Time Series Analysis using R-Forecast package

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Demonstra algumas das funcionalidades do pacote R forecast

In today’s blog post, we shall look into time series analysis using R package – forecast. Objective of the post will be explaining the different methods available in forecast package which can be applied while dealing with time series analysis/forecasting.

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Avoiding a common mistake with time series

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Um caso em q a tendência mascara o resto da série criando correlações elevadas

A basic mantra in statistics and data science is correlation is not causation, meaning that just because two things appear to be related to each other doesn’t mean that one causes the other. This is a lesson worth learning.

If you work with data, throughout your career you’ll probably have to re-learn it several times. But you often see the principle demonstrated with a graph like this:

Dow Jones vs. Jennifer Lawrence

One line is something like a stock market index, and the other is an (almost certainly) unrelated time series like “Number of times Jennifer Lawrence is mentioned in the media.” The lines look amusingly similar. There is usually a statement like: “Correlation = 0.86”.  Recall that a correlation coefficient is between +1 (a perfect linear relationship) and -1 (perfectly inversely related), with zero meaning no linear relationship at all.  0.86 is a high value, demonstrating that the statistical relationship of the two time series is strong.

The correlation passes a statistical test. This is a great example of mistaking correlation for causality, right? Well, no, not really: it’s actually a time series problem analyzed poorly, and a mistake that could have been avoided. You never should have seen this correlation in the first place.

The more basic problem is that the author is comparing two trended time series. The rest of this post will explain what that means, why it’s bad, and how you can avoid it fairly simply. If any of your data involves samples taken over time, and you’re exploring relationships between the series, you’ll want to read on.


How and Why: Decorrelate Time Series

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O problemas das autocorrelações nas séries cronológicas.

When dealing with time series, the first step consists in isolating trends and periodicites. Once this is done, we are left with a normalized time series, and studying the auto-correlation structure is the next step, called model fitting. The purpose is to check whether the underlying data follows some well known stochastic process with a similar auto-correlation structure, such as ARMA processes, using tools such as Box and Jenkins. Once a fit with a specific model is found, model parameters can be estimated and used to make predictions.

A deeper investigation consists in isolating the auto-correlations to see whether the remaining values, once decorrelated, behave like white noise, or not. If departure from white noise is found (using a few tests of randomness), then it means that the time series in question exhibits unusual patterns not explained by trends, seasonality or auto correlations. This can be useful knowledge in some contexts  such as high frequency trading, random number generation, cryptography or cyber-security. The analysis of decorrelated residuals can also help identify change points and instances of slope changes in time series, or reveal otherwise undetected outliers.


Time Series Forecasting and Internet of Things (IoT) in Grain Storage

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Aplicações reais de previsão com séries cronológicas

Grain storage operators are always trying to minimize the cost of their supply chain. Understanding relationship between receival, outturn, within storage site and between storage site movements can provide us insights that can be useful in planning for the next harvest reason, estimating the throughput capacity of the system, relationship between throughout and inventory. This article explores the potential of scanner data in advance analytics. Combination of these two fields has the potential to be useful for grain storage business. The study describes Grain storage scenarios in the Australian context.


Data Analysis Method: Mathematics Optimization to Build Decision Making

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Uma pequena introdução à utilização de otimização na análise de dados

Optimization is a problem associated with the best decision that is effective and efficient decisions whether it is worth maximum or minimum by way of determining a satisfactory solution.

Optimization is not a new science. It has grown even since Newton in the 17th century discovered how to count roots. Currently the science of optimization is still evolving in terms of techniques and applications. Many cases or problems in everyday life that involve optimization to solve them. Lately much developed especially in the emergence of new techniques to solve the problem of optimization. To mention some, among others, conic programming, semi definite programming, semi infinite programming and some meta heuristic techniques.

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Statistical Associates E-Book Catalog

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e-books grátis.

2013 Annual Report, Statistical Associates Publishers Info Pages: 8. Coverage: General. 2013 Free No Kindle edition
10 Worst Statistical Mistakes and Pitfalls Info Coverage: For selected statistical procedures 2015 Free No Kindle edition
Creating Simulated Datasets Info Pages: 15. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free No Kindle edition
Game Theory Info Pages: 15. Coverage: General. 2012 Free No Kindle edition
Probability Info Pages: 15. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free No Kindle edition
Testing Statistical Assumptions Info Pages: 51. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Coming
Association, Measures of Info Pages: 49. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Correlation Info Pages: 60. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Correspondence Analysis Info Pages: 37. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Crosstabulation Info Pages: 60. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Curve Fitting & Nonlinear Regression Info Pages: 53. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Discriminant Function Analysis Info Pages: 52. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Life Tables & Kaplan-Meier Analysis Info Pages: 32. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Literature Review in Research and Dissertation Writing Info Pages: 52. Coverage: General. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Multidimensional Scaling Info Pages: 55. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Network Analysis Info Pages: 35. Coverage: General, UCINET. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Ordinal Regression Info Pages: 93. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2014 Free Buy at Amazon
Parametric Survival Analysis (Event History Analysis) Info Pages: 64. Coverage: General, Stata, SAS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Partial Correlation Info Pages: 40. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2014 Free Buy at Amazon
Path Analysis Info Pages: 81. Coverage: General, SPSS AMOS. SAS, Stata. 2014 Free Buy at Amazon
Power Analysis Info Pages: 36. Coverage: General, SPSS SamplePower, G*Power. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Probit Regression & Response Models Info Pages: 92. Coverage: General, SPSS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
Research Design Info Pages: 53. Coverage: General. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Scales and Measures Info Pages: 91. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata, WINSTEPS, jMetric 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Survey Research & Sampling Info Pages: 82. Coverage: General. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Two-Stage Least Squares Regression Info Pages: 45. Coverage: General, Stata, SPSS, SAS. 2013 Free Buy at Amazon
Variance Components Analysis Info Pages: 37. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS. 2012 Free Buy at Amazon
WLS: Weighted Least Squares Regression Info Pages: 54. Coverage: General, SPSS, SAS, Stata. 2013 Free

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Markov Chains explained visually

Boa forma de perceber como funcionam as cadeias de Markov

Boa forma de perceber como funcionam as cadeias de Markov

Adding on to their series of graphics to explain statistical concepts, Victor Powell and Lewis Lehe use a set of interactives to describe Markov Chains. Even if you already know what Markov Chains are or use them regularly, you can use the full-screen version to enter your own set of transition probabilities. Then let the simulation run.

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