From Dog Walking To Weather And Climate

Excelente ilustração da diferença entre variação e tendência

Excelente ilustração da diferença entre variação e tendência


Wolfram|Alpha Pro: Análise automática de dados

Análise automatica de dados, será possível?

Análise automática de dados, será possível?

The key idea is automation. The concept in Wolfram|Alpha Pro is that I should just be able to take my data in whatever raw form it arrives, and throw it into Wolfram|Alpha Pro. And then Wolfram|Alpha Pro should automatically do a whole bunch of analysis, and then give me a well-organized report about my data. And if my data isn’t too large, this should all happen in a few seconds.

And what’s amazing to me is that it actually works. I’ve got all kinds of data lying around: measurements, business reports, personal analytics, whatever. And I’ve been feeding it into Wolfram|Alpha Pro. And Wolfram|Alpha Pro has been showing me visualizations and coming up with analyses that tell me all kinds of useful things about the data.

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FlowingData Data Visualization News

Noticias sobre novas tecnologias de visualização de dados

Noticias sobre novas tecnologias de visualização de dados

The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2011

When numbers are too factual

Causation is real, people

What Facebook knows about you

Corruption versus human development

  • Merry Christmas to you, from FlowingData

    December 23, 2011 to Announcements •  Share on Twitter •  Comments (1)


    Thanks for making this a memorable year, everyone. Happy holidays!

  • Van Gogh for the colorblind

    December 22, 2011 to Data Design •  Share on Twitter •  Comments (4)

    Starry night blind

    After a chat with his color deficient friends about how Vincent van Gogh’s paintings seem to appeal to all eyes, Kazunori Asada used visual filters to see how the paintings looked to the colorblind. The experiment produced some interesting results and musings:

    Was van Gogh partially color vision deficiency (anomalous trichromat)? Perhaps using a strong color vision deficiency (dichromat) simulation was the wrong approach. How about carrying out the simulation by removing the middle portion of normal color vision, maybe then I could see van Gogh’s pictures in a better light?

    The color choices for van Gogh’s popular paintings seem less out there with the filters. The greens in the sky of Starry Night, for example turn to yellows.

    A colorblind van Gogh though? Probably not. Either way, don’t forget to pick your colors wisely. Asada has an easy-to-use tool to see what your own images look like to others.

    [Asada’s memorandum]

  • The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2011

    December 21, 2011 to Visualization •  Share on Twitter •  Comments (15)

    Favorites of 2011

    I almost didn’t make a best-of list this year, but as I clicked through the year’s post, it was hard not to. If last year (and maybe the year before) was the year of the gigantic graphic, this was the year of big data. Or maybe we’ve gotten better at filtering to the good stuff. (Fancy that.) In any case, data graphics continue to thrive and designers are putting more thought into what the data are about, and that’s a very good thing.

    So here are my favorites from 2011, ordered by preference. The order could easily scramble depending when you ask me.
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  • Record your movements with AntiMap

    December 20, 2011 to Self-surveillance •  Share on Twitter •  Add Comment

    Antimap phone app

    AntiMap is an open source toolset that lets you record movements with your iPhone or Android phone. Originally developed as a way for snowboarders to record their movements and play the data back like a video game, the toolset was generalized for all outdoor activities.
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  • When numbers are too factual

    December 19, 2011 to Statistics •  Share on Twitter •  Comments (6)

    Carl Bialik, for The Wall Street Journal, reports on PSAs and the use of scary numbers:

    The Ad Council usually avoids statistics in PSAs. “We know from our experience that effective advertising has to have an emotional component and statistics-based campaigns can be very rational,” Conlon said. “We’ve also found that people tend not to believe statistics.”

    And sometimes they just don’t care much about them. “When we were developing our underage drinking prevention campaign,” Conlon recalled, “we found that it doesn’t resonate with parents to learn about how many children are drinking underage. It’s too easy for them to say ‘it’s not my child.’ We found that it was much more compelling to include a statistic that was more about the consequences of underage drinking: Those who start drinking before age 15 are six times more likely to have alcohol problems as adults than those who start drinking at age 21 or older.”

    The well-known Stalin quote comes to mind.

    [The Numbers Guy]

  • Charts with explosions now easier than ever

    December 16, 2011 to Miscellaneous •  Share on Twitter •  Comments (15)

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  • Causation is real, people

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Mapping Breivik’s Mind

Uma boa aplicação do mapeamento de textos em redes...

Uma boa aplicação do mapeamento de textos em redes...

The man behind the Norway bombings and shootings wrote a link-filled manifesto. To show the vast spread of websites he cites, and how they linked to each other, we turned to French visualisers Linkfluence

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LucidChart: Esquemas na Web



From static wireframes to rapid prototypes, web developers can do it all with LucidChart. Collaborate with your client and design team in real-time to cut down on iterations.

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Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

I thought that fuzzy cognitive maps are a very interesting idea that may have some potential. I was curious to try and see whether I had grasped the concept and could come up with a fuzzy cognitive map that provides information about a system. Since programming is understanding, I thought that the best way to ensure that I had understood something was to write a program to draw and run fuzzy cognitive maps. I programmed an applet that you can find here. After that, I wrote some tutorials and then the rest of this web site. The last addition has been the forum.

Home | Tutorials | Software| Library | Links | Disclaimer | Contact

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Using Concept Maps

Concept Map

Concept Map

As part of the project, a collaborative software system was developed called the Knowledge Soup (Cañas et al 1996), which allows students from distant schools to share claims (propositions) derived from their concept maps regarding any domain of knowledge being studied.

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Concept Mapping: Informal to Formal

Concept Map

Concept Map

Concept mapping techniques, both formal and informal, are useful in knowledge representation, decision support, education, documentation, meeting support, brainstorming, and a host of other areas.

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Cognitive Mapping: Definitions, Examples, and Resources

Cognitive Mapping Definitions, Examples, and Resources

Cognitive Mapping Definitions, Examples, and Resources

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Mapas cognitivos – How to Map

mapas cognitivivos

mapas cognitivivos

Cognitive Mapping is a technique which has been developed over a period of time and through its application has demonstrated its use for Operational Researchers working on a variety of different tasks.

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