Statistics on Likert Scale Surveys

Discute as análises de dados legítimas em escalas ordinais

Discute as análises de dados legítimas em escalas ordinais


What is a Likert Scale?

Reading in the survey from optical mark scanning sheet data

Producing a Table of the frequency results

Producing Means and Standard Deviations

Using T-Tests to compare groups

About the assumptions of the T-Test

An Alternative to T-Tests: the Chi Square Statistic

T-Tests on pairs of questions

Computing Subscales and what to do about reverse wording

Statistics on subscales

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SPSS Course Content

Elementos de um curso de SPSS básico de 2000

Elementos de um curso de SPSS básico de 2000

Descriptive Statistics
Frequencies Descriptives Explore: Statistics and Charts

Statistical Notes
Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio 95% Confidence Intervals

Data Transformations

compute recode

File Transformations

Merge File - Add Cases

Crosstabulation and Measures of Association

Measures for Nominal Data Measures for Ordinal Data Interrater Agreement

Differences Between Two Groups

t test nonparametric tests

ANOVA: Between Subjects

—————————–General Linear Model (GLM)—————————

Design: A Design: A x B Design: A x B x C Simple Main Effects Studies with unequal ns

ANOVA: Repeated Measures

———General Linear Model (GLM)———

1 within-subjects factor 1 within-, 1 between-subjects factors 2 within-, 1 between-subjects factors

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SPSS Topics Multilevel Modeling

Vários materiais sobre Modelação Multinível

Vários materiais sobre Modelação Multinível

SPSS Topics
Multilevel Modeling

These pages contain links from all parts of our web site and others web sites on multilevel modeling.  The topics will vary from introductory to advanced.
SPSS Frequently Asked Questions
SPSS Textbook Examples
SPSS Paper Examples
SPSS Library
Code Fragments

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SPSS Topics Logistic Regression

Vários materiais sobre Regressão Logística

Vários materiais sobre Regressão Logística

SPSS Topics
Logistic Regression

These pages contain links from all parts of our web site and others web sites on logistic and related types of regression.  The topics will vary from introductory to advanced.
Data Analysis Examples
Annotated Output
SPSS Frequently Asked Questions
Textbook Examples
SPSS Library
SPSS Code Fragments

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SPSS Topics Regression

Vários materiais, incluindo vídeos, sobre Regressão Linear

Vários materiais, incluindo vídeos, sobre Regressão Linear

These pages contain links from all parts of our web site and others web sites on regression analysis.  The topics will vary from introductory to advanced.
SPSS Annotated output
SPSS Seminars
SPSS Web Books
SPSS Frequently Asked Questions
Textbook Examples
SPSS Library

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Analysis of Variance

Vários materiais, incluindo vídeos, sobre ANOVA e Regressão

Vários materiais, incluindo vídeos, sobre ANOVA e Regressão

SPSS Topics
Analysis of Variance

These pages contain links from all parts of our web site and others web sites on analysis of variance.  The topics will vary from introductory to advanced.

SPSS Data Analysis Examples
SPSS Seminars
SPSS Web Books
SPSS Frequently Asked Questions
Textbook Examples
SPSS Library
SPSS Code Fragments

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What statistical analysis should I use?

Excelente tabela de decisão sobre os métodos estatísticos com exemplos

Excelente tabela de decisão sobre os métodos estatísticos com exemplos

The following table shows general guidelines for choosing a statistical analysis. We emphasize that these are general guidelines and should not be construed as hard and fast rules.  Usually your data could be analyzed in multiple ways, each of which could yield legitimate answers. The table below covers a number of common analyses and helps you choose among them based on the number of dependent variables (sometimes referred to as outcome variables), the nature of your independent variables (sometimes referred to as predictors).  You also want to consider the nature of your dependent variable, namely whether it is an interval variable, ordinal or categorical variable, and whether it is normally distributed (see What is the difference between categorical, ordinal and interval variables? for more information on this).  The table then shows one or more statistical tests commonly used given these types of variables (but not necessarily the only type of test that could be used) and links showing how to do such tests using SAS, Stata and SPSS.

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SPSS Web Book Regression with SPSS

Bom livro sobre regressão linear com SPSS

Bom livro sobre regressão linear com SPSS

by Xiao Chen, Phil Ender, Michael Mitchell and Christine Wells (in alphabetical order) The aim of these materials is to help you increase your skills in using regression analysis with SPSS.  This web book does not teach regression, per se, but focuses on how to perform regression analyses using SPSS.  It is assumed that you have had at least a one quarter/semester course in regression (linear models) or a general statistical methods course that covers simple and multiple regression and have access to a regression textbook that explains the theoretical background of the materials covered in these chapters.

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SPSS Starter Kit

Lições sobre utilização introdutória ao SPSS

Lições sobre utilização introdutória ao SPSS

    SPSS Annotated Output
    SPSS Class Notes
    SPSS Learning Modules
    SPSS Frequently Asked Questions

    SPSS Library
    SPSS Code Fragments

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      SPSS Programming and Data Management book

      Manual grátis do IBM-SPSS

      Manual grátis do IBM-SPSS

      SPSS Programming and Data Management:
      A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users

      The first edition of the book was released by SPSS on January 7th, 2004. Here is the description found on SPSS’s site:

      SPSS is pleased to announce the availability of “SPSS Programming and Data Management: A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users” written by SPSSX list member, Raynald Levesque, already well known for his practical solutions to complex SPSS programming problems.

      The book reveals the wealth of functionality beneath the SPSS graphical user interface, with detailed examples of command syntax, the macro facility, scripting, and the new Output Management System. Until now, no other book has focused on these features, and many users have been unaware of the data management power and flexibility available in SPSS. The book also contains a chapter for users familiar with SAS, demonstrating how many common data management tasks are performed in both SAS and SPSS.

      Although the first 5 editions (for SPSS 12 to SPSS 16) were available in hard copy, this is no longer the case. Only pdf versions are available for SPSS 17 and newer.

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