Failures to Act
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under infogramas \ dashboards

Uma excelente history telling com muitos testemunhos falados
Almost 1,300 people say New Hampshire failed to act to protect them from child abuse at youth facilities. Here’s what the allegations reveal.
By Jason Moon and Russell SamoraJune 26, 2024
Tags: história, sons, violência contra crianças
The mysterious tyranny of trendy baby names
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under infogramas \ dashboards, visualização
um estranho estudo sobre nomes de bebes mas com bons gráficos, especialmente de áreas
In America, how you spell your name says a lot about when you were born.
Take “Ashley,” for instance. Ashly, Ashley and Ashleigh each mark distinct eras — not just for the Ashleys of the world, but also for the various spellings themselves.
Tags: frequências, gráficos de áreas, nomes de beés, sons
the pudding
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under materiais ensino, materiais para profissionais, visualização
Um bom exemplo de uma história bem contada, neste caso, sonora.
Hola y bienvenido.
This is an audio/visual story exploring the sounds of Mexico City’s streets.
To begin, please connect headphones and choose a language.