MS Solver Foundation
Posted by Armando Brito Mendes | Filed under Investigação Operacional, software
Microsoft Solver Foundation
Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real optimization models. Solver Foundation includes a declarative modeling language (OML) for specifying optimization models; a .NET API and runtime (Solver Foundation Services) for model creation, reporting, and analysis; and powerful built-in solvers. Key features include:
- Modeling and solving scenarios by using constraints, goals, and data.
- Programming in the Optimization Modeling Language (OML), in C# imperatively, in F# functionally, or in any .NET language.
- Built-in solvers for commonly encountered model types.
- Integration with popular solvers such as Gurobi, Ziena Knitro, Frontline Solver Platform SDK™, Mosek™, FICO™ Xpress, LINDO, and lp_solve.
- Interfaces to familiar tools such as Microsoft Office Excel and SharePoint to create and solve models.
Microsoft Solver Foundation is a .NET solution for mathematical optimization and modeling. Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real-world optimization models by providing a .NET API and runtime for model creation, reporting, and analysis; a declarative language (OML) for model specification; and powerful built-in solvers.
Tags: otimização, programação em folha de cálculo
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