Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets

Dados estatísticos e informação jurídica nas áreas do trabalho, emprego e proteção social.
Tags: dados, emprego, proteção social
Department for Transport publishes official statistics relating to the transport system in Great Britain
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets
Bons conjuntos de dados para utilizar em projetos.
Department for Transport publishes official statistics relating to the transport system in Great Britain.
- Transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
- Latest transport statistics
- Statistical collections
- Forthcoming publications
- Corporate information
- Contact us
Conjuntos de dados da Google Cloud Platform
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets
Os data sets disponíveis nos serviços cloud da google.
Argentina Real Estate ListingsProperatiMonthly property listing data for Argentina since 2016
Austin Crime DataCity of AustinCity of Austin crime data for 2014 and 2015
Births Data SummaryCenters for Disease ControlNatality Data from CDC Births
Eurostat – Eurpean Statistics
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística
Weather Underground
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets
Fonte de dados sobre o tempo.
Historical Weather
SNS Trabalhadores por Grupo Profissional
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets
Bons dados sobre o SNS
Apurar o nº de trabalhadores (empregos), por instituição e por grupo profissional, com contrato de trabalho ativo no mês de análise.
Número de trabalhadores (empregos) com contrato de trabalho ativo no mês em análise, por entidade e por mês, discriminado pelos grupos profissionais: Médicos (sem contabilizar Internos), Médicos Internos, Enfermeiros, Técnicos Superiores de Saúde, Técnicos Superiores de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica, Assistentes Técnicos, Assistentes Operacionais, Técnicos Superiores, Informáticos e Outros.
Nota: Os dados apresentados dizem respeito aos trabalhadores vinculados com contrato de trabalho às entidades do setor público administrativo (SPA) e entidades públicas empresarias (EPE) que se encontram sob a tutela do Ministério da Saúde, aos quais acrescem ainda os profissionais que exercem funções nos estabelecimentos hospitalares em regime de parceria público-privada integrados no Serviço Nacional de Saúde. (Ver anexo – Número de Profissionais nos Estabelecimentos Hospitalares em Regime de Parceira Público-Privada).
working with alien SPSS files
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais ensino
Informação sobre diversos inquéritos e acesso aos dados respetivos
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: working with alien SPSS files
[New page 23 Oct 2014: last updated 5 June 2017]
[NB: Notes and commentaries below may arrive as pdf files in your download folder]
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: working with alien SPSS files (pdf)
An alternative working title would have been: Sows’ Ears and Silk Purses: working with other peoples’ SPSS files as a follow-up to Old Dog, Old Tricks, my 2006 presentation to ASSESS. Thought about using Old Dog, New Tricks, but it doesn’t carry the same sense of horror and fun.
Slide-shows covered recent work on other people’s files, including a live demo of Jon Peck’s Python code to move question numbers from the end to the beginning of variable labels and to change labels from UPPER to Mixed case text. Also included were some new tricks and demos of things I didn’t know SPSS would do until I tried. I haven’t used PowerPoint since York 2006, but I found [Alt][PrintScreen] and MS Snip incredibly useful for getting screenshots into Word, and they also copied easily into Ppt. The presentation ran SPSS live, drawing on my explorations of:
British Social Attitudes
Commentary on SPSS file for British Social Attitudes 2011 (pdf)
Notes on British Social Attitudes 2004 teaching data set (pdf) as used by Marsh and Elliott, 2008
(See also page British Social Attitudes which has links to later commentaries on the ease of use and understanding of SPSS saved files distributed by UKDS on page British Social Attitudes: Exploring the SPSS files and detailed accounts of my creation in 2016 of a cumulative mother fille for all waves 1983 to 2014 on page British Social Attitudes 1983 to 2014: Cumulative SPSS file
Understanding Society
Commentary on Understanding Society 2010 (pdf)
NORC General Social Survey (GSS)
As of March 2016, the NORC GSS website has been completely revamped and is easier to navigate. Some of the content in the following commentaries may now be otiose.
Commentary on full NORC General Social Survey 2008 (pdf)
Commentary on subset of General Social Survey 2008 (pdf) (as used by Sweet & Grace-Martin)
Commentary on GSS 2008 SPSS files for Babbie et al (pdf) (as used by Babbie, Halley, Wagner & Zaino)
(UK) ONS National Well-being
[New page 2 May 2015]
ONS National Well-being
Commentary on Unrestricted Access Teaching Dataset (ONS Opinions Survey, Well‐Being Module (pdf)
Data set and user guide from the Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, Manchester now renamed the Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research, . This dataset (SN7146) contains a selection of variables from the April 2011 wave of the ONS Opinions Survey, Well-Being Module, April – August 2011 (SN 6893) which in turn is part of the regular government survey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, run in various guises since 1990
Tags: IBM SPSS Statistics, inquéritos
British Social Attitudes
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais ensino
Inquerito e dados respetivos sobre atitudes sociais no UK
British Social Attitudes 1983 onwards
Cumulative SPSS file
[New page 22 June 2016: last updated 14 Feb 2017]
Cumulative files 1983 onwards
Attempting analyses across waves became increasingly frustrating as I encountered a range of anomalies, incompatibilities and inconsistencies, not to mention universally incomplete and/or incorrect specifications of measurement levels, missing values and value labels. Accordingly I set myself the task of generating a complete cumulative SPSS file containing the data from all waves from 1983 to 2014 (one colleague described this undertaking as Herculean) to provide what will hopefully be a valuable resource for teachers, students and researchers. The 2015 wave was added in January 2017.
