Real Chart Rules to Follow

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Excelente guia sobre construção de gráficos para representar dados.

There are a lot of “rules” for visualization. Some are actual rules, and some are suggestions to help you make choices. Many of the former can be broken, if that’s what the data dictates and you know what you’re doing.

But, there are rules—usually for specific chart types meant to be read in a specific way and with few exceptions—that you shouldn’t break. When they are, everyone loses. This is that small handful.

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Comprehensive Guide to Data Visualization in R

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Bom resumo de alguns tipos de gráficos que podem ser obtidos no R, do mais simples a alguns mais complexos.

This visualization (originally created using Tableau) is a great example of how data visualization can help decision makers. Imagine telling this information to an investor through a table. How long do you think you will take to explain it to him?

With ever increasing volume of data in today’s world, it is impossible to tell stories without these visualizations. While there are dedicated tools like Tableau, QlikView and d3.js, nothing can replace a modeling / statistics tools with good visualization capability. It helps tremendously in doing any exploratory data analysis as well as feature engineering. This is where R offers incredible help.

R Programming offers a satisfactory set of inbuilt function and libraries (such as ggplot2, leaflet, lattice) to build visualizations and present data. In this article, I have covered the steps to create the common as well as advanced visualizations in R Programming.

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visualização do intervalo de confiança

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Boa forma de visualizar o conceito de Intervalo de Confiança Aleatório.

About the visualization

Some say that a shift from hypothesis testing to confidence intervals and estimation will lead to fewer statistical misinterpretations. Personally, I am not sure about that. But I agree with the sentiment that we should stop reducing statistical analysis to binary decision-making. The problem with CIs is that they are as unintuitive and as misunderstood p-values and null hypothesis significance testing. Moreover, CIs are often used to perform hypothesis tests and are therefore prone to the same misuses as p-values.

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R news and tutorials R bloggers

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Montes de blogs sobre R.

Here you will find daily news and tutorials about R, contributed by over 573 bloggers.

Top 3 Posts from the past 2 days

Top 9 articles of the week

  1. Installing R packages
  2. In-depth introduction to machine learning in 15 hours of expert videos
  3. New Version of RStudio (v0.99) Available Now
  4. Using apply, sapply, lapply in R
  5. Review of ‘Advanced R’ by Hadley Wickham
  6. Scatterplots
  7. An R Enthusiast Goes Pythonic!
  8. Open data sets you can use with R
  9. Basics of Histograms


S-PLUS & R Class Links

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montes de materiais para R e S-PLUS.

S-PLUS & R Class Links

Instructor: Richard Herrington

Why Do We Care To Use the “S” Language?  Does anyone care besides us? The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) cares


S-PLUS Student Edition Download (Free)

  • Student Edition 6.2 – This version of S-Plus has a 20,000 cell or 1,000 row limitation; is only for educational use; is good for only one year; and is a rather large download (100+ meg).

S-PLUS Free Experimental Libraries and User Contributed Libraries

  • Research Libraries – Includes: S+CorrelatedData (mixed effects generalized linear models), S+Best (B-Spline methods), S+Resample (bootstrap library), S+Bayes (bayesian analysis), S+FDA (functional data analysis).
  • User Contributed Libraries

Tinn-R Script Editor


Download Site for the Current Windows Install Binary and R Packages

Web Interfaces to R Web Servers and Example R Scripts

  • R Web Interfaces – Web/browser based interfaces to R script processing on a server
  • Example R Scripts – Some of these scripts run on a server and results are communicated thru a web browser
  • RSS Rweb Server – Link to http:/ R server

R, R(D)COM and Excel

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Rtips. Revival 2014!

Uma animação com todos os lugares referidos numa canção de johnny cash

Uma animação com todos os lugares referidos numa canção de johnny cash

Montes de exemplos de R numa única longa página.

