Rtips. Revival 2014!

Uma animação com todos os lugares referidos numa canção de johnny cash

Uma animação com todos os lugares referidos numa canção de johnny cash

Montes de exemplos de R numa única longa página.

Table of Contents
Section: Original Preface
Section 1: Data Input/Output
Section 2: Working with data frames: Recoding, selecting, aggregating
Section 3: Matrices and vector operations
Section 4: Applying functions, tapply, etc
Section 5: Graphing
Section 6: Common Statistical Chores
Section 7: Model Fitting (Regression-type things)
Section 8: Packages
Section 9: Misc. web resources
Section 10: R workspace
Section 11: Interface with the operating system
Section 12: Stupid R tricks: basics you can’t live without
Section 13: Misc R usages I find interesting

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Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

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Referências úteis para conceitos de estatística básica.

HyperStat Online
An online statistics book with links to other statistics resources on the web.
Java applets that demonstrate various statistical concepts.
Case Studies
Examples of real data with analyses and interpretation
Analysis Lab
Some basic statistical analysis tools.

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Electronic Statistics Textbook: StatSoft

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Uma referência muito completa sobre métodos estatísticos e de data mining.

Proper citation:

  • (Electronic Version): StatSoft, Inc. (2013). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. WEB: http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/.
  • (Printed Version): Hill, T. & Lewicki, P. (2007). STATISTICS: Methods and Applications. StatSoft, Tulsa, OK.

Overview of Elementary Concepts in Statistics. In this introduction, we will briefly discuss those elementary statistical concepts that provide the necessary foundations for more specialized expertise in any area of statistical data analysis. The selected topics illustrate the basic assumptions of most statistical methods and/or have been demonstrated in research to be necessary components of one’s general understanding of the “quantitative nature” of reality (Nisbet, et al., 1987). Because of space limitations, we will focus mostly on the functional aspects of the concepts discussed and the presentation will be very short.

Further information on each of those concepts can be found in the Introductory Overview and Examples sections of this manual and in statistical textbooks. Recommended introductory textbooks are: Kachigan (1986), and Runyon and Haber (1976); for a more advanced discussion of elementary theory and assumptions of statistics, see the classic books by Hays (1988), and Kendall and Stuart (1979).

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Montes de recursos sobre R

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Muitos recursos para o R que vão de exemplos introdutórios até ao multivariado.

Do it yourself Introduction to R

R is a free statistical programming language environment. It is completely free to anyone — like the air you breath is free.

For more information on why everyone should be using R, see here.

The goal of this site is to allow someone to overcome the intimidation associated with learning the very basics of R and showing them the tools for continued usage. Let’s get started.

Some assumptions: This site assumes you are using a Windows operating system and have a basic understanding of file structures and paths. You will also need to have administrator privileges in order to install R. Some of the notes linked on this page are standard HTML pages; most of the links on this page are in R script file format (they have the file extension.R). Beyond that; the site and any instructions or links on it should be self-explanatory. It is STRONGLY recommended that one progress through the modules in order.

A brief explanation of this page is here.

UPDATE NOTE: April 23, 2015: current R version is 3.2.0

These pages have been tested for use with Firefox, other browsers may display the pages incorrectly.

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Base R Version

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Excelentes exemplos de gráficos que podem usar nos trabalhos.

One Variable: Numeric Variable

One Variable: Factor Variable

Two Variables: Two Numeric Variables

Two Variables: Two Factor Variables

Two Variables: One Factor and One Numeric

Three Variables: Three Factor Variables

Three Variables: One Numeric and Two Factor Variables

Three Variables: Two Numeric and One Factor Variables

Three Variables: Three Numeric Variables

Scatterplot Matrix of all Numeric Vars, colored by a Factor variable

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SticiGui – online statistics book

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PlotDevice: Draw with Python

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Uma biblioteca de funções em Pyton para construir visualizações de dados.

You’ve been able to visualize data with Python for a while, but Mac application PlotDevice from Christian Swinehart couples code and graphics more tightly. Write code on the right. Watch graphics change on the right.

The application gives you everything you need to start writing programs that draw to a virtual canvas. It features a text editor with syntax highlighting and tab completion plus a zoomable graphics viewer and a variety of export options.

PlotDevice’s simple but com­pre­hen­sive set of graphics commands will be familiar to users of similar graphics tools like NodeBox or Processing. And if you’re new to programming, you’ll find there’s nothing better than being able to see the results of your code as you learn to think like a computer.

Looks promising. Although when I downloaded it and tried to run it, nothing happened. I’m guessing there’s still compatibility issues to iron out at version 0.9.4. Hopefully that clears up soon. [via Waxy]

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How People in America Spend Their Day

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Um gráfico de áreas como forma de visualizar como os americanos ocupam o seu tempo ao longo do dia.


From Shan Carter, Amanda Cox, Kevin Quealy, and Amy Schoenfeld of The New York Times is this new interactive stacked time series on how different groups in America spend their day. The data itself comes from the American Time Use Survey. The interactive has a similar feel to Martin Wattenberg’s Baby Name Voyager, but it has the NYT pizazz that we’ve all come to know and love.

Explore time use by gender, race, age, education, and employment. View all activities (e.g. work, traveling) or select a specific action to drill down into the graph. From there, you’ll find time aggregates that you can compare against depending on what filter you’ve selected.

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A World of Terror

Uma excelente visualização de dados interativa

Uma excelente visualização de dados interativa

Exploring the reach, frequency and impact of terrorism around the world

The data used in this tool comes from the Global Terrorism Database, the most comprehensive collection of terrorism data available.

GeographyThe 25 groups included here have been active in 73 countries on five continents. Of these, the country targeted by the most groups has been France: Al-Qa`ida, Basque Fatherland and Freedom, Hizballah, The IRA, and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. The group with the greatest geographic spread is Hizballah, responsible for terrorism in 17 countries.
YearsOn average, these top 25 groups have been active almost 19 years (during this time frame), while all other groups have been active just over 2 years.
WoundedThe 25 groups listed here are responsible for 48% of all known wounded victims, with ISIS being responsible for the most wounded (10,585). However, Al-Qa`ida is more effective, wounding 230 per event on average.
KilledOf the total verified fatalities, over half (83,896, or 56%) are attributed to the 25 groups listed here. The greatest number of deaths by these groups, 6,857, happened in 2013.

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Using Open Source Technology in Higher Education

Um blog com muitos posts sobre a utilização do R

Um blogue com muitos posts sobre a utilização do R

Using R for Basic Cross Tabulation Analysis: Part Three, Using the xtabs Function

Using R to Work with GSS Survey Data: Cross Tabulation Tables

R Tutorial: Using R to Work With Datasets From the NORC General Social Science Survey

How to Set Up SSH to Remotely Control Your Raspberry Pi

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