatibility issues to iron out at version 0.9.4. Hopefully that clears up soon. [via Waxy]

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What is probabilistic programming?

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Uma nova forma de trabalhar com modelos Bayesianos!


In this post, I introduce the emerging area of probabilistic programming, showing how probabilistic programs will hopefully make it easier to perform Bayesian-style machine learning, among other applications. Probabilistic programming is an exciting, and growing, area of research, with fantastic people in both AI/ML and PL working together and making big strides. PL methods — including formal semantics, optimization techniques, and forms of static analysis — have proven very useful in advancing this area forward.

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Why Content Marketing Fails

Boa apresentação de slides para quem se interessa para criar negócios de conteúdos na web. Vejam igualmente as formas de visualização de dados usadas.

Boa apresentação de slides para quem se interessa para criar negócios de conteúdos na web. Vejam igualmente as formas de visualização de dados usadas.

Why Content Marketing Fails Presentation Transcript

  • Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com Why Content Marketing Fails
  • Download this Slide Deck bit.ly/mozcontentfail
  • Failure Sucks
  • Most Content Efforts Will Fail Spike of hope Flatline of nope
  • You’ll Invest with the Best of Intentions
  • You’ll Launch with Excitement
  • And it Will Suck
  • And You Won’t Know Why
  • Why Your Content Marketing Will Fail 5 Reasons
  • You Believed the Biggest Myth Content Marketing Ever Told the World #1
  • We Imagine Content Marketing Works Like This… Let’s go see what’s on the Internet today, shall we?
  • I wonder what this post Kieran tweeted is all about.
  • That was an interesting. I should sign up for this free ebook download while I’m here!
  • And I’ll just fill out their contact form with my information….
  • Oh! Better not forget to follow all their social profiles while I’m at it.
  • You might laugh, but a lot of companies invest in content marketing on the assumption that this is how it works! Me make content. Humans click. Them buy. Me get money.
  • In Reality, It Works Like This: Let’s see what’s on Hacker News… Meh.
  • How about Facebook? Oh, right. Baby pictures.
  • Let’s try Twitter. Meh.
  • Maybe Google+? Actually… This looks kinda interesting.
  • After seeing 400+ links I could have clicked, I finally chose this one. It’s a good article, and this example, naturally, resonated 
  • I wonder why I like this blog so much? About a week later, I caught a link to Beardbrand’s blog.
  • No magic trick to grow a thicker beard?! Dammit! I’d followed them on Google+, so I watched this video they shared, too.
  • When my lovely wife told me that I might need to look into some mustache wax, I thought of Beardbrand. But I couldn’t remember their name! Lovely Wife Imminent need for mustache wax Who were those guys that made the cool beard stuff?
  • So, naturally, I searched Google: Nope Nope Nope Yes!!
  • A Perfect Match!
  • Say goodbye bushy handlebars!
  • This is How Content Marketing Really Works: Caveman Rand explain.
  • This is How Content Marketing Really Works: Me Make Content. Humans click. If them like, them remember. Maybe them see more content I make. Visit again. Me build trust, relationship with humans. When them need me product, them come back.
  • Content marketing not about convert 1st visit. Or 2nd. Or 3rd. Only foolish humans think it work like this.
  • Content marketing about earning familiarity, trust, and relationship.
  • Maybe sale come. Maybe not. Smart cave marketer no care. Smart cave marketer know every visit chance to build relationship. Maybe earn fan. That good enough.
  • The Obligation Rests on Marketers to Set the Right Expectations with Our Teams & Clients
  • You Made Content Without a Community #2
  • Does Content Spread Simply Because It’s Really, Really Good? If this content’s really good, it’ll just spread “virally,” right guys?
  • OK, Probably Not Ha! That’s a good one, Rand!
  • In My Experience, Content Spreads Because It Inspires a Community
  • It Reinforces a Belief
  • Refutes an Opposing Argument
  • Starts (or Renews) a Passionate Discussion
  • Is in Someone’s Financial/Promotional Interests
  • Leverages Group Inclusion Dynamics
  • Makes the Sharer Look Smart/Important/Worldly/Etc
  • “Good Enough” Content Often Performs Well when a Community Is Behind It
  • Only the Best 0.1% of Content Can Go “Viral” without a Pre-existing Community
  • Don’t Bet Your Marketing on Being the 1 in 1,000
  • Before you create content, ask the question: “Who will support & amplify this content and why?”
  • You Invested in Content Creation, But Not in its Amplification #3
  • Content Must Reach People in Order to Reach Its Potential
  • Channels for Reaching the Right People Depend on Your Audience
  • Most Amplification Methods Fall Into These Three Buckets: Broadcast 1:1 Paid Promotion
  • 1) Broadcast (often via Social Media, Email, or through Events)
  • 2) 1:1 Outreach (via Social, Email, or In- Person)
  • 3) Paid Amplification (many varieties)
  • A basic process for getting content amplification right:
  • STEP 1: Find Successful Content in Your Niche http://buzzsumo.com
  • STEP 2(a): Find Where It’s Being Shared http://buzzsumo.com
  • STEP 2(b): Go Beyond Social Networks Google Search and https://freshwebexplorer.moz.com/
  • STEP 2(c): Find Who’s Doing the Sharing http://buzzsumo.com
  • STEP 2(c): Find Who’s Doing the Sharing http://www.blindfiveyearold.com/ripples-bookmarklet
  • STEP 3: Copy What’s Working For Them Via http://followerwonk.com
  • STEP 4: Build Relationships with Those Who Can Help http://www.slideshare.net/RickTRamos1/why-do-peopleshareonline
  • Don’t Treat Amplification as “Fire & Forget.” Experiment, Learn, & Apply. Via http://bit.ly
  • Think of Each Channel Like a Muscle to Be Flexed & Strengthened Regularly
  • Don’t Forget to Leverage What is Still the Most Powerful Sharing Channel (according to NYT): http://www.slideshare.net/RickTRamos1/why-do-peopleshareonline
  • You Ignored Content’s Most Powerful Channel: SEO #4
  • Google Search Has Grown Massively ~6 Billion Searches/Day! http://www.statisticbrain.com/google-searches/
  • While Search Traffic is Distributed, Social is Highly Concentrated http://www.simplereach.com/blog/facebook-continues-to-be-the-biggest-driver-of-social-traffic/
  • You Might Have Seen Re/Code & Buzzfeed Claiming Google Search Traffic Was Dead http://recode.net/2014/02/02/the-year-facebook-blew-past-google/
  • Here’s Define Media Group refuting that with data from 87 publishers & 48 billion pageviews http://www.definemg.com/hey-buzzfeed-search-traffic-is-doing-just-fine/
  • SEO is Also Critical Because of Intent “Do things” mode “Browse” mode
  • When Done Right, Content Marketing is the Rising Tide that Lifts the SEO Ships Without content marketing, it’s incredibly hard to earn the types of links that will confer domain authority & rankings in search engines.
  • When Done Right, Content Marketing is the Rising Tide that Lifts the SEO Ships But as content on a site earns links, it helps every other page on that domain rank better in the search engines, lifting the tide!
  • At the Very Least, Do Your Keyword Research Be aware that AdWords may not show you all the relevant keywords: http://moz.com/blog/be-careful-using-adwords-for-keyword-research
  • Better Yet – Gain a Deep Understanding of How SEO & Content Work Together 4 Posts I’d Recommend: • The Convergence of SEO & Content Marketing • Link Building vs. Content Marketing • How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy • Build & Operate a Content Marketing Machine
  • You Gave Up Way Too Soon #5
  • The 0.1% Always Look Like Overnight Successes
  • In Reality, It Looks More Like This: Geraldine’s Travel Blog: http://everywhereist.com
  • Geraldine started her blog in 2009 In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
  • For 2 years, she never broke 100 visits/day. In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
  • Then she had a few posts get some attention In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
  • But traffic fell back down soon after. In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
  • This is where most people give up. In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
  • These days, she gets 100,000+ visits each month In Reality, It Looks More Like This:
  • The Price of Success is Failure after Failure after Failure * Hopefully, each of those failures provides an opportunity to learn. *
  • Why Content Marketing Fails Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz | @randfish | rand@moz.com bit.ly/mozcontentfail