Table of Contents
Section: Original Preface
Section 1: Data Input/Output
Section 2: Working with data frames: Recoding, selecting, aggregating
Section 3: Matrices and vector operations
Section 4: Applying functions, tapply, etc
Section 5: Graphing
Section 6: Common Statistical Chores
Section 7: Model Fitting (Regression-type things)
Section 8: Packages
Section 9: Misc. web resources
Section 10: R workspace
Section 11: Interface with the operating system
Section 12: Stupid R tricks: basics you can’t live without
Section 13: Misc R usages I find interesting

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Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

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Referências úteis para conceitos de estatística básica.

HyperStat Online
An online statistics book with links to other statistics resources on the web.
Java applets that demonstrate various statistical concepts.
Case Studies
Examples of real data with analyses and interpretation
Analysis Lab
Some basic statistical analysis tools.

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Statistical Associates E-Book Catalog

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e-books grátis.

2013 Annual Report, Statistical Associates Publishers Info Pages: 8. Coverage: General. 2013 Free No Kindle edition
10 Worst Statistical Mistakes and Pitfalls Info Coverage: For selected statistical procedures 2015 Free No Kindle edition
Creating Simulated Datasets Info Pages: 15. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free No Kindle edition
Game Theory Info Pages: 15. Coverage: General. 2012 Free No Kindle edition
Probability Info Pages: 15. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free No Kindle edition
Testing Statistical Assumptions Info Pages: 51. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Coming
Association, Measures of Info Pages: 49. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Correlation Info Pages: 60. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Correspondence Analysis Info Pages: 37. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Crosstabulation Info Pages: 60. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Curve Fitting & Nonlinear Regression Info Pages: 53. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Discriminant Function Analysis Info Pages: 52. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Life Tables & Kaplan-Meier Analysis Info Pages: 32. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Literature Review in Research and Dissertation Writing Info Pages: 52. Coverage: General. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Multidimensional Scaling Info Pages: 55. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Network Analysis Info Pages: 35. Coverage: General, UCINET. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Ordinal Regression Info Pages: 93. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2014 Free Buy at Amazon
Parametric Survival Analysis (Event History Analysis) Info Pages: 64. Coverage: General, Stata, SAS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Partial Correlation Info Pages: 40. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2014 Free Buy at Amazon
Path Analysis Info Pages: 81. Coverage: General, SPSS AMOS. SAS, Stata. 2014 Free Buy at Amazon
Power Analysis Info Pages: 36. Coverage: General, SPSS SamplePower, G*Power. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Probit Regression & Response Models Info Pages: 92. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Research Design Info Pages: 53. Coverage: General. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Scales and Measures Info Pages: 91. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata, WINSTEPS, jMetric 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Survey Research & Sampling Info Pages: 82. Coverage: General. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Two-Stage Least Squares Regression Info Pages: 45. Coverage: General, Stata, SPSS, SAS. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Variance Components Analysis Info Pages: 37. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
WLS: Weighted Least Squares Regression Info Pages: 54. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free

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Electronic Statistics Textbook: StatSoft

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Uma referência muito completa sobre métodos estatísticos e de data mining.

Proper citation:

  • (Electronic Version): StatSoft, Inc. (2013). Electronic Statistics Textbook. Tulsa, OK: StatSoft. WEB:
  • (Printed Version): Hill, T. & Lewicki, P. (2007). STATISTICS: Methods and Applications. StatSoft, Tulsa, OK.

Overview of Elementary Concepts in Statistics. In this introduction, we will briefly discuss those elementary statistical concepts that provide the necessary foundations for more specialized expertise in any area of statistical data analysis. The selected topics illustrate the basic assumptions of most statistical methods and/or have been demonstrated in research to be necessary components of one’s general understanding of the “quantitative nature” of reality (Nisbet, et al., 1987). Because of space limitations, we will focus mostly on the functional aspects of the concepts discussed and the presentation will be very short.

Further information on each of those concepts can be found in the Introductory Overview and Examples sections of this manual and in statistical textbooks. Recommended introductory textbooks are: Kachigan (1986), and Runyon and Haber (1976); for a more advanced discussion of elementary theory and assumptions of statistics, see the classic books by Hays (1988), and Kendall and Stuart (1979).

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