Index to UKDS downloads for British Social Attitudes 1983 – 2014 is an Excel file detailing, for each wave 1983 – 2014, year of survey, link to UKDS, download filename, size of file, number of cases, number of variables, number of variables with non-numeric formats and the new working filename assigned to amended files. The amended *.sav files were sent to Natcen for approval and possible deposit with UKDS, but are now superseded.
Non-numeric variables in British Social Attitudes is a step-by-step account of identifying, in each wave, variables with the same name, but different formats. Several of these variables are specified as Strings with widths varying from A4 to A60, but some are in fact numbers. Others are dates or times in DATE or TIME format and one is in COMMA1. These and other factors prevent merging data from different waves using the SPSS command ADD FILES. It’s been quite complex and tedious tracking them all down, but I eventually managed to create cumulative files for 1983 – 1994 and 2011 – 2014. Merging 1995 – 2005 and 2006 – 2009 was more daunting, as several problems remained to be resolved, but I eventually managed to generate a draft cumulative file for the whole series. Much more meticulous and painstaking detective work and editing was required before a beta version was ready for public release.
Cumulative SPSS file 1983 to 2014
This task was completed on 20 June 2016 and the pass-word protected “mother” file (0.99 gb) has now been lodged (via Dropbox) with Natcen and UKDS for approval and distribution. Custom-written Python code, freely and generously supplied by Jon Peck (retired Senior Software Engineer, IBM-SPSS) has saved me weeks if not months of painstaking needle-in-haystack searches. I also wish to thank Dr Chris Stride (Sheffield) who suggested using the sort facility in Excel to separate variable names with single (positive) missing values from those with paired (positive and equivalent negative) missing values.
For sure, some mini-glitches may remain, but to find and resolve these would at this stage be completely uneconomic of my time. However users are warned that, because metadata for repeated variables are taken from the most recent wave, the value labels for categories of some variables differ from those of earlier waves. This is particularly true of ordinal variables for income groups.
Tags: IBM SPSS Statistics, inquéritos
British Social Attitudes
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais ensino
Dados de um inquérito britânico sobre atitudes sociais
The British Social Attitudes survey is the leading social research survey in Britain. Since 1983, the annual surveys
conducted by the National Centre for Social Research (Natcen) have continually monitored and interpreted the British public’s changing attitudes towards social, economic, political and moral issues. Its findings are reported
and interpreted in a series of annual reports.
The British Social Attitudes Information System is maintained by the Centre for Comparative European
Survey Data (CCESD) to provide non-specialist users with on-line access and analysis of a cumulative database of over 20,000 survey questions asked in British Social Attitudes surveys over the last 25 years.
Data and documentation from all surveys from 1983 are routinely deposited with the UK Data Service (UKDS) based at Essex University and can be searched on their page British Social Attitudes Survey . Files are accessible from UKDS: the list of currently available waves is on British Social Attitudes links 1983 onwards. I am currently working on tutorials using data from the 2011 wave and from the 2009 to 2014 waves in the cumulative file. Some of these are already available on page 3.2 Three (or more) variables and in 4.2.1 Income differences – Statistical significance
Tags: IBM SPSS Statistics, inquéritos
Data sets used in Survey Analysis
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, materiais ensino
mais dados de inquéritos diversos no UK
Raw data sets are exactly as they would arrive from the fieldwork agency or from institutional data-prep services (in 80-column ASCII format, fixed width font).
SPSS saved files for British Social Attitudes 1986 and 1989 and Quality of Life in Britain are initial files only. Variables in the BSA series are (re-) named using the positional naming convention. There are no mnemonic names and no derived variables, but these will be generated during the exercises. These files have full permissions for use and distribution.
SPSS (19, 21 and 22) can open *.sav and *.sps files downloaded from this site and also save them to a drive on your computer. Earlier tutorials and exercises require you to define a few variables, read in raw data and add dictionary information, then save the files. However, for surveys with dozens, if not hundreds, of variables, this would be too onerous a requirement, especially for beginners. Later tutorials and exercises will need access to much larger saved files containing hundreds of variables and thousands of cases.
Tags: IBM SPSS Statistics, inquéritos