IBM SPSS product portfolio

Página da IBM dedicada ao SPSS e co.

Página da IBM dedicada ao SPSS e co.

Why SPSS software?

With SPSS predictive analytics software, you can predict with confidence what will happen next so that you can make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes.

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How long will we live — and how well?

Gráfico animado de dispersão entre a esperança média de vida e a % de anos com saude

Gráfico animado de dispersão entre a esperança média de vida e a % de anos com saude

Circule entre os dois anos com informação para ver a animação.

For every year increase in life expectancy worldwide, healthy life expectancy increased about 9-1/2 months.

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Visualização de dados FIFA

visualizacao de BDs da FIFA sobre projetos de apoio ao futebol

visualizacao de BDs da FIFA sobre projetos de apoio ao futebol

Studio NAND and Moritz Stefaner, along with Jens Franke explore FIFA development programs around the world.

The FIFA Development Globe visu­al­ises FIFA’s world­wide involve­ment in supporting foot­ball through educa­tional and infra­struc­tural projects. Using a 3D globe in combin­a­tion with inter­con­nected inter­face and visu­al­iz­a­tion elements, the applic­a­tion provides multiple perspect­ives onto an enormous dataset of FIFA’s activ­ities, grouped by tech­nical support, perform­ance activ­ities, and devel­op­ment projects.

The globe itself is an icosahedron, or essentially a spherical shape made up of triangles. Triangles in each country represent programs and are colored by the three above categories, and you might recognize Moritz’ elastic lists in the sidebar to filter through programs, by country, organization, and type. There’s also a timeline view, which shows program development over the past five years.

Give it a go here. I should warn you though that it runs in Flash (a client requirement), and it could run sluggish depending on your machine. Sometimes I was disorientated by the interaction and animation, especially when I clicked and nothing happened until a few seconds later.


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Easy web applications in R

criar aplicações com R - deployment de modelos e análises

criar aplicações com R - deployment de modelos e análises

Shiny makes it super simple for R users like you to turn analyses into interactive web applications that anyone can use. Let your users choose input parameters using friendly controls like sliders, drop-downs, and text fields. Easily incorporate any number of outputs like plots, tables, and summaries.

No HTML or JavaScript knowledge is necessary. If you have some experience with R, you’re just minutes away from combining the statistical power of R with the simplicity of a web page.

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Portal de Informação Empresarial do IRN

Estatísticas Oficiais sobre a atividade empresarial

Estatísticas Oficiais sobre a atividade empresarial


Modelos de dados

video sobre data modeling de apenas 60 segundos

60 Seconds Smarter: Data Modeling

Tackling tough tech in a minute or less. This episode explores Data Modeling with Steve Hoberman, Data Modeling expert, author and educator.

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Esri Maps for Office

software da ESRI para adicionar mapas a Excel e PowerPoint

Map-Enable Your Data

Making a map of your Excel data is as easy as creating a graph or chart. Learn more.

Impact Your Audience

Add interactive maps to your PowerPoint presentations. Learn more.

Share Maps in One Click

Quickly share your maps on the web and with mobile apps. Learn more.

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XpandIT – Exemplos de BI

Bom vídeo de empresa pt com exemplos de BI

Bom vídeo de empresa pt com exemplos de BI

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Pentaho – business analytics

Software para BI e data werehouse

Software para BI e data werehouse

Better Together: Pentaho tightly couples data integration with business analytics in a modern platform that brings together IT and business users to easily access, visualize and explore all data that impacts business results

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PSPP – statistical analysis of sampled data

Aplicação de análise estatística alternativa ao SPSS

Aplicação de análise estatística alternativa ao SPSS

A brief list of some of the features of PSPP follows:

  • Supports over 1 billion cases.
  • Supports over 1 billion variables.
  • Syntax and data files are compatible with SPSS.
  • Choice of terminal or graphical user interface.
  • Choice of text, postscript or html output formats.
  • Inter-operates with Gnumeric, OpenOffice.Org and other free software.
  • Easy data import from spreadsheets, text files and database sources.
  • User interface translated to multiple languages (details).
  • Fast statistical procedures, even on very large data sets.
  • No license fees.
  • No expiration period.
  • No unethical “end user license agreements”.
  • Fully indexed user manual.
  • Free Software; licensed under GPLv3 or later.
  • Cross platform; Runs on many different computers and many different operating systems.

PSPP is particularly aimed at statisticians, social scientists and students requiring fast convenient analysis of sampled data.

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