Ruth Ripley’s SNA Page
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under ARS - SNA, materiais ensino
I teach two courses on programming in R. Slides etc for the (shared) lectures are here and extra resources for the M.Sc course are here.
My 1998 D.Phil. thesis, Neural Network Models for Breast Cancer Prognosis, is available for downloading in PDF (2.7mb) or 2-up PostScript (680kb).
S-PLUS survival analysis software (similar to that used in the thesis) is available for Unix and Windows. (Previous versions of the software are available for S-PLUS 3.4 and S-PLUS 2000.)
Slides from a seminar entitled Neural network based non-linear survival methods with applications to breast cancer prognosis are available for download as 4-up Postscript (zipped) (75kb)
Software for analysis of western medieval chant melodies, created in collaboration with the Oxchant Group in the Faculty of Music, is available here. A paper describing the work is available here.
A complete list of publications is available here.
Tags: ARS\SNA intro, R-software
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