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A World of Terror

Uma excelente visualização de dados interativa

Uma excelente visualização de dados interativa

Exploring the reach, frequency and impact of terrorism around the world

The data used in this tool comes from the Global Terrorism Database, the most comprehensive collection of terrorism data available.

GeographyThe 25 groups included here have been active in 73 countries on five continents. Of these, the country targeted by the most groups has been France: Al-Qa`ida, Basque Fatherland and Freedom, Hizballah, The IRA, and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. The group with the greatest geographic spread is Hizballah, responsible for terrorism in 17 countries.
YearsOn average, these top 25 groups have been active almost 19 years (during this time frame), while all other groups have been active just over 2 years.
WoundedThe 25 groups listed here are responsible for 48% of all known wounded victims, with ISIS being responsible for the most wounded (10,585). However, Al-Qa`ida is more effective, wounding 230 per event on average.
KilledOf the total verified fatalities, over half (83,896, or 56%) are attributed to the 25 groups listed here. The greatest number of deaths by these groups, 6,857, happened in 2013.

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Big data: The next frontier for innovation

Um relatório com grande impacto qdo foi publicado

Um relatório com grande impacto qdo foi publicado

The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and McKinsey’s Business Technology Office. Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications of big data, not just a few data-oriented managers. The increasing volume and detail of information captured by enterprises, the rise of multimedia, social media, and the Internet of Things will fuel exponential growth in data for the foreseeable future.

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Vector maps on the web with Mapbox GL

Novas funcionalidades da biblioteca Java para desenhar mapas vetoriais

Novas funcionalidades da biblioteca Java Script para desenhar mapas vetoriais

Online mapping just got an upgrade:

Announcing Mapbox GL JS — a fast and powerful new system for web maps. Mapbox GL JS is a client-side renderer, so it uses JavaScript and WebGL to dynamically draw data with the speed and smoothness of a video game. Instead of fixing styles and zoom levels at the server level, Mapbox GL puts power in JavaScript, allowing for dynamic styling and freeform interactivity.

For the non-developers: Online maps are typically stored pre-made on a server, in the form of a bunch of image files that are stitched together when you zoom in and out of a map. So developers have to periodically update the image files if they want their base maps to change. It’s a hassle, which is why base maps often look similar. With Mapbox GL, making changes is easier because the development pipeline is shorter.

More details on the JavaScript library here.

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