portal smart datacollective.com

Um portal de notícias sobre ciencia dos dados, big data, analytics

Um portal de notícias sobre ciencia dos dados, big data, analytics

SmartData Collective, an online community moderated by Social Media Today, provides enterprise leaders access to the latest trends in Business Intelligence and Data Management. Our innovative model serves as a platform for recognized, global experts to share their insights through peer contributions, custom content publishing and alignment with industry leaders. SmartData Collective is a key resource for executives who need to make informed data management decisions.

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Useful Videos on Information Visualization

Bons videos sobre visualização de dados

Bons videos sobre visualização de dados

Noah Iliinsky – Data Visualizations Done Wrong – A Beautiful Collection of Stories and Tips for Success.

The Four Pillars of Data Visualization

Designing Data Visualizations with Noah Iliinsky

Best Practices for Data Visualization

Designing Data Visualizatins

Seeing the Story in the Data and Learning to Effectively Communicate – Inspired by Stephen Few Principles, Visualization Guru

David McCandless: “The beauty of data visualization” – Data Detective Telling Stories From Visualization of Information

This also has a nice quiz about visualization principles.

As I collect more, I will consolidate this list.

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Um estudo sobre este tipo de fotos com muito boas visualizações

Um estudo sobre este tipo de fotos com muito boas visualizações

Investigating the style of self-portraits (selfies) in five cities across the world.

Selfiecity investigates selfies using a mix of theoretic, artistic and quantitative methods:

  • We present our findings about the demographics of people taking selfies, their poses and expressions.
  • Rich media visualizations (imageplots) assemble thousands of photos to reveal interesting patterns.
  • The interactive selfiexploratory allows you to navigate the whole set of 3200 photos.
  • Finally, theoretical essays discuss selfies in the history of photography, the functions of images in social media, and methods and dataset.

Selfiecity, from Lev Manovich, Moritz Stefaner, and a small group of analysts and researchers, is a detailed visual exploration of 3,200 selfies from five major cities around the world. The project is both a broad look at demographics and trends, as well as a chance to look closer at the individual observations.

There are several components to the project, but Imageplots (which you might recognize from a couple years ago) and the exploratory section, aptly named Selfiexploratory, will be of most interest.

The two parts let you filter through cities (Bangkok, Berlin, Moscow, New York, and Sao Paulo), age, gender, pose, mood, and a number of other factors, and this information is presented in a grid layout that self-updates as you browse.

So you can get a rough sense of how facets relate. There seems to be a higher proportion of female selfies and average age seems to skew towards younger as you’d expect. The average age of females in this selfie sample seems to be younger than that of males.

However, before you jump to too many conclusions about how countries vary or differences between the sexes, etc, consider the classification process, which was a combination of manual labor via Mechanical Turk and face recognition software. Age, for example, can be though to estimate from pictures alone since you have outside factors like makeup, angles, and poses. Do these things account for the two- to three-year average difference between the sexes? Maybe. So consider the data. But that should go without saying.

That said, Selfiecity is a fun one I spent a good amount of time browsing. It’s a weird, tiny peek into 3,200 people’s lives, with a dose of quant and art. And don’t miss the theoretical component in essay format, a reflection of social media, communities, and the self.

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Data Intelligence and Analytics Resources

Excelentes textos sobre ciencia dos dados e big data

Excelentes textos sobre ciencia dos dados e big data

3. Big Data

4. Visualization

5. Best and Worst of Data Science

6. New Analytics Start-up Ideas

7. Rants about Healthcare, Education, etc.

8. Career Stuff, Training, Salary Surveys

9. Miscellaneous

10. DSC Webinar Series – with video access

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17 short tutorials all data scientists should read

Excelentes textos fundamentais para cientistas dos dados

Excelentes textos fundamentais para cientistas dos dados

Here’s the list:

Related linkThe Data Science Toolkit

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Little Book of R for Time Series!

Um excelente tutorial sobre modelos de previsão simples no R

Um excelente tutorial sobre modelos de previsão simples no R

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Tipos de recursos do Project

Explica os tipos de recursos do MS. Project

Explica os tipos de recursos do MS. Project

Tipos de recursos do Project – trabalho, material e custo. Temos visto em recentes artigos aqui no Blogtek aspectos ligados aos cuidados de configuração antes de iniciar o cadastramento das tarefas, a custos, a calendários, e hoje veremos como podem ser configurados os tipos de recursos do Project.


Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Uma página no facbook sobre esta técnica de multicritério

Uma página no facebook sobre esta técnica de multicritério

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is structured technique for dealing with complex decisions. Prof. Thomas L. Saaty is the architect of the decision theory.

• To disseminate knowledge and resources on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) based Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique • To create a forum for AHP users • To disseminate AHP related activities taking place globally • Helping people and institutions in making complex decisions •

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How many statisticians does it take to split a bill?


Bom blogue, bem disposto aborda diferenças entre estatística e ML

Bom blogue, bem disposto aborda diferenças entre estatística e ML

Some thoughts on the Fall term, now that Spring is well under way [edit: added a few more points]:

  • RMarkdown and knitr are amazing. When I next teach a course using R, my students will be turning in homeworks using these tools: The output immediately shows whether the code runs and what its results are. This is much better than students copying and pasting possibly-broken code and unconnected output into a text file or (gasp) Word document.
  • I’m glad my cohort socializes outside the office, taking each other out for birthday lunches or going to see a Pirates game. Some of the older PhD students are so focused on their thesis work that they don’t take time for a social break, and I’d like to avoid getting stuck in that rut.
    However! Our lunches always lead us back to the age old question: How many statisticians does it take to split a bill? Answer: too long. I threw together a Shiny app, DinneR, to help us answer this question.

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Using Dates and Times in R

Excelente sobre a utilização de tempos e datas no R

Excelente sobre a utilização de tempos e datas no R

Using Dates and Times in R

by Bonnie Dixon, 10 February 2014

Today at the Davis R Users’ GroupBonnie Dixon gave a tutorial on the various ways to handle dates and times in R. Bonnie provided this great script which walks through essential classes, functions, and packages. Here it is piped throughknitr::spin. The original R script can be found as a gist here.

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