A New View of Statistics

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Um webBook com montes de temas bem explicados

Mar 2013. Coming very soon: a slideshow and Excel workbook for an introductory course of 10 lectures on statistics. Aug 2011. Check out the following 2010 articles at Sportscience: assigning subjects to treatments in a controlled trial; regression vs limits of agreement in measure-comparison studies; magnitudes of effects derived from linear models. See the frame at right for links to much more, including the progressive statistics and research design articles. Previous updates…
New original approaches to statistics for researchers: the examples are taken from exercise and sport science, but the principles apply to all empirical sciences. Read more in the preface.
Feedback wanted: if you can’t understand something here, it’s my fault. Email me.
Become a license holder…eventually! Not yet. More…
Full Contents
Short Contents:
Preface: About These Pages
Summarizing Data
Simple Statistics & Effect Statistics
Dimension Reduction
Precision of Measurement
Generalizing to a Population
Confidence Limits & Statistical Significance
Statistical Models
Estimating Sample Size
Summary: The Most Important Points
Reference: Hopkins, W. G. (2000). A new view of statistics. Internet Society for Sport Science: http://www.sportsci.org/resource/stats/.

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HyperStat Online Statistics Textbook

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Mais um eBook com montes de links para outros recursos

RVLS Home | Glossary | Free Statistical Analysis Tools | Instructional Demos | Exercises and Problems | Statistics Help | Privacy policy


  1. Introduction to Statistics
  2. Describing Univariate Data
  3. Describing Bivariate Data
  4. Introduction to Probability (elementary)
  5. Normal Distribution
  6. Sampling Distributions
  7. Point Estimation
  8. Confidence Intervals
  9. The Logic of Hypothesis Testing
  10. Testing Hypotheses with Standard Errors
  11. Power
  12. Introduction to Between-Subjects ANOVA
  13. Factorial Between-Subjects ANOVA
  14. Within-Subjects/Repeated Measures ANOVA
  15. Prediction
  16. Chi Square
  17. Distribution-Free Tests
  18. Measuring Effect Size

© 1993-2013 David M. Lane

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Probability and statistics EBook

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Um bom ebook com boas animações

SOCR Books: This is a General Statistics Curriculum E-Book, which includes Advanced-Placement (AP) materials.


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Seeing Statistics

clique na imagem para seguir o linkUma excelente maneira de aprender estatística com um webBook dinâmico e muito visual

Seeing Statistics ® is a new approach to teaching statistics using the World Wide Web. This webbook is based on three premises:

  • The important principles of statistics are remarkably easy if they can be seen.
  • Active involvement of the student facilitates learning.
  • Statistics can be fun!

Most of the graphs and figures in this textbook are dynamic and under the  control of the reader. Interacting with the graphs allows you to see the important statistical principles in action.

Rather than talk about it, it is best to view Seeing Statistics in action. To access Seeing Statistics, click on the “Enter Seeing Statistics” button to begin your exploration of Seeing Statistics!

Table of Contents
0. Introduction

1. Data & Comparisons

2. Seeing Data

3. Describing the Center

4. Describing the Spread

5. Seeing Data, Again

6. Probability

7. Normal Distribution
7. Outline

7.0 Introduction

7.1 Origins of Normal

7.2 Size and Shape

7.3 Working with the Normal

7.4 Means have Normal Distributions

7.5 Evaluating Normality (optional)

7.6 Review

7.7 Exercises

8. Inference & Confidence

9. One-Sample Comparisons

10. Two-Sample Comparisons

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Um bom livro on-line com apps e muito mais…

SURFSTAT australia
This site has already benefited from the contributions of many people. Please do your bit and let us know of errors, missing topics or things you think could be better explained.

Detailed contents
An introduction to Statistics

Hotlist for Java applets

Other Statistics sites

Sales and support
Funding acknowledgements

Summarising & Presenting Data

Producing Data

Variation and Probability

Statistical Inference

Control Charts

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Random Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes

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Um site organizado por temas como um livro com apps interessantes


Random (formerly Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics) is a website devoted to probability, mathematical statistics, and stochastic processes, and is intended for teachers and students of these subjects. The site consists of an integrated set of components that includes expository text, interactive web apps, data sets, biographical sketches, and an object library. Please read the Introduction for more information about the content, structure, mathematical prerequisites, technologies, and organization of the project. Random is hosted at two sites: www.math.uah.edu/stat/ and www.randomservices.org/stat/. For updates, please follow @randomservices on Twitter.

Basic Information

Expository Chapters

  1. Foundations
  2. Probability Spaces
  3. Distributions
  4. Expected Value
  5. Special Distributions
  6. Random Samples
  7. Point Estimation
  8. Set Estimation
  9. Hypothesis Testing
  10. Geometric Models
  11. Bernoulli Trials
  12. Finite Sampling Models
  13. Games of Chance
  14. The Poisson Process
  15. Renewal Processes
  16. Stochastic Processes
  17. Markov Chains
  18. Brownian Motion

Ancillary Materials

Support and Navigation


Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics Demos

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Pequenas apps em java para demonstrar diferentes temas em estatística

Mean and Median

Sampling Distribution Simulation

Confidence Intervals

Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

Confidence Interval on a Proportion

Components of r

Regression by Eye

Restriction of Range

Repeated Measures

A “Small” Effect Size Can Make a Large Difference

Chi Square Test of Deviations from Expected Frequencies

2 x 2 Contingency Tables

Reliability and Regression Analysis

Histograms, Bin Widths, and Cross Validation


Regression to the mean

Comparing distributions

Unequal n ANOVA and Types of Sums of Squares

Robustness of t test and ANOVA

One-way ANOVA

Two-way ANOVA


The Sports Data Page

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Alguns links para páginas com dados sobre desportos

Links listed below were collected to help students and instructors find current and archived sports data.

Send ideas for additional links to add to Robin Lock at rlock@stlawu.edu .

Data from Current and Past Seasons

Horse Racing

  • Kentucky Derby Data on races since 1875.
  • Major League Baseball

  • Major League Baseball Statistics – Current sortable statistics in lots of categories.
  • USA Today – Stats for individuals from 1992.
  • Baseball Reference – lookup extensive stats for current and former players.
  • National Hockey League

  • NHLPA – A very well-organized site sponsored by the NHL Player’s Association. Find individual regular season and playoff stats for all players (and salaries), with links to each player’s bio and career stats.
  • NHL.com – Current player and team statistics.
  • NCAA College Hockey

    National Football League

  • Current NFL Team & Player Stats from the official NFL website.
  • Sortable Player Stats at CBS Sportsline
  • NFL Statistics at USA Today Current season’s data.
  • National Basketball Association

  • Doug’s NBA Statistics – Team and individual data going back to 1988 with raw data in convenient downloadable spreadsheets.
  • Professional Golf

    • PGA Tour – Individual statistics for golfers on the PGA, Senior PGA, or Nike tours. Click on the Stats option for rankings within lots of categories or the Players option to sample from current professional golfers..


    Game Boxscores

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    Census Bureau Projects U.S

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    Estatísticas oficiais dos EUA

    Help With Your Forms
    Economic Indicators
    Economic Census
    International Trade
    Export Codes
    Local Employment Dynamics
    Survey of Business Owners

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    What WWW Data Sources Do STUDENTS Choose?

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    Conjuntos de dados usados numa cadeira com um projeto semelhante a P&E

    Here are some of the links to data found by students for projects in Robin Lock’s courses at St. Lawrence University
    Note:  Some links may no longer be current.

    Non-Sports Themes

    Sports Themes (Note: Data may change as new seasons occur)

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