How the Longest Running Shows Rated Over Episodes

Um bom gráfico de barras com muita informação

By Nathan Yau

Most television shows don’t get past the first season, but there are some that manage to stick around. These are the 175 longest running shows on IMDb that have ratings.

Episodes are colored by average rating. Some shows are consistently good, some shows people seem to love to hate, and then there are shows that are good at some point but eventually drop off.

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Simulating how just a little gender bias in the workplace can lead to big effects up the chain

Uma mistura de gráfico de dispersão com cronograma

Yuhao Du, Jessica Nordell, and Kenneth Joseph used simulations to study the effects of small gender biases at entry level up to executive level. It doesn’t take much to skew the distribution. For NYT Opinion, Yaryna Serkez shows the simulation in action with moving bubbles and stacked area charts for each work level.

The simulation imagines a company where female performance is undervalued by 3 percent. Each dot represents an employee, and they either move up with promotions or stay still. The distribution of men and women start even but end very uneven.

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Unstable Ground

Um excelente relatório cheio de mapas interativos muito bem conseguidos

The Arctic is changing, but what does that mean for the north and the rest of the planet?

The Arctic is warming more than twice as fast as the global average.

Climate change is transforming the Arctic, impacting people and ecosystems across this vast region. But because our climate system is connected globally, what happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic.

Discover how Arctic landscapes are changing and learn about the consequences for communities across the globe.

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Uma boa fonte de dados norte-americanos sobre census e saúde

IPUMS USA collects, preserves and harmonizes U.S. census microdata and provides easy access to this data with enhanced documentation. Data includes decennial censuses from 1790 to 2010 and American Community Surveys (ACS) from 2000 to the present.

Use it for GOOD — never for EVIL

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Age and Occupation

Um bom gráfico interativo de intervalos de confiança de idades, um para cada emprego

By Nathan Yau

Whether it’s because of experience, physical ability, or education level, some jobs tend towards a certain age of worker more than others. For example, fast food counter workers tend to be younger, whereas school bus drivers tend to be older.

These are the age ranges for 529 jobs. Search for your job or look at others.

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How Men and Women Spend Their Days

Um bom exemplo de gráficos de linhas acumuladas ou gráfico de diferenças

By Nathan Yau

For the employed, unemployed, and those not in the labor force, the charts below show the percentage of people doing an activity over a day in 2020. Switch between a weekday or a weekend day. Select activities to see individually.

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Olympians are probably older — and younger — than you think

Um relatório com vários gráficos tipos histogramas unidimensionais (gráficos de pontos)

There were some outliers in the old days, but even in Tokyo, athletes range from boomers through Gen Z

By Bonnie Berkowitz andArtur Galocha July 31

As you would expect, two-thirds of the roughly 11,700 Olympians competing in Tokyo are in their 20s. Prime of life, blah blah blah.

But the rest of the athletes range from two preteens to four 60-somethings, and the older competitors nudged up the average age to 27 for the first time since 1948.

Since the first modern Olympics in 1896, the wide range of sports has allowed for a wide range of sportsmen — and sportswomen, beginning in 1900.

A 10-year-old boy competed in that first Games, and several septuagenarians have suited up. (A 98-year-old sort of competed in 1928, but whether he counts is debatable because he was entered in the art competition and also was dead.)

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See how California changed in the last decade, right down to your neighborhood

Um relatório com vários tipos de gráficos de comparação das etnias em duas datas distintas

The demographics of California’s communities are changing quickly. Take Alameda County. Today, the share of people who identify as Asian make up 32% of Alameda County — the county’s largest single demographic group. In 2010, that figure was 27%. White people made up 34% of the county back then. Now they are just 28%.

Scroll down to plug in your address to see how your community has changed

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A Better Way for Data Preprocessing: Pandas Pipe

Um pequeno tutorial sobre como começar a usar o pipe

Efficient, organized, and elegant.

Soner YıldırımJul 31·4 min read

Real-life data is usually messy. It requires a lot of preprocessing to be ready for use. Pandas being one of the most-widely used data analysis and manipulation libraries offers several functions to preprocess the raw data.

In this article, we will focus on one particular function that organizes multiple preprocessing operations into a single one: the pipe function.

When it comes to software tools and packages, I learn best by working through examples. I keep this in mind when creating content. I will do the same in this article.

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179 Reasons You Probably Don’t Need to Panic About Inflation

relatório dinâmico com gráficos alto \ baixo

By Josh Bivens and Stuart A. ThompsonAug. 18, 2021Gasoline (all types)March 2019March 2020March 2021Used cars and trucksMarch 2019March 2020March 2021Airline faresMarch 2019March 2020March 2021

Here’s how the price of gasoline changed each month throughout 2019, compared with the previous year. ↑ Red means the price went higher, while ↓ blue means it fell.

The coronavirus gripped the United States by March 2020. The economy halted. Gas prices ↓ plummeted.

This year, things have taken another turn. Gasoline prices have increased sharply, ↑ up 41.8% by July compared with a year earlier.

It’s a similar story for used cars and trucks, with prices ↓ falling during the pandemic shutdown, then ↑ soaring as things reopened.

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