Stately: A simple map font
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under visualização
What is Stately?
Stately is a symbol font that makes it easy to create a map of the United States using only HTML and CSS. Each state can be styled independently with CSS for making simple visualizations. And since it’s a font, it scales bigger and smaller while staying sharp as a tack.
Atlas of Science
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under ARS - SNA, visualização
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Guide to Maps and Mapping
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under visualização
Cartography is the study of creating maps. Cartographers are both artists and scientists who create those maps. Most maps relate spatial information two-dimensionally in order to communicate location, other geographic themes or information. Physical maps can be either flat, spherical like a globe, or digital.
There are two basic kinds of locational maps: topographic and topological. Topographic maps are produced to a standard scale, while topological maps are not. Maps have always been used to aid travelers regarding location. As information science and the need for a new way to disseminate information grew, mapping began to include themes. Dot maps for instance depict storm damage in a certain location, or how much soybean is produced in a certain state. The main purpose is to make the map meaningful to its user by keeping to a standardsymbology or legend, so that the map regardless of type, conveys the information necessary to the user who deems it valuable.
Visualização de dados FIFA
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under visualização
Studio NAND and Moritz Stefaner, along with Jens Franke explore FIFA development programs around the world.
The FIFA Development Globe visualises FIFA’s worldwide involvement in supporting football through educational and infrastructural projects. Using a 3D globe in combination with interconnected interface and visualization elements, the application provides multiple perspectives onto an enormous dataset of FIFA’s activities, grouped by technical support, performance activities, and development projects.
The globe itself is an icosahedron, or essentially a spherical shape made up of triangles. Triangles in each country represent programs and are colored by the three above categories, and you might recognize Moritz’ elastic lists in the sidebar to filter through programs, by country, organization, and type. There’s also a timeline view, which shows program development over the past five years.
Give it a go here. I should warn you though that it runs in Flash (a client requirement), and it could run sluggish depending on your machine. Sometimes I was disorientated by the interaction and animation, especially when I clicked and nothing happened until a few seconds later.
Tags: análise de dados, Estat Descritiva, mapas
Rede Hidrometeorológica dos Açores
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under data sets, estatística, visualização
Quantum GIS Project
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under materiais ensino, software
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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, visualização
I thought that fuzzy cognitive maps are a very interesting idea that may have some potential. I was curious to try and see whether I had grasped the concept and could come up with a fuzzy cognitive map that provides information about a system. Since programming is understanding, I thought that the best way to ensure that I had understood something was to write a program to draw and run fuzzy cognitive maps. I programmed an applet that you can find here. After that, I wrote some tutorials and then the rest of this web site. The last addition has been the forum.
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Tags: captura de conhecimento, data mining, grafos, mapas
Concept Mapping: Informal to Formal
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, visualização
Concept mapping techniques, both formal and informal, are useful in knowledge representation, decision support, education, documentation, meeting support, brainstorming, and a host of other areas.
Tags: captura de conhecimento, data mining, grafos, mapas
Cognitive Mapping: Definitions, Examples, and Resources
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, visualização
- Definition of Cognitive Mapping
- History and Use of the Term
Examples of cognitive maps
- The Process of Cognitive Mapping
- Different Types of Cognitive Map
and Mapping Techniques
Causal mapping
- Definition of a Concept Map
Examples of concept maps
- Theory and Use of Concept Maps
- The Medicine Wheel as a Concept Map
- Semantic Mapping
Examples of semantic maps
- Semantic Web
- Visual Schemata
- Wayfinding — Which Way Is Up?
- Intrapsychic cognitive maps
- History and Use of the Term
- Left Sidebar
- Right Sidebar —
References & Resources
Tags: captura de conhecimento, data mining, grafos, mapas
Mapas cognitivos – How to Map
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, visualização
Cognitive Mapping is a technique which has been developed over a period of time and through its application has demonstrated its use for Operational Researchers working on a variety of different tasks.
Tags: captura de conhecimento, data mining, grafos, mapas