Theoretical Motivations for Deep Learning

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Uma boa introdução ao Deep Learning uma nova técnica de machine learning.

This post is based on the lecture “Deep Learning: Theoretical Motivations” given by Dr. Yoshua Bengio at Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal 2015. I highly recommend the lecture for a deeper understanding of the topic.

Deep learning is a branch of machine learning algorithms based on learning multiple levels of representation. The multiple levels of representation corresponds to multiple levels of abstraction. This post explores the idea that if we can successfully learn multiple levels of representation then we can generalize well.

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R and the Nobel Prize API

Blog com vários tutoriais para usar estatísticas não paramétricas simples em R

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Um bom exemplo do que se pode fazer com o R e uma API q serviços de dados.

he Nobel Prizes. Love them? Hate them? Are they still relevant, meaningful? Go on admit it, you always imagined you would win one day.

Whatever you think of them, the 2015 results are in. What’s more, the good people of the Nobel Foundation offer us free access to data via an API. I’ve published a document over at RPubs, showing some of the ways to access and analyse their data using R. Just to get you started:

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KNIME Community Contributions

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Boa fonte de novos nós do KNIME, evitando q estejamos a programar algo q já foi programado antes.

KNIME Community Contributions offer a wide range of KNIME nodes from different application areas, such as chemo- and bioinformatics, image processing, or information retrieval. In contrast to the extensions available via the standard KNIME Update Site they are provided and maintained by various community developers.

The Trusted Community Contributions can easily be installed by selecting File -> Install KNIME Extensions in KNIME. Additional extensions are available by enabling the Update Site in KNIME via File -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Update Sites. See the update site guide for details.

You can also download the whole update site as a ZIP archive and add the ZIP to the Available Update Sites (see above).

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norsecorp cyber attack info

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Um site dinâmico q mapeia informação sobre ciberataques em tempo real

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The Statistics Portal

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Um portal cheio de facts & figures
One of the world’s largest statistics portals

We pride ourselves in being one of the world’s first and only companies to bring together data from over 18,000 sources.
Our research analysts source the most up-to-date statistical data from around the globe; our analytical approach and efficient research processes enable us to supply our clients with the data that is relevant to them.

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Ternary Diagrams Using R

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Exemplo de criação de diagramas ternários no R

Ternary Diagrams Using R:  An Example Using Election Outcomes

A tutorial by D. M. Wiig

In part one of this tutorial I discussed creating a ternary diagram using a simple data frame that contained five hypothetical cases. In this tutorial I will expand on that foundation by creating a more informative ternary diagram using live data.

A useful application of this package in social science research is creating a visual display of parliamentary election outcomes. Specifically we can use a ternary graph to examine the distribution of seats in the British House of Commons over a period of time. Since the UK uses a proportional system to allocate seats in the House of Commons there can be a variety of outcomes in any given national election.

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Science Isn’t Broken

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Um bom blog com discussões interessantes e ilustrações muito boas

The Scientific Method 7:00 AM Aug 19, 2015

Science Isn’t Broken

It’s just a hell of a lot harder than we give it credit for.


Graphics by Ritchie King

If you follow the headlines, your confidence in science may have taken a hit lately.

Peer review? More like self-review. An investigation in November uncovered a scam in which researchers were rubber-stamping their own work, circumventing peer review at five high-profile publishers.

Hack Your Way To Scientific Glory

You’re a social scientist with a hunch: The U.S. economy is affected by whether Republicans or Democrats are in office. Try to show that a connection exists, using real data going back to 1948. For your results to be publishable in an academic journal, you’ll need to prove that they are “statistically significant” by achieving a low enough p-value.
“Science is great, but it’s low-yield. Most experiments fail. That doesn’t mean the challenge isn’t worth it, but we can’t expect every dollar to turn a positive result. Most of the things you try don’t work out — that’s just the nature of the process.”

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NACJD – The Source for Crime and Justice Data

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Uma fonte de dados sobre a justiça norte-americana

Data Resource Guides


KNIME Update Site

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Formas alternativas de instalar novos nós no KNIME

Download KNIME Features using the KNIME Update Site

Additional KNIME plug-ins can be obtained via the KNIME update site which contains additional nodes/functionality for the KNIME workbench:

Alternatively, the KNIME update sites can be downloaded as a zip file:

The  KNIME Analytics Platform as well as all other KNIME products are linked automatically to the KNIME Update Site through the File menu via the “Install KNIME Extensions” command. We recommend using this command to access the KNIME Update Site.

If you are using KNIME SDK, a pre-existing Eclipse installation, or are working in an environment with limited internet access, another option for installing KNIME extensions is available.  To access this additional dialog use the Help -> Install New Software command.  This tool has a different interface that allows update sites to be manually specified.  Clicking on “Add…” button (illustrated below) will allow you to either manually specify the url of the KNIME Update Site or use the offline (.zip) version of the Update Site to customize your KNIME installation.

Note: It is important not to unzip the archived KNIME Update Site file prior to specifying it as an update source for KNIME.

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Statistical Atlas

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Um projeto em curso que pretende criar mapas temáticos de todos os dados existentes nos EUA, ambicioso, não?

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