SPSS Starter Kit
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software
SPSS Annotated Output
SPSS Class Notes
SPSS Learning Modules
SPSS Frequently Asked Questions
SPSS Library
SPSS Code Fragments
Tags: análise de dados, Estat Descritiva, IBM SPSS Statistics, inferência, inquéritos, software estatístico
SPSS On-Line Training Workshop
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software, videos
Tutorials and Clips
Overview of SPSS
Getting Started
Options in the Edit Menu
Open Files in SPSS
Define/Modify Variables
File Manipulation: sort, merge, Transpose
File Manipulation: select, split
Programmability Extension-Using R inside SPSS , …
Tags: IBM SPSS Statistics, software estatístico
Raynald’s SPSS tools
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software
Desde Dezembro de 1998 que tenho participado no grupo de discussão SPSSX-L e no newsgroup comp.soft-sys.stat.spss. Estas participações aumentaram o meu grau de conhecimento acerca SPSS em cerca de 25. Tenho aprendido muito com muitos utilizadores do SPSS, tais como:
John Hendrickx, Hector E. Maletta, Rolf Kjoeller, David Marso e Neila Nessa.
Pelo meu lado, respondi a cerca de 2100 questões colocadas nestes dois grupos de discussão. É mais divertido aprender o SPSS através da resposta a questões reais, do que a ler livros e a “inventar problemas” para resolver. Acho que a diversidade de problemas e situações com que nos deparamos nestes grupos fascinantes. (E isto, provavelmente, diz muita coisa acerca da minha personalidade ).
Para uma visão geral da minha página, queiram consultar o mapa do site.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Newbie’s Corner
Sample SPSS Syntax
Learning SPSS Syntax
Debugging Syntax
Sample Macros
Macro Tutorials
Debugging Macros
Sample Scripts
Learning Scripts
Tags: desnvolvimento de software, IBM SPSS Statistics, inquéritos, software estatístico
SPSS Programming and Data Management book
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software
SPSS Programming and Data Management:
A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users
The first edition of the book was released by SPSS on January 7th, 2004. Here is the description found on SPSS’s site:
SPSS is pleased to announce the availability of “SPSS Programming and Data Management: A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users” written by SPSSX list member, Raynald Levesque, already well known for his practical solutions to complex SPSS programming problems.
The book reveals the wealth of functionality beneath the SPSS graphical user interface, with detailed examples of command syntax, the macro facility, scripting, and the new Output Management System. Until now, no other book has focused on these features, and many users have been unaware of the data management power and flexibility available in SPSS. The book also contains a chapter for users familiar with SAS, demonstrating how many common data management tasks are performed in both SAS and SPSS.
Although the first 5 editions (for SPSS 12 to SPSS 16) were available in hard copy, this is no longer the case. Only pdf versions are available for SPSS 17 and newer.
Tags: análise de dados, IBM SPSS Statistics, inferência, software estatístico
IBM SPSS product portfolio
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software
Why SPSS software?
With SPSS predictive analytics software, you can predict with confidence what will happen next so that you can make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes.
Tags: análise de dados, Estat Descritiva, IBM SPSS Statistics, inferência, previsão, software estatístico
Easy web applications in R
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software
Shiny makes it super simple for R users like you to turn analyses into interactive web applications that anyone can use. Let your users choose input parameters using friendly controls like sliders, drop-downs, and text fields. Easily incorporate any number of outputs like plots, tables, and summaries.
No HTML or JavaScript knowledge is necessary. If you have some experience with R, you’re just minutes away from combining the statistical power of R with the simplicity of a web page.
Tags: análise de dados, data mining, desnvolvimento de software, R-software, software estatístico
ProjectLibre: the open source replacement of Microsoft Project
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, planeamento, software
ProjectLibre beta is a major improvement including:
– Compatibility with Microsoft Project 2010
– New Ribbon User Interface
– Printing feature (wow, how was that not available)
– Major bug fixes & more
- Veja crítica TechRepublic
Tags: gestão de projetos, software estatístico
uso do @RISK em Português
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, Investigação Operacional, videos
Estes tutoriais em vídeo percorrerão uma análise do @RISK com você. Fora a Visão Geral, eles possuem menos de um minuto cada e vão ajudá-lo a começar a usar rapidamente o @RISK. Para começar agora mesmo, veja a “Visão Geral em 2 Minutos”.
» Visualizar todos os vídeos de Inicialização do Uso em fluxo contínuo
- Início Rápido
- MODELAR — Configure seu modelo
- SIMULAR — Rode a Simulação
- COMPREENDA — Analise os Resultados da Simulação
- Histogramas e Curvas Cumulativas
- Gráficos de Tornado
- Gráficos de Dispersão
- Dispersão a partir do Tornado
- Sobrepondo Gráficos de Resultados
- Marcadores de Gráficos
- Títulos de Gráficos
- Customizar Gráficos
- Gráficos de Resumo: Box Plots de Resumo e Tendência
- Janela Resumo de Resultados
- Janela de Dados
- Análise de Sensibilidade
- Relatórios no Excel
- Funcionalidades Avançadas
Tags: @RISK, Excel, software estatístico
Ajuste de Distribuições
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, Investigação Operacional, software, videos
Funcionalidades Avançadas
Tags: @RISK, Excel, software estatístico
PSPP – statistical analysis of sampled data
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under estatística, software
A brief list of some of the features of PSPP follows:
- Supports over 1 billion cases.
- Supports over 1 billion variables.
- Syntax and data files are compatible with SPSS.
- Choice of terminal or graphical user interface.
- Choice of text, postscript or html output formats.
- Inter-operates with Gnumeric, OpenOffice.Org and other free software.
- Easy data import from spreadsheets, text files and database sources.
- User interface translated to multiple languages (details).
- Fast statistical procedures, even on very large data sets.
- No license fees.
- No expiration period.
- No unethical “end user license agreements”.
- Fully indexed user manual.
- Free Software; licensed under GPLv3 or later.
- Cross platform; Runs on many different computers and many different operating systems.
PSPP is particularly aimed at statisticians, social scientists and students requiring fast convenient analysis of sampled data.
Tags: análise de dados, Estat Descritiva, IBM SPSS Statistics, software estatístico