Tools for Decision Analysis

Teoria de Decisão

Teoria de Decisão

  1. Introduction & Summary
  2. Probabilistic Modeling: From Data to a Decisive Knowledge
  3. Decision Analysis: Making Justifiable, Defensible Decisions
  4. Elements of Decision Analysis Models
  5. Decision Making Under Pure Uncertainty: Materials are presented in the context of Financial Portfolio Selections.
  6. Limitations of Decision Making under Pure Uncertainty
  7. Coping with Uncertainties
  8. Decision Making Under Risk: Presentation is in the context of Financial Portfolio Selections under risk.
  9. Making a Better Decision by Buying Reliable Information: Applications are drawn from Marketing a New Product.
  10. Decision Tree and Influence Diagram
  11. Why Managers Seek the Advice From Consulting Firms
  12. Revising Your Expectation and its Risk
  13. Determination of the Decision-Maker’s Utility
  14. Utility Function Representations with Applications
  15. A Classification of Decision Maker’s Relative Attitudes Toward Risk and Its Impact
  16. The Discovery and Management of Losses
  17. Risk: The Four Letters Word
  18. Decision’s Factors-Prioritization & Stability Analysis
  19. Optimal Decision Making Process
  20. JavaScript E-labs Learning Objects
  21. A Critical Panoramic View of Classical Decision Analysis
  22. Exercise Your Knowledge to Enhance What You Have Learned (PDF)
  23. Appendex: A Collection of Keywords and Phrases


Leadership Decision Making

Leadership Decision Making

Leadership Decision Making

  1. Introduction and Summary
  2. How People Avoid Making Serious Decisions
  3. When One Should Not Make Serious Decisions
  4. How to Make Good Decisions
  5. Decisions Concerning Personal Life
  6. Problem of Determination of Values and Rank among Values
  7. Thinkable Decisions and the Economy of Strategic Thinking
  8. What Is Man? Man Has No Nature, But Has History
  9. How the Mind Works: From Deciding to Action
  10. How to Distinguish among Rumor, Belief, Opinion, and Fact
  11. Leadership versus Managerial’s Duties and Styles
  12. Cognitive Decision Making
  13. Behavioral Decision Making
  14. Ethics and Decision Making
  15. Leadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environmen
  16. Human Side of Decision Making
  17. Personal and Public Views of Rationality
  18. Human Understanding in a Historical Context
  19. General Further Readings
  20. Appendex: A Collection of Keywords and Phrases

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Introduction to the Science of Making Decisions

introdução às Ciências de Decisão

introdução às Ciências de Decisão

  1. Introduction and Summary
  2. Operations Research, Management Science,
    Decision Science, and Success Science (OR/MS/DS/SS)
  3. What Is OR/MS/DS/SS?
  4. Historical Needs for OR/MS/DS/SS
  5. The Nature and Meaning of OR/MS/DS/SS
  6. The Methodology of OR/MS/DS/SS
  7. The Prototype Applications
  8. Flexibility and Variety of Careers in OR/MS/DS/SS
  9. The Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Nature OR/MS/DS/SS:
  1. Multi-perspective Modeling Process
  2. Classifications of Models: Mechanical, Mental/Verbal, Analytical, and Simulation Models
  3. From Mental Modeling to Analytical Modeling
  4. Decision-Maker’s Environment
  5. Modeling Is At the Heart of Decision-Making Process
  6. Analytical Modeling Process for Decision-Making
  7. Decision-Making Process in Organizations: Dynamic Strategic Plan
  8. The Difficulties of Analytical Modeling Process
  9. Modeling Validation Process
  10. Cost Considerations and Time Discounting Rate Factor
  11. Why Analytical Modeling?
  12. A Guide to Carrying Out the Modeling Process
  13. The Gaps between Modeling and Implementation
  14. The Becoming of a Management Scientist


Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

I thought that fuzzy cognitive maps are a very interesting idea that may have some potential. I was curious to try and see whether I had grasped the concept and could come up with a fuzzy cognitive map that provides information about a system. Since programming is understanding, I thought that the best way to ensure that I had understood something was to write a program to draw and run fuzzy cognitive maps. I programmed an applet that you can find here. After that, I wrote some tutorials and then the rest of this web site. The last addition has been the forum.

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Using Concept Maps

Concept Map

Concept Map

As part of the project, a collaborative software system was developed called the Knowledge Soup (Cañas et al 1996), which allows students from distant schools to share claims (propositions) derived from their concept maps regarding any domain of knowledge being studied.

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Concept Mapping: Informal to Formal

Concept Map

Concept Map

Concept mapping techniques, both formal and informal, are useful in knowledge representation, decision support, education, documentation, meeting support, brainstorming, and a host of other areas.

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Cognitive Mapping: Definitions, Examples, and Resources

Cognitive Mapping Definitions, Examples, and Resources

Cognitive Mapping Definitions, Examples, and Resources

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Mapas cognitivos – How to Map

mapas cognitivivos

mapas cognitivivos

Cognitive Mapping is a technique which has been developed over a period of time and through its application has demonstrated its use for Operational Researchers working on a variety of different tasks.

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History of Spreadsheets

A Brief History of Spreadsheets

A Brief History of Spreadsheets

A Brief History of Spreadsheets
by D. J. Power
Editor, DSSResources.COM

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Problems with Gantt Charts

Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts), by Edward Tufte

Project Management Graphics (or Gantt Charts), by Edward Tufte

Computer screens are generally too small for an overview of big serious projects. Horizontal and vertical scrolling are necessary to see more than about 40 horizontal time lines for a reasonable period of time. Thus, for large projects, print out the sequence on a big roll of paper and put it up on a wall.
