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Um bom livro on-line com apps e muito mais…

SURFSTAT australia
This site has already benefited from the contributions of many people. Please do your bit and let us know of errors, missing topics or things you think could be better explained.

Detailed contents
An introduction to Statistics

Hotlist for Java applets

Other Statistics sites

Sales and support
Funding acknowledgements

Summarising & Presenting Data

Producing Data

Variation and Probability

Statistical Inference

Control Charts

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Random Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes

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Um site organizado por temas como um livro com apps interessantes


Random (formerly Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics) is a website devoted to probability, mathematical statistics, and stochastic processes, and is intended for teachers and students of these subjects. The site consists of an integrated set of components that includes expository text, interactive web apps, data sets, biographical sketches, and an object library. Please read the Introduction for more information about the content, structure, mathematical prerequisites, technologies, and organization of the project. Random is hosted at two sites: and For updates, please follow @randomservices on Twitter.

Basic Information

Expository Chapters

  1. Foundations
  2. Probability Spaces
  3. Distributions
  4. Expected Value
  5. Special Distributions
  6. Random Samples
  7. Point Estimation
  8. Set Estimation
  9. Hypothesis Testing
  10. Geometric Models
  11. Bernoulli Trials
  12. Finite Sampling Models
  13. Games of Chance
  14. The Poisson Process
  15. Renewal Processes
  16. Stochastic Processes
  17. Markov Chains
  18. Brownian Motion

Ancillary Materials

Support and Navigation


What WWW Data Sources Do STUDENTS Choose?

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Conjuntos de dados usados numa cadeira com um projeto semelhante a P&E

Here are some of the links to data found by students for projects in Robin Lock’s courses at St. Lawrence University
Note:  Some links may no longer be current.

Non-Sports Themes

Sports Themes (Note: Data may change as new seasons occur)

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Chance Lecture Video Series

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Bons vídeos ainda q antigos de alguns temas em probabilidade e estatística

This page has links to:

  • 2000 Chance Lecture Video Series
  • 1998 Chance Lecture Video Series
  • 1997 Chance Lecture Video Series
  • Chance Workshop Video Lectures
  • Other Videos
  • Audios
  • The talks featured below require the latest version of the Realplayer software. More particularly, they require that the “Realplayer plug-in” be installed in the plug-ins folder of your browser. If you do not have the “Realplayer plug-in,” a free version of Realplayer (which includes the plug-in) is available here

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    Theoretical Motivations for Deep Learning

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    Uma boa introdução ao Deep Learning uma nova técnica de machine learning.

    This post is based on the lecture “Deep Learning: Theoretical Motivations” given by Dr. Yoshua Bengio at Deep Learning Summer School, Montreal 2015. I highly recommend the lecture for a deeper understanding of the topic.

    Deep learning is a branch of machine learning algorithms based on learning multiple levels of representation. The multiple levels of representation corresponds to multiple levels of abstraction. This post explores the idea that if we can successfully learn multiple levels of representation then we can generalize well.

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