Bom software para alindar a discrição das tarefas

Bom software para alindar a discrição das tarefas

PERT Chart EXPERT is a Windows-based project management software application that is used to create PERT charts (also known as Network Charts, Precedence Diagrams and Logic Diagrams). A PERT chart displays the tasks in a project along with the dependencies between these tasks. Using a PERT chart is a great way to define and display the dependency relationships that exist between tasks. The order in which tasks occur is an important part of project planning and PERT Chart EXPERT simplifies the process of creating dependencies and displaying dependencies in an easy to follow diagram.


MS Solver Foundation

Bom software para otimização em Excel

Bom software para otimização em Excel

Microsoft Solver Foundation

Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real optimization models. Solver Foundation includes a declarative modeling language (OML) for specifying optimization models; a .NET API and runtime (Solver Foundation Services) for model creation, reporting, and analysis; and powerful built-in solvers. Key features include:

  • Modeling and solving scenarios by using constraints, goals, and data.
  • Programming in the Optimization Modeling Language (OML), in C# imperatively, in F# functionally, or in any .NET language.
  • Built-in solvers for commonly encountered model types.
  • Integration with popular solvers such as Gurobi, Ziena Knitro, Frontline Solver Platform SDK™, Mosek™, FICO™ Xpress, LINDO, and lp_solve.
  • Interfaces to familiar tools such as Microsoft Office Excel and SharePoint to create and solve models.

Microsoft Solver Foundation is a .NET solution for mathematical optimization and modeling. Solver Foundation makes it easier to build and solve real-world optimization models by providing a .NET API and runtime for model creation, reporting, and analysis; a declarative language (OML) for model specification; and powerful built-in solvers.

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See effect of dependent risk by using a decision tree

Uso de cenários e árvores de decisão no cálculo de Risco

Uso de cenários e árvores de decisão no cálculo de Risco

By Tom Mochal
July 29, 2008, 3:48 PM PDT

Takeaway: Certain risks may only appear as a result of actions taken as a result of managing another risk. Project management expert Tom Mochal says that is when you want to use a decision tree.


Time Management Reminders

Bons conselhos para gerir o tempo

Begin with the end in mind.

First things first.

Don’t just list priorities; schedule them

Schedule only two or three “big rocks.”

Chunk tasks together, like with like.


Learn About OR

Explicação para professores e alunos sobre IO

Explicação para professores e alunos sobre IO

In a nutshell, operational research (O.R.) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.

By using techniques such as problem structuring methods (sometimes known as ‘Soft O.R.’) and mathematical modelling to analyse complex situations, operational research gives executives the power to make more effective decisions and build more productive systems based on:

  • More complete data
  • Consideration of all available options
  • Careful predictions of outcomes and estimates of risk
  • The latest decision tools and techniques


The Project Management Hut

Excelente site sobre tudo o que se relaciona com gestão de projectos

Excelente site sobre tudo o que se relaciona com gestão de projetos

PM Hut – The Project Management Hut, came to life when a group of Project Managers decided to make their vast experience accessible to everyone. Needless to say, they started writing articles and gathering articles from all over the world, categorizing these articles, and presenting them in a very digestible format for the dynamic Project Manager.

Today, PM Hut is considered to be the largest database of categorized Project Management articles on planet Earth. Apparently, a group of Project Managers working together were able to finish something; it seems that reading the “Conflict Management” articles on PM Hut managed to resolve our own conflicts!


Introduction to lp_solve

Um bom solver open source para Excel Solver Foundation

manual completo, escolher a versão no menu acima

manual completo, escolher a versão no menu acima

link para download do software

link para download do software

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montes de vídeos sobre imensos temas

montes de vídeos sobre imensos temas

VideoLectures.NET is a free and open access educational video lectures repository. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science. All lectures, accompanying documents, information and links are systematically selected and classified through the editorial process taking into account also users’ comments.

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The Zero Saga

debate um erro comum em IO x/zero=infinito

debate um erro comum em IO x/zero=infinito

  1. Introduction
  2. A Common Fallacy
  3. Dividing by Zero Can Get You into Trouble!
  4. A Sample of the Grown-ups’ Arguments Insisting on Dividing by Zero
  5. What About Taking the Limit?
  6. Educating the Educators
  7. Act of Dividing by Zero Is a Meaningless Operation: Forget Its Result
  8. Origin of the Common Fallacy: Dividing by Zero
  9. The Need for Numbers
  10. The Two Notions of Zero
  11. Is Zero Either Positive or Negative?
  12. Is Zero an Even or Odd Number?
  13. Zero is “not there”
  14. Is 1 a Number or Just a “Unit” for Counting?
  15. Origin of Infinity and its Symbol
  16. Other Apparent Difficulties with Zero
  17. Descartes’ Representations of Numbers
  18. Mathematics Is for Unification and Extensions
  19. Genealogy of Rational and Irrational Numbers
  20. The Two Numbers Nature Cares Most: Inventions or Discoveries
  21. Equation: Its Structure, Roots, and Solutions
  22. SQRT(4) = +2, and – 2 right? Misplacement of the Sign
  23. 1 = 2 right? Confusions between Continuous and Discrete Variables
  24. 1 = 5 right? Confusions between Numbers and Operations
  25. Recurring Fractions Are Rational Numbers: Confusions between Series and Their Limits
  26. IEEE Special Floating Point
  27. 0 = 1 right?
  28. From Finger Numbers to Computer: The Most Fascinating Journey
  29. Errant Views and Calculator-assisted Experiment
  30. Notes, Further Readings, and References
  31. A Collection of JavaScript E-labs Learning Objects
    Europe Mirror Site Collection

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Linear Optimization with Applications

Uma boa página sobre programação linear

Uma boa página sobre programação linear

  1. Introduction & Summary
  2. Optimization-Modeling Process
  3. Ingredients of Optimization Problems and Their Classification
  4. Linear Programming (LP)
  5. Dual Problem: Its Construction and Economics Implications
  6. Learning From the Optimal Strategy
  7. Goal-Seeking Problem
  8. Exercise Your Knowledge to Enhance What You Have Learned (PDF)
  9. Linear Optimization Solvers to Download (free-of-charge),

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