Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS)

dados de inquéritos essencialmente

dados de inquéritos essencialmente

The Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences (Data-PASS) is a voluntary partnership of organizations created to archive, catalog and preserve data used for social science research. Examples of social science data include: opinion polls; voting records; surveys on family growth and income; social network data; government statistics and indices; and GIS data measuring human activity.


inquérito fácil

inquérito fácil logo

inquérito fácil logo

Bom site para construir e publicar inquéritos, gratuito até 100 respostas. é a ferramenta web de pesquisas online nº 1 na Europa e América Latina. Permite aos usuários elaborar por si mesmos, de uma forma rápida e simples, pesquisas internas e externas que auxiliem na tomada de decisões. A permite obter informação em tempo recorde e com uma aplicação mínima de recursos.


Questionnaire Design

Arsham Questionaire Design

Arsham Questionaire Design

The contents of this site are aimed at students who need to perform basic statistical analyses on data from sample surveys, especially those in marketing science. Students are expected to have a basic knowledge of statistics, such as descriptive statistics and the concept of hypothesis testing.


Delphi Decision Aid


delphi site

Delphi is a data-gathering tool to aid in the anonymous survey of expert judgments, obtained in a series of rounds, ultimately for forecasting purposes.

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Hot Potatoes

Hot Potatoes

Hot Potatoes é um conjunto de seis ferramentas de autoria, desenvolvidas pela equipe da University of Victoria CALL Laboratory Research and Development, que possibilitam a elaboração de seis tipos básicos de exercícios interactivos utilizando páginas Web.

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