Best Data Science Learning podcasts


Muito bons podcasts tem temas introdutórios

We present the top 12 Data Science & Machine Learning related Podcasts by popularity on iTunes. Check out latest episodes to stay up-to-date & become a part of the data conversations!

By Bhavya Geethika Peddibhotla.

Learn Data science the new way by listening to these compelling story tellers, interviewers, educators and experts in the field. Data suggests that podcasting about Data Science is only growing!

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national numeracy


Um site sobre literacia numérica no reino unido

What is
the issue?

Low levels of numeracy are a long-term problem for the UK.

1. Numeracy skills have got worse, not better

Proportion of working age adults in England with skills levels equivalent to GCSE “C” grade or above

2. High numeracy is connected to better…

3. The UK risks becoming less competitive internationally

Raynald’s SPSS Tools

Reynald SPSS

Bons recursos sobre SPSS e ligação com R e Pyton

Raynald’s SPSS Tools

The collection of syntaxes, macros, scripts and hints for better solutions of data management and data analysis problems in IBM SPSS Statistics

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Research Methods Knowledge Base

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Um webBook pensado para investigadores sobre temas de estatística

What is the Research Methods Knowledge Base?

The Research Methods Knowledge Base is a comprehensive web-based textbook that addresses all of the topics in a typical introductory undergraduate or graduate course in social research methods.  It covers the entire research process including: formulating research questions; sampling (probability and nonprobability); measurement (surveys, scaling, qualitative, unobtrusive); research design (experimental and quasi-experimental); data analysis; and, writing the research paper.  It also addresses the major theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of research including: the idea of validity in research; reliability of measures; and ethics.  The Knowledge Base was designed to be different from the many typical commercially-available research methods texts.  It uses an informal, conversational style to engage both the newcomer and the more experienced student of research.  It is a fully hyperlinked text that can be integrated easily into an existing course structure or used as a sourcebook for the experienced researcher who simply wants to browse.

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Census Bureau Projects U.S

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Estatísticas oficiais dos EUA

Help With Your Forms
Economic Indicators
Economic Census
International Trade
Export Codes
Local Employment Dynamics
Survey of Business Owners

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KNIME Community Contributions

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Boa fonte de novos nós do KNIME, evitando q estejamos a programar algo q já foi programado antes.

KNIME Community Contributions offer a wide range of KNIME nodes from different application areas, such as chemo- and bioinformatics, image processing, or information retrieval. In contrast to the extensions available via the standard KNIME Update Site they are provided and maintained by various community developers.

The Trusted Community Contributions can easily be installed by selecting File -> Install KNIME Extensions in KNIME. Additional extensions are available by enabling the Update Site in KNIME via File -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Update Sites. See the update site guide for details.

You can also download the whole update site as a ZIP archive and add the ZIP to the Available Update Sites (see above).

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The Statistics Portal

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Um portal cheio de facts & figures
One of the world’s largest statistics portals

We pride ourselves in being one of the world’s first and only companies to bring together data from over 18,000 sources.
Our research analysts source the most up-to-date statistical data from around the globe; our analytical approach and efficient research processes enable us to supply our clients with the data that is relevant to them.

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Science Isn’t Broken

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Um bom blog com discussões interessantes e ilustrações muito boas

The Scientific Method 7:00 AM Aug 19, 2015

Science Isn’t Broken

It’s just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for.


Graphics by Ritchie King

If you follow the headlines, your confidence in science may have taken a hit lately.

Peer review? More like self-review. An investigation in November uncovered a scam in which researchers were rubber-stamping their own work, circumventing peer review at five high-profile publishers.

Hack Your Way To Scientific Glory

You’re a social scientist with a hunch: The U.S. economy is affected by whether Republicans or Democrats are in office. Try to show that a connection exists, using real data going back to 1948. For your results to be publishable in an academic journal, you’ll need to prove that they are “statistically significant” by achieving a low enough p-value.
“Science is great, but it’s low-yield. Most experiments fail. That doesn’t mean the challenge isn’t worth it, but we can’t expect every dollar to turn a positive result. Most of the things you try don’t work out — that’s just the nature of the process.”

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Free Social Media Tools

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Uma imagem do tipo infografic com 19 aplicativos e serviços que podem fornecer informação estatística útil para profissionais de marketing digital ou quem pretende criar um website bem sucedido

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literacia em finanças

Your Rights As A Home-buyer

Consumer Financial Protection

Are You Ready to Buy A House?

Real Estate Market Reports and Trends

Guide to Getting Your First Mortgage

How to Save on Homeowners Insurance

How to Pick the Best Home Inspectors and Appraisers